Status: Completed

Lets Learn to Put the Past Behind Us.

You Got A Big Mouth, And You Should Of Shut It.

Joels POV-

I had my arm wrapped tight around Aj, as we walked. "So, are you gonna break up with Mike?" I whispered. 

Aj watched her feet as she walked. "Yeah, when we get back, or after the show."

"I want to kick his ass."

"I don't know." She laughed. "Mikes kind of strong."

"Are you actually suggesting I couldn't take him?" 

"I'm not saying that. I'm just saying you would have to put up a good fight." Aj looks up at me, and smiles.

"I would, he hurt you. He deserves to get his ass kicked. Plus, I'm pretty sure the other guys would help out." 

Aj giggled, resting her head against my shoulder. She moved her arm, clutching it around me. We walked in silence for awhile, until Aj said, "Thanks Joel."

I glance down at her. "For what?"

"Well, everything. Your always so nice to me, even when I don't deserve it. I honestly don't know what I would do without you."

I bit my lip, trying to hide my smile. "I don't know what I would do without you either. You keep me busy."

"It seems like I'm the one who can't do anything right, and your always picking up the pieces. When am I going to be able to help you out?"

"That's not true, darling your perfect. And I love being there for you, I don't need you to do anything for me." I slightly whispered, as I squeezed Aj tighter.

"Joel, I think you're the perfect one." Aj murmured.

"Stop  lying Aj."

"I'm not, it's the truth... Also I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you. You really did not deserve that, you were just trying to help." 

I stopped walking, and turned Aj towards me. "Don't worry about it, really. I didn't mean what I said either, you can always come crying back to me... " I joked. "But yeah, I guess I am pretty perfect." I said, flipping my hair.

"You're such a dork, Joel." Aj laughed, throwing her arms around me. She buried her face into my neck, and I held her back. 

"Aj, you should sing with us tonight." I mumbled, into her hair.

"I'll think about." 

Aj and I eventually made it back to the venue. Mike and his band were already sound checking. Mikes eyes found Aj, giving her a smile. She didn't smile back, just looked through him. I shook my head, grabbing Aj's arm, bringing her back stage.

"The Maine should kick there asses off this tour." I said, anger lurking on each word.

"Joel, don't worry about it."

"Douches." I whispered, shaking my head. "Anyways, your going to sing with us tonight." Not a question.

Sean walked in, "Your singing with us? Awesome."

"Now you have no choice." I smiled at Aj, cockily.

"Fine, I will. What song?" Aj asked.

"Maybe one about you." Sean joked.

"Ha ha. Shut up man." I said, between my teeth.

Aj giggled, trying to hide her smirk. 

*Aj's POV-

This Century was in the middle of their set. I was enjoying the show from the side of the stage, singing along to the last lines in, Everywhere, Everything. Joel would glance over every once in a while, making a stupid face, or smiling. Once the song ended, Joel looked over at me, and nodded. I nervously nodded back, giving him a thumbs up. I was suppose to come sing him.

"We have a couple more songs left." Joel said, into the microphone. "So make sure you party while you can. On this song we are going to have a special guest. Sing along." Joel shot me a wink, then started singing. "Don't stop me falling..."

I prepped myself, by singing along. The chorus ended, and I walked out on to the stage. I grabbed the microphone off the stand, next to Joel. And started to sing, "I'm caught up in you and I don't know what else to do."

I turned to Joel, motioning him to come over.  "Come bother me, come bother me."

Joel smiled, bobbing his head. We sang the chorus together, and I tried to dance, without looking like an idiot. 

"You want to get in the way." Joel sang, looking down at me.  

"I want you to." I sang back to him.

"'Cause I got a fever tonight, you've got me down on my knees." Joel turned back to the crowd, and shouted. "Come on, help us out!"

I glanced over to the side of the stage, Mike was standing there. He had his arms crossed against his chest, and his expression was angered. My smile slowly faded from my lips;  I turned back to the crowd, trying to forget about him. 

The song ended, and Joel pulled me into a hug. "Give it up for our girl, Aj."

"Thanks guys." I smiled, as Joel kissed my forehead. I walked off the stage. (The opposite side of Mike.) This Century started their last song, as I avoided Mike. He gets pretty jealous, when I'm around Joel, or other guys.   But it's okay for him to hook up with a bunch of chicks? I don't think so.

 Mike turned around, he was on his way over to me. "So, you and Joel looked cute, on stage."

"We were just singing together. But I need to talk to you." I started.

"Fine, talk." Mike narrowed his eyes, at me.

"I'm just going to say it... I wanna break up." 

"Really? You want to break up?" 

"Yeah, sorry. It's not going to work. I know the real you now, and I don't like it."

"Know what, fine. I don't care! Have fun with Joel." Mike yelled, over the music. And stomped away.

I hung out in the dressing room, until I heard Mikes band start. I open the door, and leaned up against the door frame was Joel. I jumped back, in shook. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Joel said.

"Its fine, no big deal." I smiled. 

"Talk to Mike?" He questioned.

"Yeah, he wasn't  happy  I sang with you. And he also wasn't happy when I broke up with him."

Joel rolled his eyes. "Boo whoo, Poor Mike. He doesn't deserve you anyways."

"Yeah, so-" I was cut off, when I heard Mike talking. 

Joel's eyebrows knitted together, in anger. "What did he just say?" He grabbed my arm, and pulled me to the side of the stage.

Mike decided it was cool to talk shit on stage. "So you guys know Aj? Yeah, well ain't she a slut!" Mike slurred his words, as he spoke into the microphone. "What about Joel Kan- Kantzzz, whatever his name is. Let me tell you about him!" Mike started.
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Whooooa it's been a month since Ive updated! Sorry it's been so long! I've super busy with school.

I promise to update more often! Subscribe/Comment!?!?!

Sooo Mike sucks, yeah? Yeah. Haha :)

Thanks For Reading!!!!