Hello Angel, Goodnight Doll.

Good News

I was never a fan of big cities, they've just always made me feel lonely. People always seemed so unhappy in the city. Walking around in their suits, family members half way across the world. No one was friendly in places like these, the only thing they cared about was themselves and making a living. I just hated the city and everything it stood for, it just a really ugly place to me.

You can only imagine my dismay with my family when they forced me move to Vegas, where my father was offered a high paying job. It was the worst time of my life, I had been a sophomore in high school and I had to start all over, it took me a while to make friends, expecially with my southern accent. They liked to poke fun, calling me stupid. I guess being from the south automatically made you lesser than people in the north, which is funny since I was much smarter than most of the people here.

I did make one good friend though pretty quick. His name was Brendon, Brendon Urie. He was different than most guys, pretty out there, random, loud, obnoxious...and he didn't really try to hard to hide the fact that he had ADD. The only reason we had become friends to begin with was because I had let him copy my math homework once, after that he started coming to me all the time untill we were just really good friends.

I remember the first time we had a sleep over, we sat in his backyard on his trampoline, staring up at the starless sky. I had originally come over to help him study for his math test but we go side-tracked pretty easy.

I remember having a heart to heart with him. It was the first time I had ever seen the truly sensitive side of Brendon. He was so smart and mature, though you would never know that if you were judging him by his actions at school. I remember telling him all about how I was going to escape the city and move to a place in the mountains, with lots of tree's, no people and a beautiful star filled sky. It was such a deep conversation, we connected on a level I didn't even know was possible after knowing him for such a short time. He made a promise to me, he promised he'd make sure I would see the stars again, only the next time it would be with him, which he kept but we will get to that later.

After my whole rant about wanting to never live in the city, I'm sure you would have never thought I would end up in California, still in the city at the age of twenty four. That's what happened. I guess you can kind of thank Brendon for that one.

Perhaps I should explain, Brendon has always been a talented dude, his vocals are just amazing, he started a band with these other three guys that grew immediately into a very successful band. Of coarse, when it all happened, Brendon dragged me along for the ride, not that I minded, I got to see the world with him, my other best friends, meet so many cool people and the best part, I got to see the stars in so many different skies.

They kept me around to take picture's during shows, which I didn't mind, it was fun taking pictures of your best friends as your job. Not to mention I had always loved photography and Brendon thought I had a really great eye. So of coarse I became their permanent tour photographer.

Things got pretty crazy after the band split though, it had made me grow a lot closer to both Brendon and Spencer. I was their rock for a while, which I was okay with, they had always been there for me, but it was upsetting to see Brendon so beaten down.

Its funny because before the band split I had started to think about quiting as their photographer. That day when Brendon appeared on my door step I was going to tell him, but when I saw the look in he eyes I stopped myself. I couldn't leave him when he was practically in tears.

He spilled his soul to me that night, we sat up late sitting on my couch talking about Ryan and Jon, slurping down a lot of booze and eating a gallon of ice cream. Brendon was completely broken, I didn't know what else to do. Hell, I wanted to kick Ryan and Jon's ass even though I was a good friend of theirs too.

It took me forever to pick Brendon back up, to restore his confidence, to get him to start writing music again.

Spencer was a little easier to handle, Spencer was good at keeping a straight face or faking a smile. Brendon was a lot more emotional then Spence. You have handle both of them differently. Spencer is the type of guy you just need to distract with shopping or doing things until he finally decides he can't hold it in anymore. Surprisingly, Spencer broke down a week after the split, he didn't cry or anything, but he was definitely frustrated. We were sitting at Brendon's house enjoying some food Sarah had made and he just put his plate down and gave us the serious Spencer look.

He just started to rant after that, it was funny how out of the blue it was. At some point I remember telling him to shut up because he kept going and than giving him a big hug.

He was better after that and then they started to try and make music again. I was there every step of the way, like a mom helping a baby learn to walk. It was hard convincing Brendon that his lyrics were good enough or the music was fine. He doubted himself a lot, but we eventually got through it.

So here I was in California, sitting inside Brendon's house, Sarah cooking something....she's always cooking something and Brendon was on the phone with some people from the recording company, discussing the tour details.

I sighed, I always hated these long phone chats Brendon had. I stretched out across the couch and closing my eyes for a minute, letting Brendon's voice lull me into a relaxation I couldn't fight. He's voice always calmed in a way no one else's could, maybe it was the fact that I was so used to it....or maybe it was just the fact that he had a pleasant speaking voice when he was talking calmly.

Maybe it was the frequency of it, how low it was, I don't know, I just knew it relaxed me in some sort of way.

“Hey Livvvyyy, don't be lame,” I felt Brendon's body fall ontop of mine, not even realizing he had gotten off the phone.

He was crushing me, I grunted something inaudible to him and attempted to push myself up with him still on me, “come on, I have really good news, you're going to be excited!”

“Why am I here Brendon? I'm tired, I want sleep,” I heard Sarah laugh from the kitchen, she knew all to well how much Brendon love dragging me places for stupid reasons.

