Sequel: Family Values
Status: Completed :)

Lead me From the Darkness

Chapter Twenty-One

October 11th, 2011
Henry and Donna’s House, Boston, MA
10:30 A.M.

When Henry walked back through the door Donna got up off the couch and said

“How was practice?” He answered with

“You better not of left Donna.”

“I didn’t,” she said. “Trust me.”

“Trust you?” said Henry. “You won’t even tell me where you went last night.”

“A motel,” she said.

“Ya right, I don’t believe you for a second. Your up to something, and I’m gonna find out.”

The rest of the day was spent at home. Henry left to get food and when he came back Donna was cooked like usual. While she was in the kitchen, Henry was on the computer looking for a clue to where Donna could have gone to. He didn’t have her Facebook password but he needed to find out. Maybe that would give him an idea. She never saved any of her passwords onto her computer so he needed a better way to get it. She thought she could outsmart him but she was wrong.

He downloaded a key logger onto the computer. It would record everything that was typed into the computer. He couldn’t wait to see what else Donna would type up besides her password. When he saw her come into the living room with dinner he took his plate and handed her the laptop. She looked confused and he said

“Here you can use it. I suppose it’s unfair to cut you off completely.” She looked shocked and said

“Thanks Henry,” He smiled at her and she sat in the arm chair next to him and went on the computer. Satisfied, he watched her type something into the keyboard.

When it was time for bed Henry left Donna in the living room still on the computer.

Donna sat up in the dark living room on the computer. Why had Henry let her have it? He had been acting so nice to her. She didn’t think about it long because when she logged in there was a message from Greg.

‘How are you?’ it read.

‘I’m fine,’ she typed back. She didn’t want Greg to go off about Henry again.

‘Why weren’t you at practice today?’ asked Greg.

‘I didn’t want to come.’ She said.

‘I found your phone and laptop in Henry’s bag.’ He said.

‘He didn’t want me calling anyone or talking to anyone while he was gone,’ she said, not revealing the entire truth. They continued to type back and fourth and Donna finally got into bed in the early hours of the morning.

Henry was up before Donna the next morning. Not just because he had practice but because he wanted to know what he could find on the computer when he went into the keylogging program. He only thought he would find her Facebook username and password typed in but instead he found a whole page of text that Donna had typed into the computer. He read come of the things that was on the page and realized that it was a conversation she’d been having with someone. He found her password at the top of the page and logged in on Facebook. He went into her inbox and a hot rush of rage came through him when he saw Greg’s name.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.