With arms wide open

Move in?

"Hi dad. Can we talk?"
"Sure honey."
"Well, I was thinking. Since I'm already five months pregnant and Jack has already missed this much of my pregnancy... Can he move in? Please daddy pretty please!"
"Hmmm. You have to talk to your mother about this."
"I did. She's fine with it as long as it's ok with you."
"Then I guess he can stay here."
"YES!! Thank you so much daddy!!"
"Your welcome princess."
"I have to call Jack!"
"Baby guess what!"
"What Bree?"
"He said yes!"
"When can I move in?"
"I'll be over in twenty minutes."
"Yay! I love you."
"Love you too. Tell Katie I love her."
"She loves you too."
♠ ♠ ♠