Hummingbird Heartbeat


“Everyone thinks I’m crazy, I got Chris Evans locked up for beating the hell out of Ryan Gosling,” I took the screen and shifted it over to Robert’s lap; he glanced down at the ipad I had borrowed from Scarlett and laughed.

Chris Evans jailed for allegedly fighting fellow actor Ryan Gosling?

“Well, you basically did. The only thing you didn’t do was set up a camera and film the shit,” Robert chuckled and handed it back gently. “Question-“

“No, no questions. You get me in trouble with myself,” I pointed weakly at the gorgeous man.

“Have you confided in Chris yet about your secret?” he asked anyways, completely ignoring what I told him.

“Yes,” I answered with a drained sigh. “Like I said, you get me in trouble with myself. I tried and was shot down. Then I went for this dipshit and he ended up smashing my hopes for happiness.”

“Normally I give good advice but it seems my advice backfired for you,” he studied me for a minute and then shrugged. “Sorry but you can’t expect to win’em all.”

“Really Robert?” I laughed despite myself; he really was a character all on his own.

“Really,” he nodded his head slowly. “So what’s the deal between you and Chris now?”

“Can’t really say,” I paused to glance over my shoulder at Chris, he was getting suited up for a scene. “I don’t even know.”

“That’s probably something you should look into, seeing as it might get awkward not knowing where you stand,” he murmured before handing me the jacket he had borrowed from me, he stood up in his full Iron Man costume and trekked his way down to the set, making a racket as he went.

“Thanks Tin Man, your great help,” I have him a thumbs up signal and he snorted, clanking the rest of the way. Scarlett and Chris were in the middle of a scene, I sat way behind the director and the entourage and waited, for Chris to take a break.

“Morning, Frankie,” Jeremy sat down beside me in his outfit, it was kind of nice, he looked like Robin Hood meets swat team. He had a coffee cup in his hand and a grimace on his face. “You cold?”

“No, I have on two shirts, a hoodie and I’m holding Chris’ jacket for him,” I grinned cheekily towards Jeremy, he was shivering. “Do you wanna borrow it until he’s done?”

“Yeah, hand it over,” he laughed as I held it up and he slid into it. “I didn’t think it’d be this cold out here today, the suns shining.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” I reminded him with a laugh.

“No shit,” he snorted and took another sip.

“No need to be rude, Robin Hood,” I grinned cheekily at him, he narrowed his eyes and scoffed.

“Robin Hood wished he could look this badass,” he told me pointedly, I giggled softly and shook my head. I liked Jeremy, he was funny. “You want some coffee?”

“No, thanks though,” I didn’t want coffee because I had already had two cups since arriving, Chris pretty much shoved them down my throat because I wasn’t awake enough to open my eyes, any less talk business with him. “I’ve had enough caffeine for one day.”

“Alright then,” he nodded and turned his attention back to the scene they were trying to get right. “You talked to Chris yet?”

“Nope," I cuddled closer to the jackets wrapped around me and tried not to show how confused I was but as always, the always knowing Jeremy noticed immediately.

"Think you should?" he asked rhetorically, I rolled my eyes and gave him a bland look. "Look, I'm not an expert at relationships by any means. I think the longest standing relationship I ever had was with a bagel but I do know a thing or two about losing what could have been a great thing by waiting to long."

"You’re kind of like Gandhi, man," I winked but he didn't smile, Jeremy was being serious. Oh shit.
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Sorry guys, I didn't have internet for a month! Hope you enjoy the chapter!