Status: Coming soon!

Victim of Love

How did you find out?


Last night I went Evgeni's after the game, nothing happened, we just caught up on what has happened in the years we weren't around each other. After awhile we decided to try and pick up where we left off. We were finally a couple, I had been hoping for this since I was 16 in Russia. I got what I asked for, but it could come with a price. I mean how am I gonna tell Alex? I mean I could ease into it or just put it out there. I just don't want him to be mad when I tell him. Maybe I could just call him or text him that way I don't have to see his reaction. I was going to the rink tonight to see Evgeni's game. I was getting those butterflies again, tonight he was gonna introduce me to his team mates as his girlfriend, how could i not be excited.

He picked me up from my hotel and we drove to the game. I bought a Malkin hoodie the day before and I was wearing it. In the car Evgeni was holding my hand and I could tell he was getting focused for the game, I didn't want to say anything and make him unfocused. "You aren't going to talk?" He looked at me confused. "Well I thought you were getting focused for the game so I didn't want to say anything." "I can get focused at the rink, let's talk." "Okay. Well, how should I tell Alex?" "Tell Alex what?" "That were together silly." He just laughed. "Um, I don't know, maybe just get it out there and see how he reacts?" "Yeah, but if he gets mad I don't want to see him get angry." He kissed my hand as we pulled into a parking spot. "Well don't worry about that tonight. You are gonna meet the boys, watch the game, and not have to worry about telling Alex." I smiled and kissed him on the lips before we got out of the car.

We walked to the locker room and Evgeni made sure the guys were decent before I came in. "Boys, this is my girlfriend Madi." All the guys whistled and hollered. I recognized a few guys because some of them were old friends of my brothers. "Don't you have a brother in the NHL? I think I recognize you." I looked at Evgeni since I didn't know if I should answer Letang's question. "Yeah her brother is Alexander-" "Don't say Ovechkin!" Crosby and about three other guys shouted before I got his name out. "No not Ovechkin, Alexander Semin." 'Wait, you're his sister?" "Yupp." "I never would have guessed you were. You don't really look alike I guess." "Oh, no one has ever told me that before, but okay." I talked with some of the guys before i had to go to my seat and they had to get dressed. i gave Evgeni a kiss for good luck then went to my seat.

Sent Picture Message To:Alex Semin
Hey man, check out your sis. Guess she rolls with the Pens now.

The game was going well. Going into the third the Pens had a lead of 3-1 over Columbus. With about 2 minutes left in the third the score hadn't changed so I decided to start walking towards the locker room so I wouldn't get stuck in the crowd. As I was walking back my phone started to ring. It was, my brother? "Hello?" "Is it true?" He sounded really pissed. "Is what true?" "Don't act like you don't know what I mean." "I don't. What are you talking about?" "Oh my god. Really?" "I'm serious. Tell me." "Fine. Is it true that you are dating Evgeni Malkin?" "How did you find out about that?" "So it's true!" "Yeah, but how did you find out?"
"I can't believe you!" "I'm sorry, I knew you would be upset, but just tell me how you found out." "I have friends on some of these NHL teams that keep me updated on stuff. Bye sis." He hung up. I couldn't believe someone from the Pens told Alex about me and Evgeni. Guess I don't need to worry about telling Alex anymore.
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So who do you think sent the text message? Super super sorry for not updating, high school is sooo busy. But I should have some down time since I sprained my ankle and won't be playing soccer to much. I have another story I am going to start up hope you will read it. Remember to comment and subscribe.