“Well, if your going to be lame, I don't think I'm going to tell you,” I grunted as Brendon got off of me, sitting at my feet. I pushed myself up, glaring at him while running a hand through my hair.

“What?” I said in a grumpy voice, I wanted to be in my bed. He had called me early this morning telling me I needed to come over immediately. When I got here he was on the phone with someone, so I just fell onto the couch, listening to him talk for well over an hour.

“So were going back on tour, which you knew already,” I felt myself mentally kick myself in the head, I needed to talk to Brendon about that....I don't think I could do another tour, it was so much stress. I loved it, don't get me wrong, but I was just tired of waking up somewhere new every day. I'm pretty sure I would need a hearing aid by the time I'm 30 seeing as those fans try way to hard to break ear drums. I was just tired. I had been planning on selling my house for a few months now and go back home to be a cute southern bell. I wanted my accent back, I wanted to be able to walk around outside with a cowboy hat without feeling shame or ride a horse again.

“Brendon listen we need to-”

“And you will never guess who we are touring with,” Brendon cut me off, grabbing my arms and looking into my eyes, I sighed in defeat as our eyes connected, it was hard to resist those big brown eyes, they gave me chills.

“Who Brendon?”

“MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!” Brendon suddenly tackled me into a hug, I felt my eye twitch a little...

“My....My....what?” Brendon pulled away from me, giving me the biggest cheeky grin he could muster. He knew they were my favorite band, he knew all to well.

“YESSS! I knew you would just be so excited! I had been talking it over with Pete and everything, Pete and Mikey are really good friends and they were so down with the idea. Were also touring with Fall Out Boy too! It's going to be so much fun!”

“OH MY GOD B! I LOVE YOU!” I tackled Brendon down, forgetting all about going back to Texas and snuggling into him.

Brendon was giggling and hugging me back. “I knew you would,” I pulled away, jumping on the couch with excitement. This was going to be the funnest tour ever, I just knew it.

“Spencer and I wanted to thank you for...you know...helping us through the Ryan and Jon thing. We figured what better way than to try and get your favorite band on tour with us. They seem like pretty cool dudes might I add, I met them the other day.” I looked at him in awe, sighing.

“I can't believe you would do this......” I started to laugh, dropping my head into my hands, to much in shock to even handle this.

“I'll be back, I have to piss,” Brendon jumped up and ran to the bathroom, I still couldn't get over the fact that I was going to be seeing My Chem. I had met plenty of celebrities while touring with them, but My Chem had always been my favorite band, so getting to meet them was going to be a dream.

“He's been planning this for a while ya know,” I looked up at Sarah and smiled at her, nodding my head in understanding. “I told him....”

“You what?!” I yelped, Sarah sighed, I had informed Sarah that I didn't want to do this whole hanging with rockstars thing anymore, I told her I had planned on telling Brendon soon but I guess she decided to take matters into her own hands.

“It was a mistake, I thought you guys already talked about it...when he found out....he kind of....went a little crazy, than planned all of this...” I let my head drop, I felt bad now, Brendon probably thought I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

“Yeah, I figured he would take it that way. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow....can you tell him I'm going home? I'm tired and need sometime to think....” Sarah nodded her head and I stood up going to the door, giving her a final wave before walking out the door.

It wasn't anything against Brendon, I loved him to death, though I'm sure he felt like me wanting to leave was his fault. I just missed home, more than ever lately but I guess it wouldn't be to bad to do one more tour. I could see all those beautiful places again.

When I got home, I threw my keys on the counter in the kitchen and walked into the living room to see my boyfriend sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob.

“Hey babe, what Bren want?” Brendon and Josh were really good friends, which was pretty surprising seeing as all my other boyfriends Brendon has hated. Of coarse, I guess it was to be expected that he like Josh since he introduced us, though he never thought we would date.

“Just talking about the next tour,” I walked over to the couch and sat beside him, leaning into him. His arm wrapped around my waste and pulled me closer to him, my head falling onto his chest as we cuddled.

“You didn't tell him did you?” Josh asked, looking pretty engrossed in his show.

“I couldn't.....” I sighed, closing my eyes for a second.

“Olivia, if you don't tell him....”

“You don't get it Josh....he....well....he went out of his way to get my favorite band to go on tour with us.....” Josh finally tore his eyes from the TV and looked at me. I pulled off of him, sitting up straight and putting my hands on my face. “I mean what could one more tour do? It'll be fun. Plus I don't think it's going to be that long. This will be the last one...I'm going to talk to Brendon later today. Apparently Sarah dropped the bomb and that's why he got my favorite band to come.” I looked up to see Josh shaking his head.

“Alright Livy, it's your choice, I'm not going to try and control what you do....” I frowned at him, why was he so nice all the time?

“Thanks, I think i'm going to go upstairs and nap though,” Josh nodded and I headed upstairs, falling into my bed and closing my eyes.

