
Chapter One.

Nikki adjusted his scarf and grumbled. "Goddammit, this thing is fucking itchy as hell."

Beside him, Tommy giggled. For some reason, Nikki's tendency to become slightly annoyed at little things was both funny and adorable. He slid his hat so that it was slightly to the right, just the way he liked it. Then, he turned to Nikki, who was still messing with his scarf.

"Y'know, maybe it wouldn't itch so much if you actually, you know, washed your clothes while on tour."

Nikki turned and glared at the drummer. "Oh, aren't you a saint… You wash your clothes as often as I do, fucker."

Tommy smiled, and so did Nikki. Both men always joked with each other; it was standard nowadays. Everyone would tell them they were like brothers, but they didn't know there was something more. Tommy straightened out his jacket, occasionally looking at Nikki out of the corner of his eye. As Nikki was teasing his hair, Tommy just couldn't help but think of how perfect he was. Some days, he forgot the bassist was over fifty.

Nikki's jerking back caused Tommy to snap out of his stupor. "Ow, fuck!"

Tommy frowned. "Bro, what the hell did you do?"

Nikki rubbed his eyes feverishly. "Fuck, I got hairspray in my damn eyes."

The drummer grinned mischievously. Nikki caught it. "The hell are you smiling about?"

"Nothing. It's just… you've been teasing your hair for over thirty years, and you still get it in your eyes. Kinda pathetic."

Nikki pouted. Tommy couldn't help but giggle; sometimes, the other could act like such a child. It was adorable, he had to admit.

"Fuck you."

"Oh, that'll have to wait until after the photoshoot."

Nikki completely froze and turned to Tommy. He certainly was not expecting that. He cleared his throat, something he did only when he was taken aback or nervous, and adjusted his wristband.

"Well then… I'll be sure to get you horny; it'll save some time later." Now it was Tommy's turn to be wide-eyed and surprised.

There was an awkward silence, and then both men laughed and went back to prepping for their shoot. Nikki plastered black eyeliner on his eyelids, and Tommy fixed his hair and adjusted his tie. Soon, they were all set, and they jokingly took valiant poses in the mirror, puffing out their chests and making angry, determined faces.

"We're gonna kick this photoshoot's ass, Sixx."

"Hell yeah we are."

The men laughed again and began their walk towards the photography studio. Tommy pulled Nikki into an empty room on the way.

"What, T-Bone?"

Tommy put his hands on the other's waist. "Sixx… you look gorgeous."

Nikki grinned. "As do you, Tommy. You are fucking hot in white. Just saying."

Tommy laughed sheepishly. One of his hands snuck its way up Nikki's shirt, rubbing Nikki's stomach. Nikki stroked Tommy's facial hair, looking into his bright, brown eyes.



Tommy leaned close to Nikki's face and started fingering Nikki's goatee. After a minute or two of gazing into each other's eyes, Tommy kissed Nikki lightly on the lips.

"I love you."

They kissed again. "I love you, too."

Tommy gave a big grin. "We should probably go and get this over with."

Nikki chuckled. "Yeah. They're gonna be so pissed if we wait much longer."

Nikki and Tommy walked out of the room, and they held hands down the hallway. Nikki sneered at Tommy.

"How's this face?"

"Fuckin' sexy."

Nikki nodded, satisfied. "Alright. Let's go kick some photoshoot ass."

"Good luck kiss?"

Nikki looked at Tommy perplexed. "We don't need good luck. But alright, you get a kiss nonetheless." With that said, Nikki passionately kissed Tommy, and then sneered again.

They walked into the studio, and Tommy smirked.

"Let's do this shit."
♠ ♠ ♠
Decided to finally write some slash again. Sorry if it's not your cup of tea; Nikki and Tommy just seem like the perfect couple, haha.

Anyway, comments/reviews are appreciated. :)