Status: Finished, but I'm revising it.

How to be Emo

Mommies old lover

I opened my eyes to see Leon leaning over me, his features were concerned. “Did he hang up?”

“Who?” Leon brushed my hair from my wet face and placed a pillow under my head.

“Just...He was just one of my mom’s old boyfriends. He really scared the shit out of me when he came over here.” I tried sitting up, but a surge ran through my bones. “He was into drugs and tried touching me a lot.” I met his eyes and brushed his hair. “I guess old memories came back is all.”

Leon got me a glass of water and a wet towel. “You gave me a heart attack I hope you know.”

The door opened and Quinn came in. “Are you okay?” She took a step closer and saw Leon. “Oh...hi.”

“Hi, Quinn. How was your stay?” I asked, forcing myself to sit up.

“It was okay. Her bedroom looks like a mall, though.” Quinn glanced at Leon. “What’s he doing here?”

“Oh.” I wasn’t sure how to explain. “We’re together, Quinn.” I strained myself to stand up. “We won’t do anything around you that you’re not comfortable with, Quinn.” I limped over to her. “Everything stays G rated in this house.”

Quinn shrugged. “Okay!” She gave me a tight hug and ran upstairs. “You got me stuff!!”

I grinned and felt Leon hold me from behind. “I love you.”

There was a knock on the door and I expected to find Nikki telling me Quinn forgot something, but as I turned the knob and opened the door I found my mother. “Hi, baby.”

Could this day get any worse? “What are you doing here?”

Mom wrapped her arms around me. “The Jesus shit works! Did Cal call? Guess what! We got married in Vegas before I came home!”

I felt more sick than usual. “You married that pig!”

Quinn came running down the stairs. “Mom—” Quinn stood there, papers in her hand, and I could tell she felt the same as me. “Mom...What is she doing here?”

“Mom? She’s not yours, she’s too old.” Points for mom—she got smarter at Jesus Camp. “Hi, cutie.”

Quinn handed me an envelope and ran upstairs. I opened the envelope and scanned through the paper. Wow. I was accepted to an internship in Chicago.

Mom tore it out of my hand and laughed. This wasn’t a giggle or a “oh I’m so proud of you” laugh, but the “they must be mistaken” laugh. “Chicago? I’m pretty sure they have the wrong person, because you can’t write worth shit.”

“You haven’t even bothered to read what she’s written,” Leon said, finally coming out of the kitchen. “Beth is a great writer and I suggest that you leave.”

“She has you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she? Are you only in it for the sex? And I can’t leave, because amazingly enough, I own this house.” Mom leaned forward. “So, I suggest you take your boyfriend and that child away.”

Before I could realize what I was doing, my fist slammed into her nose and she was on the ground. “How does it feel, Sandra? Being hit? Does it hurt or do you enjoy it for your on sick pleasure?” I walked upstairs to Quinn’s room and saw her crying in the corner. “Hey, baby. We’re going to leave for a while.” I picked her up and Leon came upstairs as well. “Can you take, I need to get something.” Leon took her and I got my money from under my bed.

Will I ever have a happily ever after?
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ummm. probably not what you expected, but i thought i'd bring her mom back in, even though it wasn't planned. you may be thinking "this started out as an emo story and went into more" and i just want to say i thought it would end at the emo part, but i wanted to explore further. thanks for reading and comments are welcome!!!!!!!!