I forgot something


Silence that was all I wanted. I rolled over in bed as the sounds form the kitchen rang loudly throughout the small apartment. Loud talking followed by yelling then heavy footsteps, I rolled over again and slammed my pillow on my head. Laughing came from right outside my door. Sitting up strait in bed I glanced over at my clock that sat on my desk. In big bright green numbers five thirty read clear. The room was barley lit from the light of dawn coming in the window.
“Shhhhh Kayla doesn’t like to be woken up early,” my good friend Alyssea stated in a light almost drunken tone. She giggled some more, fading as she and whoever she was speaking with moved back towards the front of the apartment.
Standing I fixed my basketball shorts and camisole, then reached up and fixed my bed hair into a sloppy pony tail, a few black and purple stands still hung freely though. I walked out of the room and down the hallway, walking into the kitchen to find my raven headed friend and a brown haired man? Boy? Male species.
“KAYLA you’re up, before noon. We were to loud weren’t we.”
I glared at her as she looked down ashamed, “You think? Besides who is…this,” I glanced at the unknown male standing next to her.
“Henh, well this person just so happens to be, ‘ALEX GASKARTH’ RAH RAH AND THE CROWD GOES WILED AND ALL THE FAN GIRLS CREAM RIGHT THEN AND THERE,” she whispered yelled acting like an announcer.
“Seriously he’s a really good friend and just got back from tour,” Alyssea said normal like it wasn’t a big thing.
“You know All Time Low?”
“Know, PSH, she’s pretty much Jacks’ sister,” Alex explained.
“ No his dad and my mom had a thing back in high school and it got a bit serious and they moved in together and ta-da I made friends with one half of what is now All Time Low.”
“So your Jacks step sister? What else’s did you not tell me?”
“ Oh Africa, get it cause your from South Africa,” Alyssea laughed at her own lame joke, “Right sorry, something didn’t work out and they split, didn’t stop me from chilling with them, but whatever.”
I finally took a glance around the kitchen. There was batter? On the floor, flour everywhere, some spilled milk on the table chocolate chips tossed carelessly about, needless to say it all matched with stains on both of their clothes.
“We had a…pancake batter war….ALEX STARTED IT!!”
“DID NOT,” Alex shot back as soon the words left her lips.
“SHUT UP,” I yelled just as Alyssea started to open her mouth to speak.
“so did,” Alyssea mutters just her phone started to vibrate and sing aloud opening of Stick Stickly by Attack Attack!
“What is that,” Alex asked at the rave headed girl bounced over to the bar grabbing the phone and running off back to her room.
“Her ringtone,” I answered quietly. He nodded and sat on one of the stools in the living room that looked though into the kitchen.
“Don’t worry about the mess, I’ll clean it up so you can go back to sleep if you want,” Alex offered, breaking the silence that fell over us. We went right back into it after he spoke, so he tried to break it again.
“So, Uh. Alyssea told me that you’re only nineteen,” I nodded, “Do you work,” he tried again and I shook my head.
“Alex I’m sorry I know I said that all three of us was goanna hang out but I called in someone didn’t show up. Sorry but hey you can maybe chill with Kayla if she’ll let you. It was nice seeing you again.”
“No problem Lyssa,” Alex told her and they embraced each other. With that she left and I was alone with one of the members of my favorite band.
“I’ll clean up and then go if that’s all right with you,” Alex said moving back into the kitchen and beginning to pick up dishes.
“You can stay if you want,” it came out shaker than I wanted it to, but I said it. He smiled, it showed he white teeth, he looked so…so…amazing. Okay so I always thought he looked good, but he defiantly looked better in person.
“Alright then, we can have so much fun together that Lyssa would wished she lied and didn’t go in!”
I laughed at his expression, he chuckled in return.
After we cleaned up the Kitchen, it was close to ten AM. I excused myself to go dress for the day. I grabbed a light purple pair of skinnies and a baby blue Forever The Sickest Kids T. sliding on a rainbow stud belt with the buckle on the left hip I clipped on a pair of white suspenders leaving them to hand down to my knees. I opened the door and walked into the bathroom to quickly apply makeup, eye liner and eye shadow. Letting my hair out of the pony tail I fixed my strait black and random streaked purple hair to my liking.
After that I went back to my room and pulled out two random socks, one blue toe and heel green main colored one, and one pink and purple striped one. Sitting down on my bed I pulled them on to my feet. After I pulled both on and fixed them to fit perfectly I walked back to the main room and pick up my black high top all stars that were sitting next to the door.
Alex looked at me, and I stared back. We both stood and left the apartment. We joked around on our walk to nowhere. I wasn’t as shy around him anymore, and he could tell. My stomach growled loud enough for Alex to hear.
“Well looks like someone is hungry,” he laughed and my face began to feel hot, “come on I know this grate café where we can eat.”
This café ended up being on the other side of town, but I didn’t care. We joked around a bit more and left when the people pretty much kicked us out. We did sit there talking for about three hours.
“What time does Alyssea normally get off,” Alex asked checking his phone clock
“Eh I think four?”
“Sweet, come on we got a few more hours to kill,” he drug me off to where ever on god’s green planet he was taking me to.
Alex ended up leading me to the park, where once again he began to show his child side.
The light soon began to fade from the sky, our cue us to start back to the compound. Alex hung his arm around my shoulder. I was leaning into his body; he had a cinnamon spice smell to him. All too soon we were standing out in front of apartment number 46B.
“Thanks Alex, it was a lot of fun today,” I smiled
“Yeah it was, I hope we will do this again,” I nodded he smiled and I felt myself beginning to turn into mush.
“Grate,” before I could reply he bend down and placed a light kiss on my right cheek.
“Good night Shorty. Text me, call me, stalk me maybe?”
“Sure, and Alex,” he raised his eyebrows asking me ‘what’, “I’m not that short.”
“Kayla you’re like four foot. Hun that’s pretty short. Until our paths cross once more, Dearest Kayla,” I giggled as Alex bowed grasped my hand and pecked it.
I stood outside of the apartment watch Alex walk away. Something told me that he wasn’t like other guys. That Alex Gaskarth will be around a lot more now. Finally once I couldn’t see Alex’s backside anymore from the door I went inside to see Alyssea on the couch eating ice cream right out of the tub.
“ So when should I start helping you plan the wedding Shorty,” Alysseas tone was light and smug at the same time. I pulled off my shoe and threw it at her.
“We are not dating”
“Yet” Alyssea smiled
There was a knocking at the door. Me being closer I went over to open it.
“I forgot something,” Alex said standing there. He placed his palm where his thumb sat right in front of my ear and pulled me close. Bending down to my level we connected.
Alex Gaskarth was kissing me.