Status: Sporadic Updates

Our Solemn Hour

Prologue: Gearing Up For What Lies Ahead


All wars had lulls. Lulls that got people thinking the shit was over but then descend into a whole new kind of chaos. Everyone hoped that the Locust were defeated but they came back with a whole new goddamn tactic. Everyone had gotten bored, including Private Dominic Santiago, until the sinking of the cities Montevado and Tollen. Everyone had to snap out of this false sense of security and readied their arms again.

It was close to sundown and Dom found himself sitting out on some broken stairs outside the military barracks away from the constant chatter and work going on in the army as Gears were repairing weapons, machinery, and armor. He needed this quiet moment to himself as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of photos and began to go through the, looking at the faces of those who were dead and missing. Only two stood out for they were the only ones who were still with him to this day: Evelyn Reznack and Marcus Fenix.

To think there was a time where they all knew how to laugh and smile and forget about the worries of the world. When there was a time where Dom still had his wife Maria by his side and their two children, his smiling parents, and his carefree older brother Carlos. It wasn’t right. They should all still be here and the world shouldn’t be like it is now.

“Reminiscing?” Dom turned around at the voice, startled for he wasn’t expecting anyone. Standing there looking sad and tired was Evelyn, brown hair up in a makeshift bun and her brown eyes dim compared to their usual brightness.
“You could say so.” Dom answered, patting the step next to him. “You look like you could join.” Evelyn let out a heavy sigh as she sat down on the step and looked out over the broken and littered street.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt. Got cleared for action today. Good news there.” Evelyn had been injured badly during their recon to Montevado, having falling a good amount of height when the city collapsed, suffering a concussion and Marcus had to carry her out.
“That is. You’ll be back on the front with me and Marcus?”

Evelyn gave Dom a smile.
“I am.”
“That’s fantastic.” Dom put an arm around her shoulder and gave her a half hug. “Glad to know I’ll be able to keep an eye on the last two remaining friends I have.” Evelyn elbowed him in the stomach.
“You know it Dom. Just like when we all became Gears for the first time all that time ago…I said we’d be sticking together.”
“And we have been.”
“We have been.”

The air became still and quiet as the talking ceased as Dom and Evelyn began to think over the past again. Stuff that wasn’t being spoken but both knew they were thinking about it.
“How do you do it Dom?” Evelyn finally piped up. “How are you able to move forward after losing both your kids? I had to relive my son’s death when telling Marcus and I just…I just can’t seem to function well. I just keep getting a reminder of what I lost and what I feel like I am losing.” Dom let out a sigh, sorrow filling the empty void that he had at the moment trying to figure out how to phrase this for Evelyn.

Dead kids…it wasn’t easy, especially when they were your own.

But you never really get over the death of someone; you just can’t move on. The only way Dom was able to function was because he knew Maria was out there somewhere and only he would be able to find her.
“I never was able to get over it Evelyn.” Dom finally answered. “It hurts and always will hurt.” Evelyn opened her mouth but Dom shushed her. “And for the millionth time Evelyn, it is not your god damn fault. Never was, so knock it off. Look, the reason I have been able to keep going is because I might have lost my brother, my parents, my children, and my wife but I am not alone. I have you and Marcus and you guys need me and I need you guys…and Maria needs me to find her.”

Evelyn looked at Dom, looking unsure as to what to respond with that.
“I just wish he wasn’t taken from me so soon.”
“I say that about Bennie and Sylvia too.”
“I promised Carlos that he would meet Marcus one day…I lied. I lied to him and it pains me.” Now it was Dom’s turn to be stumped as to what to say next.
“I don’t know what to say Evelyn, but listen to this.” Evelyn looked up at Dom. “You still have me and Anya, neither of us have moved in the past year. Marcus came back and so did Bernie and I don’t think any of us are leaving anytime soon. Keep us in mind and you’ll be able to move forth.”

With that Dom got up from the step and left Evelyn to ponder on that as Dom himself went to try and sleep and make use of his own advice.

“This is the only picture I have of him. You don’t look like it but you have to be wondering what your own son had looked like.”

