Status: Complete

Better Man

Better Man

I’m what you call ‘Mr. Perfect’. I’m smart, I have the money (not to mention tons of it), the great—and not just good—looks, and of course, the girls. I get whatever I want whenever I want it. I’m like a king in my generation. So that’s why I’m going to extend my reign in my college life.
I woke up especially early on my first day. I took my time taking the shower and making myself squeaky clean. I wore my lucky black plaid shirt—the sleeves are folded up so I won’t feel hot. The weather’s nice, but if I don’t fold my shirt, I might as well kill myself. And besides, I don’t want to go to class all sweaty, right? That would just look bad and ruin my god-like image—and my dark wash jeans.
The car my parents gave me as a graduation gift was waiting for me in our front yard. It was a black BMW M3 Convertible and it was already ignited by our driver. I sat down on the driver’s seat and I felt really good. I’m already sixteen that’s why I have my own Student’s Driver’s License. I placed my bag on the passenger’s seat and gave the gas pedal a light stomp.
When I entered the gates of the University of Santo Tomas, everyone turned their heads towards me or just my car. Their mouths were hanging open and I felt myself chuckling.
I parked my car in the AMV building (or the so-called car park) and walked to the Martin de Porres building which is quite near. I didn’t mind taking out my registration form, because I know where my room is. It’s funny how room 322 is my dad’s classroom as well in his first year.
I chose UST for four reasons. My parents graduated here; I wanted to be doctor, too; Nursing as a pre-med is the best and UST is known for Nursing; and UST has a lot of pretty girls. No, not just pretty, but beautiful!
It was six forty-five and my timing is right. I opened the door, and about thirty to forty students were looking up at me. I found a chair at the middle where the ceiling fan is directed and sat there. I felt like the girls are looking at me.
Beside me sat a guy who looks like a foreigner with his hair up in a style that I am not familiar with. “Hey, I’m Chase Moreno, what’s your name?” I asked.
“I’m Richard. And this is my brother, Francis,” he said while pointing to the one beside him. Francis waved his hand and smiled.
“Are you from another country?” I asked again.
“Yes, we’re from Texas.”
A girl with long black hair sat on the chair in front of me and turned around so we’re facing each other. “Hi, I’m Cassandra. You can call me Cass,” she said as she extended her slim hand. She smiled at me weirdly and her face is blushing.
Whoa, making a move on the first day, I thought. I shook her hand and told her my name. She didn’t let go for awhile but when I kind of stared at her hand, she pulled it away. She smiled one more time and went back to her seat.
A few minutes later, our English teacher arrived. She introduced herself but I didn’t get the chance to hear it since a lot of girls tried talking to me now. I’ve met Charissa, Lauren, Ann, Lia and Bea. They were really nice and cute but making a move now would be too fast. I’ll wait.
“Okay, now I’m done introducing myself, I will now ask you to introduce yourselves. Tell me your name, where you graduated from and why did you take Nursing,” the teacher said. She looked around and pointed at the guy in front who’s sitting at the right end.”We’ll start with you.” Then she sat down at the back end of the center aisle.
It was my time now! I went in front and smiled at everyone. When I was about to open my mouth and say “Hi, I’m Chase Moreno”, the door opened and in came a girl with long black hair with fair skin. She stopped in her tracks as she saw me standing there in front.
Maybe she saw how good-looking I am, I thought and grinned at her.
“Sorry I’m late, sir,” she said and everyone laughed.
“I’m not the teacher,” I said.
And here I am thinking that she thought I was cute. She actually thought I’m a teacher! I thought.
Our English teacher stood up and showed herself. “Dear, it’s okay. You may now take your seat. We’re introducing ourselves, you see.”
The girl spotted an empty chair and sat. She was seating at the back of Jim and on our row. So she’ll be introducing herself real soon. God I am excited.
“Continue,” the teacher said.
“Hey,” I said coolly. “My name’s Chase Moreno. I graduated from Brent International School in Manila. I took nursing because they said that Nursing is the best pre-med. And I want to be a doctor too, like my parents.”
All the girls clapped loudly. Well, except for the late girl. She just looked at me and looked to the next one who’s going to introduce (which is Richard. He started like this, “Ahem, hey guys, what’s up? I’m Richard Araneta…”)
Then it was time for her turn! She stood up, fixed her black blouse that suits her well and went in front. “Hi, my name’s Adrienne Monfort. (That’s a nice name, I thought) And I graduated from Le Collège Stanislas de Paris. I chose Nursing because it is my pre-med.”
Before she could walk back to her seat, the teacher called her attention to ask something. “You’re a half or full?”
“I’m half Filipino, half French.” A lot said wow, but I wasn’t that impressed.
“So you can speak French, eh?” The teacher said again. She paused for awhile, closed her eyes as if she was thinking of something deep. Then she looked up again and said, “Si vous pouvez parler en français, réciter à la classe votre introduction à nouveau. Cette fois-ci, en français.”
Adrienne smiled. This time, it looks like she’s proud. She inhaled deeply and said, “Salut, mon nom Adrienne Monfort et j'ai obtenu mon diplôme de Le Collège Stanislas de Paris. J'ai choisi infirmiers parce que c'est mon pré-med.”
From what I heard from what she said in French, she looks like she repeated her whole introduction. Ma’am I-Don’t-Know-Her-Name must’ve asked her to repeat her introduction in French. I wasn’t impressed, yet again. But everyone was like, “WOW. THAT’S SO COOL.”
The introductions came by fast. I wasn’t even paying attention anymore since girls kept on talking to me. Richard even kept a little distance from me. Maybe he got irritated by the attention I’m having. I can’t blame him, though.
The girls in our side kept on getting my number. I looked to the girls on the other side and some of the girls looked jealous of the girls that got my number. I’ll get to please you girls soon.

