Status: This is a new story I'm making up. Hope you enjoy! :P

The Life in the Eyes of Amelia St. James

'Prim and Proper' my ass!

'Amelia St. James. A royal air to the throne. The Princess of Bordeaux, France. She is to be the most kindest and respectable person of Bordeaux and blah, blah, blah.'
Why do people care so much about all this royal shit? I mean, seriously? Why can't my sister Simone do it? At least her name sounds like it's French! She's more prim and proper than I'm ever gonna be. plus, she's older than me! Why can't she take over as Queen and leave me be?
Mother has insisted on putting me through this disgusting banquet where I have to find me a suitor to be my Prince and blah, blah, whoop dee doo, and shit. I spit on the ground she walks on. It surprises me that she hasn't taken me to a beauty school yet so that I can become a 'young lady.'
I guess I was always the wild one growing up. My Father passed away many years ago when I was about the age of 10. He always told me to do whatever I wanted and to live my life the way I wanted to live. I rode horses and played croquet, and I also loved to walk to the coutnryside and run around in the wheat fields. That's all over now that my incompetant mother watches every move I take.
I wish that Bitch would leave me be. All I want to do is party with my friends ( if I still have any), and drink until I pass out. I want to have sex with men that I find SUITABLE to bang! Because that is just how 'Prim' and 'Proper' I am. Being prim and proper has never gotten me anywhere in life. It certainly didn't work out for mom. She's married to man she hardly even knows. What kind of cimmitment is that! She had to marry him for the sake of our family. our heritage. Well that a load of shit if I ever saw it.
" Amelia! Downstairs, Now!" Shit. What did I do this time?
I walk down the stairs, half dressed, boobs hanging out, not giving a damn, trying to get over a hangover, and my mother, in her pride is at the bottom of the stairs. Looking at me in disgust. Who in the bloody hell does she think she is thinking she all mighty? Well, I'm gonna show her!
Mother had on, as usual, her gold jewelry that ever shines so brightly around her ghastly display of her neck, wearing her morning dress, with her boobs pooched out to high heaven, and her hair pined up and tied tightly around the top of her head. On top of her head, laid the royal fucking crown. Woo hoo, bow down to the Queen.....what the hell ever.
"Amelia! You sneaked out of the castle last night didn't you!?"
"Nah, mother! I just felt like 'pretending to have a hangover' and come down here half naked." She gave me her so-called evil glare. Woo, I'm sooo scared.
"Amelia, this is not how a proper lady behaves!"
"That's beause I'm not a proper lady! I will never be a proper lady if you keep getting on my ass for everything I do!"
"I cannot believe you would talk to your own mother like that! Go to your room!"
" I was planning on it!" I storm off into my room and lock the door. That's it. I can't take anymore of her constant nagging and disciplining. I'm gonna run away again. I packed up some clothes, unlocked the door, and stumbled downstairs...still half-naked.
"Where are you going, Sis?" ahh, Simone. How I love my big Sister.
" I'm going away for a while." She looked at me and smiled. She knows I run away like every week almost.
"Whatever you have to do Amelia. Mother can be a total bitch sometimes. One day, I hope you can find happiness wherever you go."
" I sure hope so too, Simone. Take care of the castle while I'm gone."
"Planning on it, sis."
She hugged me god-bye and I was off. I'm so sick and tired of this shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like this first chapter. I'll add on to this soon. Stay tuned for more grouchy and sassy Amelia! :P
- Lauraretta <3