Status: One Shot

Until the End

One of One

“Mikey, are you there?” Mikey, got up and stretched his young, twenty year old arms, before opening the front door to reveal his girlfriend, Olivia. He smiled and took her hand, pulling her inside his house. They plopped down on the couch and Mikey put his arm around Olivia’s shoulders and pulled her close.

They stayed in place, watching some random show on TV about crazy women and their weddings, until the door opened. Mikey turned around to see his brother, Gerard, walking into the living room.

“Hey, Gerard, how was work?” He asked his twenty three year old brother. Gerard crashed down onto the opposite couch face first. He eventually turned his head to look at his brother through his long, messy, raven colored hair.

“It was a long day.” He said, drawing out the ‘o’ in long. Mikey smirked and Olivia let out a small giggle. Gerard groaned and turned his head again, pushing his face into the couch cushion. They laughed and he pushed himself off the couch.

“I’m going to my room to take a nap.” He said as he walked down to his room in the basement. Mikey and Olivia laughed and went back to watching TV. After a few minutes, Olivia groaned and stood up.

“Come on, let’s do something!” She said, pulling Mikey up by his hand. He laughed and readjusted his glasses.

“Well, where do you want to go?” He asked as she pulled him to his car.

“I don’t know, just take me somewhere!” They got in the car and Mikey started it. They drove around the whole city, just watching life being lived by everyone. They eventually pulled up to a small ice cream shop that their friend Frankie worked at.

They walked in, feeling the usual blast of cold air and the smell of various flavors of ice cream filling their noses.

“Welcome to- hey you two!” Frankie said from behind the counter. They walked over to him and exchanged their hellos. Then he got them their usual ice creams. They paid, said their good byes, and then walked to the park right across the street.

They walked around the whole park a few times, eating their ice cream and laughing about old memories.

They talked about when they met at a park right by Olivia’s house; a bully had kicked sand into Mikey’s small, sad, six year old face after kicking down his sandcastle. Olivia had told off the bully and kicked him in the shin, instantly winning Mikey’s respect even though she was a year younger. From that day on, they were best friends.

The next subject was when they first found out that they liked each other. Mikey was having a bad day, and wouldn’t talk to anyone. He had just been told that his grandmother, Elena, had died and he was heartbroken. Olivia came over that day because she knew Elena and felt horrible about her death. Mikey wouldn’t even look at her, so she did what she had wanted to do for a while. She took his fourteen year old, tear-streaked face between her hands and gently pressed her lips to his. From that day on, they were even more inseparable.

They laughed about the fun, random times with Frankie, Gerard, and their other friends Ray and Matt. They griped about the crazy teachers and students at their school, like Mrs. Keene, their crazy science teacher who exploded at Frank for drinking what she thought was the chemical she said not to drink, when he really switched it with lemonade from lunch.

Finally, as the sun started to set, they found a secluded bench and snuggled close together on it. Mikey wrapped his arm protectively around Olivia’s shoulders and looked up at the stars. He brought out a black Sharpie that he had in his jacket pocket and looked down at it, debating whether or not he should ask Olivia what he wanted to.

“Mikey, what’s that?” Olivia asked, seeing the Sharpie in his hand. He smiled, knowing there was no turning back now.

“Well, I can’t afford a ring…” He said, hoping she’d get the hint.

“A ring? For what?” She asked, confusion plain on her face.

“For this.” He got down on his knee in front of her and held out the Sharpie, as if to write on her hand. “Olivia Marie Peterson, will you marry me?” She brought her hand to her mouth, not believing what she was hearing. Finally, she jumped onto Mikey, tackling him to the ground while pressing her lips against his. When she pulled away, he smiled.

“So, I’m going to take that as a yes?” He asked as she smiled down at him.

“Yes, of course it’s a yes!” He smiled and stood up, pulling her with him. He then took her left hand and on her ring finger, he drew what looked like a ring. When he finished, she pulled him to her and they embraced under the stars.

“We’re going to be together until the end, right?” She asked him. He smiled down at her.

“Till the end.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yesh, well, it may not be too good, but I hope you enjoyed it! Especially you, Corey!! =D

Comments please? =]

Lexxi ♥