Luck of the Draw

Chapter Twenty-five

Nick’s triumphant return to the ice was the headline in Sunday’s morning paper. He broke the Capitals’ record for most points scored in a single game. The record, set by Dino Ciccarelli in 1989, was considered nearly unobtainable with four goals and three assists. Nick scored a natural hat trick and had assists on all five of the other Capitals’ goals Saturday night. He helped to propel the team to an 8-1 win over the Florida Panthers and to take over the lead in the Southeast Division.

Jordan was very nervous before the game, but she did her best not to show it. She didn’t like that Nick had missed any time at all due to injury. Now he was ready and she was doing her best to act like she was completely comfortable with him going back on the ice. He had come back from the morning skate in good spirits. It was clear that he felt like he’d been away too long.
He’d come home from practice on Friday all smiles and excited.

“Get your coat,” he ordered with a grin.

“Why?” she asked intrigued.

“Just do it. We have plans.”

He just kept grinning at her and even though surprises weren’t her favorite thing, she couldn’t keep from sharing his excitement. He had kept his secret about thirty minutes of the drive.

“Why are we in Annapolis?” she asked, recognizing the charming little colonial town that was home to the United States Naval Academy. He just smiled at her question and continued to drive down to the harbor. It was busy at the dock already. There were several shops in the harbor area and usually it was quite difficult to find a place to park. He finally found a spot and turned the car off. He grinned over at her, clearly quite certain that she would like her surprise.

“Come on,” he said, jumping out of the car and crossing quickly to open her door for her. They walked a short distance down to the pier where the Harbor Queen was docked. She was an old fashioned open air boat with a top level completely open to get the best views of Chesapeake Bay.

Jordan looked at him questioningly and he just grinned in return. They boarded the Harbor Queen and climbed up to the top level. There was a lovely table set for two waiting for them.

He pulled out a chair for her and after she was seated the boat left the dock. It was a lovely tour of the Bay. The sea breeze was refreshing, but cold. She understood why he had insisted she bring her heavy coat.

“So, does this all mean that you’re back in the lineup?”

“It does.”

“And that rates a boat tour?”

“It thought you might enjoy it,” he said putting his arm around her. She looked up into his happy golden eyes and tried hard to hide her trepidation. She would not spoil today for him. He was so happy and excited, but she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he got his again.

Clearly, she had had nothing to worry about. He was everywhere on the ice Saturday night. She winced when he took his first hit and his second hit, but he seemed fine, better than fine. And at the end of the night, her fears were unwarranted.