Status: foREVer

Wicked End

Chapter 4

David had a class alone with Zacky, history. This is when he set up Mary's meeting.

It was tricky. Alarms would set off if he told Zacky that Mary wanted a private meeting with him. He also might tell the rest of the guys. If they didn't like it they would let it be known. They stuck together so they would no doubt stop working if Mary came between them and their friendship.

David decided on the casual approach. If it didn't seem important why bother to mention it?

"Mary wants to see you after your baseball practice..." David didn't even look up from his assignment for class as he threw the statement into the air.

At the corner of his eye he saw the boy look up.

"What about?"

David shrugged, "something about the numbers."

"Di-Did I mess up?" David smirked at his fearful stutter.

"Naw, you'd know if you fucked up."
This time David looked the other male in the eye. He knows it's unprofessional to toy with the soldiers but he was jealous.
When Zacky got to Mary's he looked worn out from practice. His tee-shirt was still a little wet from sweat and the lower half of his body was covered in dusty basketball shorts.

He rung the doorbell and was shocked to be greeted by Mary's father. He was hardly home, work kept him away so this was the first time the boy was meeting the crime boss. After the guys starting working for her, her father was revealed to them. It made them uneasy but Mary insisted everything would be fine as long as they did as they were told.

"Whatda you want?" It took a while to answer, Zacky was focusing on not shitting his shorts.


Tony looked him up and down before crossing his arms.

"Hey Zacky," David smirked from behind the tall male and Zacky met his gaze to convey a pathetic 'help me' message.

"You know this guy?"

"One of Mary's soldiers." At the answer the older man let out a bombing laugh and clapped Zacky on the shoulder.

"Why didn't you say so kid, come in. Mary's in her room." He left after that and David stared at Zacky with his arms crossed with an unreadable expression on his features.

"I'd hurry it up. Mary hates to be kept waiting."

Zacky shuffled up the stairs of the large house and to Mary's room. He knocked and heard the music stop before shuffling to the door could be heard.

Mary answered, large doll like eyes looked up at him and a small smile slowly crawled its way onto her lips.

"Come in," Zacky did what he was told and sat after she motioned him to her bed. "I wanted to discuss the work you've been doing."

"Is it alright?"

"Oh Zacky," she chuckled at his uneasiness and placed her hand on his knee after sitting beside him. "It's more than alright, it's perfect. You really are amazing with money. I've worked with people older than you that can't do what you do. That's what I want to talk about. You can be doing so much more Zacky. You shouldn't use your friends as a crutch."

Mary squeezed his knee before getting up and putting the music back on. Zacky didn't recognize the song but it was soft and calming.

"You guys work great together but..." she trailed off with a shake of her head. "You can cover more ground if you split up."

"Split up?" Zacky became alarmed again, he scared so easily.

"It's not what you think. I would never separate you guys, how cruel do you think I am?" She giggled for emphasis. "I just mean do your own sales, collecting, and book keeping. Don't you want your friends to be as good as you with money?"


"Yes Zacky," she giggled again before joining him back on the bed and facing him, he followed suit. "You are great, you can do this all by yourself, I've held this private meeting because I know you will do fine and I need your help to convince the guys this is not to come between any of you but to help you all."

"You need my help?"

"Yes, you don't give yourself enough credit Zacky," she whispered this as she leaned in ever so slightly and looked down at his lips before making herself blush and pulling away.

A dazed look overcame Zacky features, he was hooked.

"What do you need me to do?"

Mary's back was turned so he couldn't see the smirk that grazed her lip. She had him and she knew it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Little Zacky flirting.