Hummingbird Heartbeat


"Frankie, you need to talk to him. From what you said last night, when you were half drunk and crying about getting Chris locked up, you really care for him. I think if you talked to him, it'd clear up the confusion," he took another sip from his cup and glanced up at the director that was calling for him. "Hold my coffee, honey bunny?"

"For you sugar lips, anything," I took the cup and watched as he chuckled his way down to the director, wearing Chris' coat as he went.

“Today has been exhausting and its only ten o’clock,” I glanced over at the dreamy man that spoke in the most dreamy voice you could ever imagine, Mr. Chris Hemsworth. I loved that man to death, he was so sweet it actually made me feel bad that I thought he was sexy.

“I’m freezing my nonexistent balls off,” I spoke softly and seriously. “At least your moving around.”

“Touché,” he held a finger up with a chuckle and gazed out at the scene in front of us. “Let’s talk, I haven’t spoken with you much since we met. So where do you live, Frankie?”

“LA, with Chris as my roommate,” I paused feeling I needed to explain more. “I get the downstairs apartment to myself and he gets the upstairs.”

“Have you always been his assistant or have you worked other jobs?” he asked curiously, I liked just having a normal conversation with someone on set rather than talk constantly about my problems with Chris.

“Actually I’ve only worked for Chris about seven months now. I’m actually a certified nurse’s assistant, I used to work at the hospital where we live in LA,” I gave him a soft smile.

“Really? Did you like working at the hospital?” he asked crossing his legs. He was very intrigued but whatever means, I’m not sure. Maybe he just like having a meaningful conversation every now and then.

“I did at first but as the years went by, I couldn’t handle the deaths anymore,” I glanced over at Chris and sighed. “You can ask Chris, I could come home crying every day. I hated it. I needed a break, if I had to now, I would go back and I think I’d be okay.”

“You just got burnt out,” he nodded as if he understood. “I can understand that. That’s a rough profession.”

“It really is,” I nodded my head and yawned. “I’m starving, do you have a scene anytime soon?”

“Not for a couple more hours, want to go grab something to eat?” he asked quietly, I think he was just as close to falling asleep as I was.

“Yeah, who else doesn’t have a scene right now?” I asked glancing around.

“Scarlett, Jeremy and Mark,” he tallied it up. “I think, may be some others. Let’s go find out.”

We both split up, Chris went and asked the director if there was anyone that didn’t need to be there within the hour and found that Scarlett, Jeremy, Mark, Chris and my Chris wasn’t needed until one, my Chris was walking off the set when I came back to meet everyone at the make up trailer. “I vote for something greasy,” Scarlett spoke pulling her hair up into a half ponytail.

“Agreed, anyone want greasy burgers and fries?” I piped up, trying to avoid looking at Chris because he was staring at me.

“I’m in,” Mark agreed and we all kind of gravitated to our cars. Scarlett, Jeremy and Hemsworth drove Scarlett’s car while Chris and I took his car.

“Why aren’t you talking to me?” I knew as soon as we got inside, he’d ask. I still grimaced, even though I expected it.

“Honestly, I don’t know what to say. Our whole situation has gotten a little bit awkward as the time has went on,” I answered playing with the hem of my hoodie, trying to distract myself from looking over at his face to see what his expressions gave away.

“Oh for Christ Sakes, Frankie. I think its pretty obvious how I fucking feel about you, you just don’t get that I can’t say it out loud because I don’t want to run you off. I’ve been in love with you for years, why the hell do you think I do anything you ask me to do, I ran to the store at three o’clock in the morning to buy you tampons, doesn’t that tell you something?” Chris was yelling, I stared up at him with a slack jaw. I had never seen him like this, it was something raw and hidden from me, it was sexy.

“Chris,” I whispered his name, turning fully to him. “Why the fuck didn’t you say something earlier, you dumbass. We could have avoided all this dramatic bullshit and just started having a life together!”

“Because I didn’t want to fuck our friendship up, I was confused. I didn’t know what to do, I’m a man, I’m literally emotionally retarded!” he hit the steering wheel and jerked the car over into the turning lane for the restaurant we were going too.

“So you put me through hell for months because you’re an emotionally retarded man? That’s such bullshit,” I got out of the car and slammed the door. “If you love me, tell me. If you don’t want me, fucking tell me but don’t drag me along like a fucking puppet on a string and at the last minute tell me you want me but you didn’t say anything because your emotionally handicapped! You fucking dick!”

“I’m sorry,” he slammed his door and met me at the front of the car, I vaguely remembered that the rest of the world was watching, even our friends. “I didn’t know how to handle it but goddamn it, I want to be with you. I want to grow old with you, I want to marry you and have children and fucking fight with you over petty shit because I know it won’t tear us apart because we always have each other. I’m sorry I’m a fucking dick but I want you now and forever!”

“You stupid son of a bitch, I should kick your ass,” I whispered, so angry that he didn’t say anything earlier but my only reaction was to throw myself into his arms and kiss him like I’d die if I didn’t.

That’s when I heard the whooping and hollering, clapping and whistling.

By the time we pulled away, they had formed a circle around us. “About damn time,” Scarlett smacked Chris on the back of his head, put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me with her. “Damn good show, girlfriend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, no internet= hell.

Thanks for staying with me guys. Chapter 10 will be the end of this story but no worries. I'm sure there will either be a sequel or another Chris story in the future. Shot/?action=view&current=8178_4821490971.jpg

^^ that's the banner, for some reason my computer won't let me copy and paste. :(