I felt like I was only asleep for 10 minutes when I felt someone tug the blankets off my body.

Mother Fucker.

I lifted my head a little to see who it was, Spencer standing over my bed with a big cheeky grin came into view and I inwardly groaned.

“SPENCER,” I whined grabbing the blanket and trying to pull it from his hands.

“Get up!” Spencer said, having a tight grip on my blanket, not letting go. I growled, using my whole body to try and pull the blanket from Spencer. “GO AWAY!”

“You said you would go shopping with me today!”

“That was before Brendon woke me up at eight in the morning after keeping me up until two in the morning,” I hissed, giving up with the blanket, letting Spencer completely pull it from my body. I dropped my head into my pillow and closed my eyes.

“Alright, fine,” I heard Spencer's footsteps get closer and suddenly felt myself hoisted off the bed.

“SPENCER OH MY GOD!” I quickly grabbed onto his neck as I freaked out, I hated being lifted up, it was the scariest thing ever.

“Are you up?” I glared at him and he set me down on my feet.

“I hate you, I'm going to make you buy really ugly clothes,” I stated simply, going over to the mirror to see how I looked. I still looked pretty decent from getting ready to go to Brendon's this morning. I grabbed a brush and ran it through my hair, all while Spencer sat on my bed waiting patiently.

“Alright let's go Mr. Impatient,” I grunted, he smiled big at me and we went downstairs. Josh was sitting on the couch still watching TV.

“Thanks for letting him in,” I said in a dark tone, Josh just smiled.

“You know him and Brendon already know where the spare key is, even if I hadn't gotten it he still would have been able to get in,” I shook my head, putting on my black converse and looking at Spencer.

“You driving?” He nodded his head and I followed after him as he walked out the door.

“So did B tell you about the tour?” I nodded my head as we climbed into the car, slipping on my seatbelt as he started the car.

“I didn't get details, I do know were touring with Fall Out and MCR,” I said simply, shrugging my shoulders. Spencer looked at me for a second before turning his eyes to the road.

“So you didn't find out about what day we start or anything?” I shook my head, looking at him for a second.

“I didn't really want to talk about it....I figured we could talk about it later today or something, I was really tired.”

Spencer got pretty quiet and I immediately knew Brendon had something about it. I sighed, lifting my head.

“Why are you acting strange?” I asked softly, Spencer looked at me, shaking his head.


“So what are we shopping for?” I spoke quickly, deciding to change the subject.

“Stage clothes, I want to get a couple of nice shirts, plus I'm sure you'd like some stuff for the tour.” I nodded my head.

“I could use some new shoes,” I stated, I was never to worried about having hundreds of clothes. Wasn't something necessary to me. It's not like I was the one being seen anyway.

We got to one of Spencer's favorite stores down town, heading inside, it was a mostly dressy guy clothes, bow-ties, suits, dress shirts, ties, things like that. There were some girls clothes though, mostly dresses, pencils skirts and nice tops.

One of the workers immediately approached us, asking a bunch of questions as to why we were here and what we were looking for.

Spencer did most of the talking, completely used to it.

“Do you think we could get her something sexy as well? Preferably something red,”

“SPENCER!” I yelped, the lady helping us smiled.

“I think we could work something out, I will be back.” The lady disappeared and I glared at Spencer.

“Who do you think you are?” I hissed, he just gave me a big cheesy skin. I never tried to look good ever, I liked skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I wasn't like Sarah, I didn't wear heals every day.

“You're going to need it for tonight,”

“What's tonight?” Spencer looked at me for a second before strolling over to the dress shirts, I followed after him.

“If you would have stuck around, maybe Brendon would have told you,” I rolled my eyes at him, noticing a very nice shirt and handing it to him.

“Well, what's going on tonight?”

“Where having dinner and drinks with Pete as a little pre-tour, get to know everyone thing I guess. Even though we know all of them pretty well.”

“Short notice much?” I asked, feeling a little giddy over it.

“Yeah, well I just found out last night Haley couldn't go, so I'm bringing you as my date, since Brendon's taking Sarah.” I nodded my head, nearly screaming when that girl who had talked to us before popped out of nowhere.

“How do you feel about this? I feel like it would fit you perfectly,” I grabbed the dress she held up to see it was pretty short, showed a lot of cleavage and just looked like a whore dress.

“No, ignore Spencer. Give me something...classy, less skin,”

“Were going to be dancing Liv,” I laughed a little at this, shaking my head.

“Keep it bright like this though, just a little more class, I'm not a hooker.” She nodded and ran off again, making me happy to be alone with Spencer.

“Why am I friends with you again?”

“Because you love me.....so what do you think of this,” I smiled at Spencer and went over to the bow ties, grabbing a pretty dark blue one.\.

“It'll be perfect with this.” Spencer gave me a smile and went to go try it on.

Today was going to be a...long....long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woooww, that was long.
Tehe, shopping with Spencer, ME GUSTTAA!
Let me know what you think :)
More soon! Leave me a comment <3