The picture of the blue eyed, three old child staring back at him from within the photo with a ecstatic Evelyn always rattled Marcus Fenix hard no matter how many times he looked at it. He gripped the photo harder then he should have, indents of his fingers showing up on the edges before he snapped out of it and began to try and smooth out the wrinkles. Four…Evelyn mentioned that he would have been four years old now. Shit…shit, shit, shit, there is no way to deny that I locked myself up in the fucking Slab and left behind Evelyn and a son.

Carlos Dominic Reznack-Fenix.

That was what his kid’s name had been. But what would that kid have thought of Marcus if the boy was still alive and finally met him?
“Marcus?” Marcus lightly lifted his head at the voice and seeing who he expected to be standing there.
“You’ve been cleared for duty?” Evelyn Reznack nodded her head before coming into the room more and closing the door behind her, blocking the outside noise and allowing an unsettling silence fill the room.
“I have been. Told Dom and he was pretty happy about it.” She then noticed the photo in his hand and Marcus cursed himself for not putting it out of sight. He didn’t want this conversation right now. “Is this the first time you looked at that?”

No, it wasn’t, but Marcus didn’t answer and instead handed the picture back to Evelyn.
“You can have it back.” Evelyn slowly reached out and took the photo, looking down at the photo and rubbing a thumb over Carlos’ face.
“I told him that he would have met you one day.” She said.
“I know.” Marcus responded
“I lied. I lied to him and now he’s gone.” Evelyn closed her eyes and Marcus started to worry that she was going to burst into tears in front of him. He hated when that happened cause he wasn’t sure how to comfort her. How are you supposed to handle Evelyn anyways? Evelyn then opened her eyes and shook her head as if trying to shed her sorrow. “Shouldn’t be dwelling in the past right now. Gotta get my shit together for tomorrow.”

Marcus sighed and nodded his head.
“You better sleep then, you look like you could use it.” Evelyn just shrugged and sat down on the cot next to Marcus, crossing her arms and resting them on her knees, looking back up at him.
“I can’t, ever since I told you about what happened when you were gone I’ve been revisited over and over by the dead and missing.”
“Way to make me feel shittier.” Was all Marcus could respond with for it was how he honestly felt. First he finds out he practically screwed her over with life when he abandoned his post, breaking his promise to Carlos, then finds out she was left to care for their kid and then had him die a year ago making her go ballistic and now catching him up on the oh-so-uplifting story had cause her to lose her sleep.


“I didn’t mean to do that.” Evelyn said. “Besides, you had a right to know.”
“So I did.” Marcus stated. “But now I wish I didn’t hear it.” Evelyn’s eyes narrowed and she sat up straighter.
“So you wish you didn’t have a son at all? Just pretend like Carlos never existed?” Marcus closed his eyes and groaned, taking his right hand and gripping the bandana on his head and tearing it off in frustration.
“That’s not what I mea-”
“Before he died all he asked was about you. He wondered everyday who his own father was. He wanted to know you.” Evelyn began to choke up. “Don’t you ever wish you had met him? You’re own fucking son?” Marcus looked back over at Evelyn to notice tears beginning to leak out of her face. Son of a bitch.
“I don’t know Evelyn. I didn’t know I had a son till you told me three months ago.”

“That doesn’t make a difference.” She snapped, getting up and heading to the door.
“Evie.” He said, causing her to stop. He knew if he called her that she wouldn’t go anywhere for he never did call her Evie. He didn’t know why he didn’t; it always felt awkward saying it. Mostly because he could still hear Carlos Sanitago calling her that. She should still be with him and not me cause all I ever do is make her angry. It was true, ever since she told him about what she had done and that episode in the locker room, they had been more irritated with each other and it was getting annoying. Not even carrying her out of the Montevado sinkhole did anything to heal their rocky relationship.

Evelyn stopped and turned around to look at him, tears still glistening on her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, alright? Just get some sleep. You’re snapping and extremely irritated meaning you haven’t gotten enough sleep lately.” She heaved a sigh and took her hand off the doorknob, starring at her feet.
“I’ll get sleep when we have stopped being awkward and pissed off at each other. For fuck sakes, you’re the oldest friend I have an-”
“We lived together for six years. I get it. Look, I’m sorry for making that shit harder for you.”

