The Only Thing That Matters Is the Ending

Touched by an Angel

Billie Joe Armstrong walked down the street. He had just come from a practice session for the new album they were working on. He was tired and wanted some air.
His hands in his pockets, he walked down the familiar lane. It had just started raining. His bed-head was starting to get wet enough to drip in his face. He shook the hair out of his eyes and kept walking. At least he didn't have eyeliner for practice, or it'd be running in his eyes by now. It was raining harder.
He cursed. He had left his guitar at Mike's. He sighed, Oh well, he could get it later.

He let his feet carry him wherever they wanted. He looked up at the buildings he passed, memories flooding through him. Some recent, some old. The video store he used to rent videos from with his sons. The barber shop where he got his hair cut. The pet shop where he got Speedy the fish with his son Joey. The alley way he and his friends used to hang out in.

This continued on while he smiled to himself. This town was interesting.

He suddenly stopped. He didn't know why, he just felt it was time to. He turned to the left and read the sign.
It's the Westbound Sign. He smiled to himself. That's the song he wrote about his wife moving to live with him in California.
He turned to the right and read that sign.
"Christie Rd."
He smiled again. That was the place he would go to think, and get high.

He looked between the two roads, trying to choose which to take.
He looked down Christie Road. It was a place he called his home, a private place. Sanctuary.
He turned and looked down Westbound Sign. Adrienne. His wife. His happiness. His love.

He walked down Westbound Sign road. Along it, he found snippets of scenes. There was their wedding, a quick, multi-religion event. There was the first time he met her, at a show. There was Adeline Records and Clothes. The business they owned together.
He took all this in, and looked straight ahead. A bright light shone. He walked into it, forgetting almost everything but her.
In the bright light was an angel. She walked up to him and embraced him. He hugged her back.

Billie sat up in his bed, awakening from his dream. He looked over, and there was his angel. He hugged the real flesh-and-blood angel, and whispered, "I truly was touched by an Angel."