No Crying Now.

No Rest for the Haunted.

Have you ever watched someone die? No really. Watched as the pupils of their eyes got bigger? Their body go limp?

Well I have. Because I'm the one who killed him. I didn't want to. But what choice did I have? It was life and death. Well, not really. But still. Why not?

Not only did I kill him, but I watched. I just let him die. He asked for it. But why am I the bad guy here? its not like I meant to.

My vision blurs; I get dizzy. and eventually, I fall over. Hard.

The night of the killing, the watching, I had felt nothing. Not a single thing. But right now, in this empty room, I feel everything. Not just everything, but every single hair, on my entire body, is gone. Shaved. Taken away so I cant pull it out. Not that I could with these straps. Sitting in this room with all this white; It's a major headache. I close my eyes.

The blood is everywhere. That small room of that attic. He needed it. He looked so sad in that bed, all alone. He asked for it. The lithium. The over dose. The ax. Said I'd never do it. He got in my head. So I did it.

Take your meds they say. Swallow. And they check to see if I did. They don't let me sleep. The seizures, they say, are from sleeping. So my body can't sleep? How will I survive?

They don't know, and don't care. They want me to die for what I did. For my literal blood stained body. But what no one knows, and what no one sees, is that the man I killed. That man i didn't know. He asked me to shot the lithium into his arm. All 8 viles. He asked me to cut him up, with the ax, cut him up and throw the pieces away. Cut him up and burn him. When I said no, he called me names. Spit at me. Picked my brain for insecurities. When he found the worst, I gave in.