Your Claims of Love Are Falling


There was a knock on the door to the apartment. CC was in the front room but he didn't move to answer it yet. Jason and Mandy were down in their room asleep still.
When the knock came again CC got up to open it. He knew who was on the other side and that was the main reason he hadn't gotten up right away. He wanted to annoy his friend.
"Hey man, what's goin' on?" CC greeted Ashley.
"You know, same old same old." Ashley shrugged stepping into the apartment.
Ashley kicked off his boots and followed CC into the kitchen.
"You got anything to eat? I haven't had breakfast yet."
"It's two in the afternoon." CC said cocking an eyebrow.
"I just got up." Ashley shrugged unfazed. "Besides you probably just got...hey, who's that in there?"
Ashley had seen something that caught his eye. A pair of legs lying uncovered in CC's bed. Ashley moved to get a better view and then noticed how the legs came up in the shape of a well toned female backside clad in a thong. He stopped when the girl was in full view from where he was standing.
"Nice legs, no pants, and a skimpy tank top. Who is this little gem?" Ashley asked turning his attention to CC.
"Don't worry about it." CC said moving to go shut the door to his bedroom.
First he pulled one of the bed sheets up over her taking the time to admire her ass and then he closed the door after himself.
"Can't remember her name?"Ashley asked.
"I'm not you. I just don’t think she wants you to know her name." CC grinned.
"That's the dumbest thing I've heard... wait..." Ashley paused connecting something in his mind. "Harley from the grocery... and last night at the beach?"
"Yes that's Helena." CC sighed a little disappointed that Ashley had figured it out so quickly.
Ashley stood there staring at CC like CC had done something wrong and tapped his foot on the tile floor. CC just shrugged and walked away. Ashley really had no right to do that when they all knew he was guilty of much worse.
"Food is in the kitchen. You know where to find it." He said with a wave of his arm.
Ashley started making himself a sandwich out of anything he could find and then joined CC on the couch.
"You two dating?"
"She's too hot to be a friend. Girl that looks like that you gotta get with." Ashely said around bites of the sandwich.
"Just let it alone man. Whatever happens happens. It ain’t like she's into you or she would have already taken your cab money."
"Touchy about her are we?" Ashley asked raising an eyebrow and taking a bite.
"Ash, drop it."
"Fine.What do you want to do today."
"I don't know. I have to wait for her to get up. I can't just leave her here. Besides, I think she may have slept through work." CC said biting the inside of his lip wondering it he should have woken her up earlier.
"Wake her up."
"No, I kept her up far too long last night. She needs to sleep."
Ashley looked at CC with a shit eating grin and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Not for that reason. I told you to drop it."
When CC looked up he saw Helena standing there dressed in the bathing suit top and shorts she had been in yesterday. She smiled at him and then quickly shot a glare at Ashley just for fun.
"I left the tank top on your bed. I didn't know where else to leave it because there's shit everywhere in your room."
"That's fine. You want some lunch or anything? Ashley already helped himself."
"No, I've been here long enough. You probably want me out of your hair. I gotta get goin' anyways. I didn’t wake up for work so I called them. They want me in as soon as I can get there."
“You need to eat something.” CC reasoned standing to head to the kitchen to make her something.
Helena grabbed his arm. “I can eat something from home. Really, I’ve been here far longer than my welcome was worth.”
"Okay, I'll drive you to your place then." CC said not wanting to say the words he was thinking, at least not in front of Ashley.
CC grabbed his keys, checked his pocket for his wallet, and headed for the front door. Ashley and Helena followed him. CC had to stop himself from laughing when Ashley asked Helena what they had done the night before and she started talking about how Ashley had been rejected by Mary.
CC dropped Helena off in the general area of her apartment building-she still wouldn’t tell him where she lived-and then disappeared from sight.
“You know, she’ll probably take her bike to work today. It’s faster.” CC said heading back towards his apartment.
"She just got to a ten in my book." Ashley said looking in the rear view mirror as if he would see Helena on her bike.
"Me too buddy."