“It’s not just your fault. It’s both of ours.” She said softly, heading back to where she was before she got up in anger.
“No, I need to apologize for making the whole thing worse. Look Evelyn, I just don’t know what to think about it, okay?” She nodded her head before resting her arms on her knees and hanging her head almost in defeat. They both went quiet for some time before Evelyn finally leaned into him, causing him to stiffen in alarm at the sudden movement before awkwardly putting his arm around her, feeling her go nearly dead weight on him. Wasn’t how he wished for her to fall asleep but…at least she was sleeping right?

“HEY BABY! LONG TIME NO SEE!” I grunted in surprise when a massive wall of flesh suddenly crushed me in a hug and lifted me off the ground from behind. It didn’t take to long to realize who it was though.
“Hey Cole!” I called out. “Be nice if you allowed air into my lungs though! ACK!” Cole gave me another squeeze before dropping me back on the ground. I turned around to see Private Augustus Cole standing there beaming like the whole world was a bright and cheery place. That was the best thing about this man, no matter what shit hole you were in, he made the situation look bright and you would forget all your problems.

“Finally back into action there Evelyn?” He asked.
“Hell yeah, got cleared yesterday.”
“Good to see!” Cole yelled, slamming a massive hand on my shoulder, my spine almost buckling under the pressure. “Too bad we’re no long on the same team though.”
“Doesn’t mean we wont be seeing each other.” I answered. “Take care of yourself out there, alright? Oh, and add little Blondie to that list as well.”

“I don’t need ‘taking care of’ bitch.”

I looked around Cole to see the glaring and sarcastic form of Corporal Damon Baird, adjusting the goggles on his head.
“I don’t know Baird, if it weren’t for Private Steroids over here I don’t think you would be standing here right now.”
“I can blackmail you to shut up.” Was all he said and I glared back at him. He would have been the one to come across Marcus and I that one time in the locker room three months ago.


“Awwww c’mon now! Can we at least pretend to be happy to see each other? I know you guys have it in you.” Cole said, draping his arms around our shoulders and pulling us closer and began to walk us towards the front of Jacinto Med.
“I can give you a happy face, does that count?” I asked.
“Hah, sure she can. She certainly can give Fenix a happy expression.” Baird snapped before Cole could say anything and I lunged at the blonde bastard, hoping to wring his neck.
“You don’t know shit!” I yelled.
“Don’t know shit!? I totally am sure I saw you two going at it in the locker room!” I swung a good, hard punch into Baird’s face, causing him to cry out.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa baby! None of that! Baird, Evie, let’s play nice.” Cole said, dragging us apart with his hands and keeping us at a good distance.

“You need help separating the kids there Cole?”

I stopped my glaring at Baird and turned to see Bernadette Mataki standing there with her Longshot slung over her shoulder, arms crossed, and smiling cheerfully.
“BERNIE!” I cried out in happiness.
“Boomer Lady! You’ve come to save the day!” Cole greeted with equal vigor.
“Fuck you Granny.” Baird retorted and Cole shook his buddy.
“Hey, you don’t speak to your elders like that.” I laughed before looking back at my old Sergeant from the Pendulumn Wars and the woman who I admired and helped me get through a lot of shit now that she came back. Especially shit with Marcus.

“How’s things going, Bernie?” I asked. She shrugged.
“Eh, shit could be better. Squad’s working real nice though despite Vic getting on my ass about me being too old for combat.” I snorted in laughter. Colonel Victor Hoffman obviously didn’t want to lose Bernie as easily as he lost my father.

At that thought, I felt my smile slowly fade off.


“But I told him that if he didn’t shut his god damn mouth and took his bitterness out on the Chairman I was going to take his hat and stuff it in his mouth.” I allowed my smile to emerge back on my face as I let out an uneasy laugh, my father’s face refusing to disappear from my head.
“Sounds like a Bernie-like threat right there. C’mon, let’s walk and catch up on our way to the hospital.” I said, nodding my head towards the hospital. “We can rant about difficult men on the way.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Bernie said before looking at Cole and Baird. “Sorry men, this is an all girl’s date.” Cole gave a mock salute.
“Yes, ma’am!” He then grabbed Baird by the collar and began to drag him away. “C’mon baby! We’ve got our own squad to regroup with.”

I chuckled before looking at Bernie and we started heading towards the hospital. Shit was heating up again and the Locust were coming back in full swing but it was always a nice reminder that no matter how deep in the shitter I went, I still had people around me I could trust with my life.

And I had a feeling I was going to need that with Operation: Hollow Storm creeping towards me.