A week passed and I have captured the hearts of the girls in our block and in some other blocks. All, except for the French girl: Adrienne Monfort. Fortunately, our seats got arranged alphabetically on our first week and I happen to sit next to her. Yes, we talk but she doesn’t show any signs of liking me. Some girls can’t look at me in the eye because they’re so shy and if they did they might faint, but when it’s her…I’m the one getting a little shy and act a little awkward.
Did I mention that she doesn’t even laugh at my jokes? When we talk, it feels like she’s not interested at all, like I’m bothering her or something.
Well, I don’t care! She’s not my type anyway.
I started to flirt around with Bea. She’s cool, you know. And on top of that, she flirts back, unlike the French girl—
Oh shut up, Chase!
When I was talking to Bea about some random things (okay fine, we were flirting), I can’t help but notice Adrienne talking so animatedly with Ian. She even laughed at the same joke I told her the other day!
“Hey, are you even listening to me?” Bea said as she touched my hand. When I was still staring at the two, who were talking so happily, she can’t help but look at what I am looking at. Looking surprised and hurt, Bea stood up and left me.
Lunch came by and I decided to talk to Adrienne. I mean, I know she’s not my type and all, but what she’s doing is making me feel, well, weird.
“Adrienne,” I called out just when she was about to leave. She turned to look at me and smiled at the others. Her friends left and we were alone in room 322. “Look, um,” I started to scratch my head. I feel uneasy for some reason. “What’s with you?”
“What?” She asked. Her eyes are tiger-like.
“What’s wrong with you? Do you have a problem with me or something? I can’t see the reason why you would get so irritated when I talk to you or I’m beside you. You suddenly scowl at me for some reason. I mean, you can’t scowl at a perfect person like me.”
“That’s the problem I have with you. You’re so full of yourself. You think every girl in the world will like someone perfect as you. Well, think again! Someone’s gotta stop your madness. Now, leave me alone,” Adrienne glared at me and left me standing in the middle of our classroom. Good thing there’s no CCTV yet, or I’ll just look like a fool.

Another week passed and I can’t stop thinking about what Adrienne said. Even in class, I always doze off and start thinking about what she said. It’s like my head is a huge tape recorder that recorded what she said and kept on repeating in my head.
Adrienne has kept distance from me now. She doesn’t speak to me anymore. When there’s a time when she really needs to talk to me, she’ll just scowl (or for her, growl) at me and return to her own business.
There are nights when I couldn’t sleep at all. I don’t drink coffee, but I can’t sleep at all. I’ve even started giving girls a rest and start reflecting on what I’ve been doing ever since I could remember.
I’ve dated a lot of girls and leave them hanging. I’ve never been in-love. I’ve been just this big headed jerk. I’m not a king, I’m a loser. A king wouldn’t brag like I do. A king would respect girls.