A few days later CC found himself heading to the Western Union three blocks away from the grocery store that he always met Helena at. He had seen her there yesterday but now he was visiting her at work. He did have some business to conduct as well but mostly he wanted to see her.
He pulled into the parking lot noting her car in the side lot where he guessed employees parked. He checked himself in the mirror and grabbed the folder of paperwork he needed. Upon stepping through the doors he saw her in her business attire typing away at the desk computer. Her back was turned to him.
Someone welcomed him to the bank and he just nodded and smiled before heading to Helena’s desk. He pulled out a chair and she looked up at him with a smiled.
“Be with you in a moment.” She said.
“No need. Take your time.” CC smiled knowing that she hadn’t really noticed who he was yet.
Her face snapped back to him at the sound of his voice. “CC? What are you doing here? I’m working.”
“I know, and I have business to attend to.” He said picking up one of her business cards from the holder on her desk and handing it to her. “According to your card you can help me with that.”
“Home loans or account specialist?” She asked not even looking at it.
“Well, home loans.” He said putting the file on the desk.
“You’re buying a home?” She asked skeptically.
“Yeah, my roommate Jason... well his girlfriend just moved in with us and that apartment is pretty small. So I figured I would move out and give them space. Besides I’ve been kinda looking for a while now and I just happened to find the place I wanted yesterday. Got the bid on the house accepted, I don’t like my banks loan terms and thought maybe you could do better for me here at Western Union.” CC said making a large sweeping gesture with his hands.
“Well, I believe to get a good deal you have to have an account here.” She said flicking through the papers and looking over the loan terms of the other bank.
“That’s where the ‘account specialist’ comes in as well. See you can open and account for me and then get me a loan.”
“Cecil, this loan is already pretty good. What don’t you like about it?” She asked putting the papers down and looking up at him with skepticism written all over her face.
“I don’t know. I don’t understand anything. It’s all numbers to me.” He shrugged.
“Well I would put it to music for you if I had that talent, but the least I can do is explain it in as simple English banking terms as I can.”
“Okay.” CC said sitting back happy just to listen to her talk.
“You didn’t really want a loan from here did you?” She asked picking up the folder and figuring out where to start.
“Well, if you could’ve done better I would have. But, no I didn’t really care.” He smiled at her looking up from his hands.
“So then why did you come?” Helena asked not looking up from the papers having found her starting place, his smile had been lost on her.
“To see you and have you explain this to me.”
“I think you understand this. I don’t think they would lead you blind into signing all these papers and getting you a loan. Especially a home loan.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, this looks good. You’ve got good credit. Three bedroom, two bath, two stories. This is nice.”
“You can have your own room if you end up staying over again!” CC said a little too loud and a little too excitedly.
“Shh, remember I’m at work. None of these people know about my wild side.” She winked at him.
“I barely know about it.” CC shrugged. “Besides, I could just be some crack head in a bank. Look at me.”
“You look fine, just cool it a little.” She hushed him and then went back to the papers.
“Okay, well tell me how much of my life I just signed away.”
“One thing first, why a house and not another apartment?”
“Because if I got an apartment on my own I would have to still pay for it but I wouldn’t be there. It would be like an expensive storage unit. If I get a house, yeah I’m still paying for it while I’m gone, but the difference is each time I pay something on it then it becomes a little closer to being mine forever. Better investment.”
“Cecil, I think you know damn well what you’re doing.” She said plopping the file on the desk and pushing it towards him.
“Please, just explain it to me.” He said pushing it back. “I like listening to smart girls.”
Helena looked at CC with a raised eyebrow and then started going over the papers for him. He was more interested in looking at her in business attire. A pant suit was so much different than seeing her in leather pants and a leather jacket. He thought back to the other night when they were out on the Strip and had to keep himself from smiling.
It was about half an hour before she was done and he could think of no more questions no matter how stupid they were to ask her. He knew in a matter of minutes she was going to kick him out if he stayed any longer.
“Well, thanks for making me understand everything.” CC said as she handed the folder back to him.
“No problem Mr. Mora.” She smiled.
“Hey! You read my name off the file didn’t you?” He asked flipping though the papers.
“I read it off your driver’s licence when we were on the Strip last week.” She corrected. “Would you prefer Mr. Coma?”
“Cecil is fine, Hells.”
“Okay then Mr. Cecil, I hope to see you soon. If you ever are unhappy with the Bank of America then we can switch you right over to Western Union.”
“Mmm I think there would be trouble now with the loan and all that, but I will consider it.” He smiled playing along.
CC got up and pushed the chair he was sitting in back to her desk before leaving. Helena shook her head at him as he left and then went back to work. Someone sat at her desk and she was quickly focused on them ignoring the fact that her phone was buzzing and she knew damn well it was CC texting her about something.
Once the customer was gone she pulled her phone from her desk drawer and looked at the text. As she had predicted it was CC telling her that she should come to his apartment after work and watch a movie with him.
Can’t. She texted back.
Well why not?
I have other things to do and other friends than you.
Well that hurts. I don’t believe you.
Believe it. I didn’t mean to be mean. Just the truth.
Well how long with you be with other people? I’m alone!
I don’t know. However long it takes.
What takes?
Clever. :/ But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m alone. :’(
Maybe later. Depends. Stop begging.
But you still respond. ;)

At the last message Helena started to write him back but then decided against it. If she did respond he would be right. If she didn’t then he would maybe send her a few more-which he did-and then would leave her alone until later.
When she got off work she headed back to her place. CC didn’t bother her until much later, but as she said she was with people and didn’t respond to him. Not until it was much, much later in the night.
It’s night.
Almost morning.
Well, I’m alone now.
What do you mean ‘oh’?
Fine. Goodnight then.
NO! Wait. Sorry. Movie?
How long?
A few good inches...
CC! I meant the movie. Unless it’s a porn...?
We could watch that if you like. ;)
No. Look, I have to get up at six a.m.
Okay, so no movie then.
If it’s short.
Babe, nothing about me is short.
Ugh, I’m going to bed. Night.
:/... night.
Watch a movie and pretend I’m there. Hug a pillow or something. :)
Okay. <3 Sweet dreams, Hells.
Night Cecil. <3

Helena sighed and tossed her phone into her purse so it wouldn’t bother her while she was asleep. She stepped into the shower to rinse off the day before she climbed into bed and shut the lights off.
She couldn’t sleep though. All she really wanted to do was text CC. She wanted him to talk her into getting out of her bed, putting clothes on, and going to his apartment to watch a movie with him. If he had known she wasn’t wearing anything he would have tried to convince her to come over with nothing on. She sighed and told herself that it was Saturday tomorrow and she had Sunday off just like always. Maybe tomorrow night he would want to watch a movie if nothing came up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that one was kind of slow, and I'm sorry. But the next one will be more eventful. I promise.

If you're interested at all in My Chemical Romance and Killjoys well then please go check out Faith Is Unavailable.

Or you like Vampires Everywhere then look at Call Out To The Dead .