
Dance through the dark.

A dark room where a thousand people sit waiting, waiting for the show to begin. Each person sits silently, holding there breath. Not a noise is heard, all there eyes fixed onto nothing. A single light beems on to the floor, everyone starts to stand. A young girl is shown laying on the floor, her skin is pale white, she wears a white long dress, long brown hair covers her face. She appress to be not breathing, everyone still on there feet watching the lifeless young girl. Her head moves off the ground looking up at the light. She slowly stands up, everyone starts to clap. As she is on her feet, she looks to her right. One by one people start appearing, each wearing the same outfit. Each one moves like the wind, fast but slow. Everyone one cheering with amusment, all still on there feet. Each girl stops moving, hands by there sides, and heads towards the ground. There hair moves gently with the wind, at once they all look up. Each girl begins to spin on there toes, no expresion is on there face. One girl walks up to someone in the crowed, they begin to study them. Without warning the young man in the crowed falls to the ground, no one looks at him. His body lays gently on the ground, while everyone is still watching the girls. Each and every girl walks up to a man, one by one they all fall. No one can explain this, and no one can live through it. The crowed is know dead, each girl makes there way back to the stage. There backs are towards the lifeless bodies, smiles are all over there face. The beam of light fades away, the show is over.
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