I’ve let another week past so my confusion would lessen and for Adrienne to cool off. I’ve decided, once again, to talk to her—which is kind of hard, since her head’s still hot, and I have to be very cautious as to not burn myself.
I decided to talk to her that morning. After the incident of her first day (of her being late, I mean), she has started to go to school early. So early, that she looks like she’ll be the one opening the gates.
I arrived at our room on time to see her alone. She was resting her head on the table. I placed my bag on my chair and looked at her as I sat down. I can’t talk to her now. She wouldn’t hear me. Her ears are covered with her earphones and the volume’s loud enough to cover my voice.
I sighed and planned another attempt. I planned to do it on lunch time. I’ll ask her to have lunch with me.
But when lunch came, she and her friends left already and I was then again, disappointed. Francis waited for me outside and we all had lunch together. But I didn’t eat much. In fact, I just ate one spoonful and then stopped.
I planned another attempt. And this time, I thought about it carefully.
Adrienne left quickly as soon we were dismissed by our teacher. I followed her fast. I couldn’t let another day or minute pass by without telling her what I have realized. I ran as fast as I can to catch up and when I did, we were on the other side of the road now. She was heading for the car park, I suppose.
No time for that now. I need to tell her….
“I like you, okay?” I literally shouted. I felt a lot of guys looked at us, and the girls said, “Aww.”
“What?” Adrienne said, blushing. I can’t help but notice how cute she looks when she got the attention of others.
“Actually, Je t'aime,” I said. I actually went to Google Translator just to know what ‘I love you’ in French is. I mean, talk about efforts. “I’ve realized this a week ago or maybe just last night. I don’t know! Maybe I even liked you on the day I saw you. Y-You’re the first girl that actually snubbed me! You didn’t give a tiny bit of attention on me. I’ve never met a girl that actually stood up and told me I was conceited.
“I’ve never been in love. But I definitely am in love with you,” I continued. “You’ve made me such a mess! I can’t get you off my head. I’ve been doing crazy stuff thinking on how you could like me! My head feels like it’s going to explode. I feel—”
I didn’t get to finish though because she actually started to, well, laugh. She doesn’t laugh at my jokes but she laughs at my confession? How sick is that?
“I like you, too,” she said after she stopped laughing. And I noticed something on her face…she was smiling so angelic.
“I like you, too! Well, love, if you like to put it that way. I’ve never been in-love, too.”
She opened her umbrella because the Sun started to show itself because the big cloud that was covering it moved away. I guess Mr. Sun wanted to watch too.
“So that means we’re like MU now?” I asked.
She laughed again. God, I like her laugh. It makes my heart go crazy. “Yeah,” she said with a wink. “In two conditions, though.”
“What is it?” I asked, confused. Does a relationship really need conditions?
“First,” she said as she raised one finger. “You will stop being Mr. Perfect and stop flirting with lots of girls.”
“Of course, I’ve got the one I love,” I said with a smug as I held the hand that wasn’t counting. She blushed as I held her, which is really cute.
“And second,” she said while raising another finger. “Since you’re dating me, you will start to be simpler. Stop driving that BMW car of yours to school! It’s a little too much for a freshman to have that.”
I practically laughed. “Is that all?” I took my phone from my bag and called our driver. “Hello? It’s me, Chase. Can you pick up my car here, in the parking lot in UST? I’ll go try to go home without it.” Then our driver practically gasped. They don’t believe me at all. Am I really the type of person to not even try a public transportation?
Instead of getting angry, “You’ve got the duplicate of my car, right? Well, use that. And the parking ticket is hidden in the sun visor. Thank you,” I said and hanged up.
Adrienne chuckled. Apparently, she knows where I live. And that we live exactly on the same village. Adrienne led me to the LRT station and she taught me how to buy the cards thing and showed me how to use it. It’s actually fun, you know. Using the train, I mean.
As we got on our train and there was no seat at all, I told her to stand on one corner, and I’ll protect her from the crowd. You never know, she might suffocate because; there are a lot of people.
“Hey, Adrienne,” I whispered to her ear.
“Vous avez fait de moi un meilleur home,” I said, which means, ‘You made me a better man’.
♠ ♠ ♠
LRT is a train station ;)