‹ Prequel: Just Paint Your Face
Sequel: Half Jack

Terra Firma

Friends of Chaos

I'd woken up. And every time I had a fit, I wrote.

Angel sat on my bed, next to where Homer was sleeping. He'd been going on and on about a purple man and a lady that smelled like springtime before dozing off. Angel ignored him, laughing it off as I scribbled away at a notepad.

"He's so creative."

"Very." I'd said, knowing exactly what he'd meant all along.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course." After a seizure I was always incredibly calm and lightweight, as if a huge boulder was lifted from my body. I felt airy, complacent. Especially knowing that I was safe at home, and not in some horrible dark room staring at a bunch of keys. I sighed, smiling, thinking of another poem. It's odd how quickly some people can bounce back from things.

The explosion near my house was no exception. The media was in a frenzy and there were sirens in the distance but other than that, it was calm.

I didn't realize Angel had gotten us out so quickly, moments before the blast. You usually take your friends for granted, even if you don't mean to.

"What happened?" Angel asked me, her expression curious.

"I was... I was really frustrated after losing that game..."

"You were sweating like you'd drowned."

"It was hot in the tent, okay?" I snapped quickly.

"Okay. Okay," she then affected Jay's deep voice, "Just sayin."

We both laughed, and everything was okay again. Angel began searching through my wardrobe, as she often did when we got bored.

There was a smoldering explosion outside. You couldn't see it from my window, but it was close enough to have caused the building to shake, according to Goofy, Grumpy, and Angel. And yet, Homer was dreaming. Jay was still asleep. We were bored.

Figures, in this city.

Angel took out a dark blue dress, admiring it. I was relieved The Joker and Ivy were "kind" enough to stay contained quietly in the guest room (to my surprise), and that she was occupied in this way. I had been in too tense of a mindset earlier to be in the mood for anymore shenanigans. I relaxed, thinking this was the calm after the storm.

But it was only the eye of the hurricane. A beady little one, at that. Surrounded by blackened, bruised flesh--for it had been punched so many times in its life.

"Don't touch that." I snapped as Angel bent, almost opening a box underneath some of my clothes.


"Can I listen now?" I blew a strand of red out of my face. I didn't know why I was still in here. He'd been monopolizing the little glass since we'd hidden away.

There wasn't even a point to hiding in the bathroom. It was locked, but if this 'Sis' was smart she'd catch on quickly there was someone in here.

"Sh, sh, sh." He waved a hand in my direction.

"...Who is this friend of hers, anyway?" I said aloud to myself, curiosity sparking. I was annoyed and slightly impatient at this point, but relieved to know that the shaking had been an explosion and that my Daisy--Cosette--was safe. For all I know, it could've been an actual earthquake. My temper could get the best of me one day... and I didn't know the full brunt of what I could...

I took a deep breath, blocking out more dark thoughts.

"I don't think you can handle it..."

"I sleep with you. I can handle anything."

"Point taken." He giggled and I shushed him before it could erupt into his signature cackle.

"It's that prim little, uh... Arkham bitch. The one who tried figuring us out."

The one that looked so much like Rachel Dawes. My best friend. A pain shot through my heart, uncharacteristic for my strong spirit, but a pain just the same.

"Woman." I shot back defensively.

"Bitch." He retorted, spitting the word like it was bad taste in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes, sighing inwardly. What was the point of arguing? He dehumanized all he deemed unworthy. You couldn't argue with him. He felt for other women what I felt for other men--useless, stupid, boring. We were the same, yet polar opposites.

That was a good thing for us. I hoped.

"Hm. Wow. This is boring."

"What? What are they saying?"

"Talking about dresses or something... You want to listen?"

"I'll pass." Even I didn't really want to hear about dresses.

Jack put the glass down, now lying in the tub like there was water in it, drumming his untidy hands on the sides of it.

"Ho hum. I say we go out on the town tomorrow. Get some new recruits..."

"For what?"

"For fun. What else?"

I smirked, happy to see him in his chaotic state. It was then, staring at his painted face from against the little bathroom door that I yawned, suddenly realizing I was tired. He reacted it to it strangely, raising his eyebrows and reaching out his arms.

I don't think he'd ever done that. Ever. I stared at him dumbly.

"Well, you gonna go to sleep or what?"

His face was calm and relaxed, his brown eyes mild. A tiny voice of rejection rang out, warning me.

Don't do it. He'll catch you off guard. Snap your neck...

I shoved it away firmly, getting up and crawling into the porcelain tub next to him, falling right into the arms of danger, right into the arms of temptation.

abandon hope all ye who enter here

Still I smiled, breathing in his scent, feeling the random rapid little rises and twitches of his body. Happily let him stroke my hair and lips while he muttered nonsense.

The little voice tried one final time before I completely retreated into darkness.

abandon hope...

Ah, shut up.

Who needs hope when you're a friend of chaos?