Status: Just something that came to me, I don't know what will happen to it. Ideas are welcomed :D

If This Was a Movie, It Wouldn't Be Like This

Gossip, Red Chucks Boy, and Hot Cocoa.

I spent the night talking to red chucks boy, and just talking. We talked about life. And how hard it is. Apparently, we're in similar situations. He lives with his aunt and uncle because his mother is an alcoholic and couldn't take care of him. His aunt and uncle just give him what he wants and leaves him alone, pretty much. They don't want to deal with him either, but, they get paid to. So, of course they do.
I found out that he loves art. Mostly graffiti, and stuff like that. He also like the same kind of music as me. We have a lot in common.
I went home around 1am and Mom was passed out on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her light grasp. Dad wasn't home, of course. I went up to my room and picked up my guitar. I strummed out some chords and harmonics, just messin' around and wasting time.
I then lay on my bed, staring at the posters on my ceiling. There was Paramore, Areosmith, AC/DC, and Daughtry.
I turned to my clock, 2:30am. I then kicked off my shoes and climbed under my blankets. Slowly fading into sleep thinking about red chucks boy, I didn't even know his name.


I awoke to the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock, and went right into auto. Doing my every morning routine.
I went downstairs to find my father at the table, drinking coffee and reading the paper.

"Hey Dad."

"Good morning Myka," he said emotionless.

"Well, I'm off to school," I said grabbing an orange.


I drove to school, with a little bit of hate for my father on my mind. Stupid Dad. Don't even give a shit. I was just happy that I was going to be able to see red chucks boy in class today. He actually made me smile.
I walked into class and red chucks boy wasn't there yet. But, the bell hadn't even rung yet. I was giving him time.
I sat down and looked out the window. I quickly got lost in the simplicity of the fallen leaves.
I don't know how much time passed before my thoughts were interrupted.

"Hey there smiles," said his smooth, kind voice.

I turned around and smiled, "Hey."

"How are you?"

"I'm good. Thanks for asking. I had fun last night. Thanks for that. It was way better than sitting at home alone," I thanked.

I looked over and saw two girls staring at me and red chucks boy, while we talked. I blew it off.

"Yeah. No problem. I had fun too. We should hang out more often," He said.

I was about to agree, but then the teacher began teaching and I smiled and turned to the window.
Class went by, unfortunately quick. Throughout class I would look over to red chucks boy and smile at him, he would smile back.
I was listening to the teacher, teach things I already knew, when she called on red chucks boy for an answer.

"Mr. Vander?"

He looked up, "What? Me?"

"Yes you Lee. Answer the question please?" She said annoyed.

He laughed and said, "38."

"Thank you."

If I had a mirror, I probably could have watched the color leave my face. Lee? Lee Vander?! The guy I heard all these things about? My new found friend, was Lee Vander?! Oh my God. I should have asked for his name! But I trusted him! Why God?! Why?!
I looked out the window and tapped my foot nervously for the rest of class. When the bell rang, I booked it for the door.

"Hey, Myka. Where you goin'?" He asked.

"Uhm, why didn't you tell me who you were?!"

"Uhm, what? Well, I figured you knew?"

"No. I didn't know! God. I'm sorry. Uhm, I gudda go."

"Myka! Wait."

But I just kept walking.

'Oh my god. Oh my god! Oh, my gawwd!' I thought.

I spent the rest of the day trying to forget the happiest things that have happened to me in a while. I just, spent time with my friends, pretending to be happy. Let things go back to normal.
When school ended, I didn't want to go home. But I did anyway.
I went right to my room and sat on my bed. Just sitting in silence, and trying to forget Lee Vander.
I walked over to my window, looking down at the street below. People walked by, and cars drove by. Across the street was a sitting place, with benches and trees and such. Sitting on a bench was a familiar figure. A long, lanky dressed in black figure, with red feet.

"Lee," I sighed.

I threw on my red chucks and made my way outside, across the street.

"What are you doing here?"

"I think we should talk Myka."

"How do you even know my name?"

"How did you not know mine?"

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

He stood up, he was easily half a foot taller than my short, 5 foot 4 inch figure.

"Why'd you run away from me after class today?"

I sighed, and hesitated to answer, "Because, you are Lee Vander."

He laughed, "Your point?"

"It's just... I've heard things... And."

"What? That I robbed a convenience store downtown? And I hit my Mom, who you know I don't live with! And that I stole my Dads car, and ran away with an older woman? Which you also know, that I don't even know who my Dad is," he said, with an angry tone of voice.

"Yes," I said feeling bad.

"Well, none of that is true! It's all gossip people make up because I don't ever talk to anyone. Just for that reason, when you talk, it's even easier to spread gossip. People suck, and I'm not much of a people person," he said.

"What about me? I'm a person," I said looking up at him.

"You're different Myka," he said stepping closer to me.

I backed away, not totally comfortable.
We stood in silence, then my phone beeped.
I took it out and looked at it, a text from Wendi.

'OMFG! U durty skank! U slept w/ Lee Vander?!'

I gasped, "Oh my fucking God! What?!"

"What? What is it?" Lee asked.

I turned my phone around and showed him the text. He started to laugh.

"What?! Hey! This isn't funny!"

Through his laughter he said, "And this is why I don't talk to people."

I looked up at him and his amazing smile. His laugh was sweet and simple. Which made me so happy, I had to laugh too.
We laughed together about this new stupid rumor.

"Wow," he laughed.

"Ha. This sucks," I laughed.

"Eh, maybe just a little. But, whatever," He said, looking at me in a way that made me smile.


"Nothing. Just, wanna hang out?"

I smiled, "Yeah. Why don't you come inside? Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Maybe just a little. Oh! You know what would be awesome? Hot cocoa," He said smiling.

"Alrighly then. Hot cocoa, comin' right up!"

We talked and talked about just, life. We had so much in common, it was easy to talk to Lee. He made me happy, and made me feel normal. I enjoyed his company.
We made it upstairs to the game room, where he murdered me at pool.

"How'd you learn to play like that?!"

He laughed, "When I was younger, my Mom would take me to the bars with her. I made friends with some biker guys and they taught me how to play."

"Oh," I said feeling a bit awkward.

"It's okay you know. To talk about her, and to talk about your Mom, and your Dad. You can be open with me. That's what good friends are for, right?" He said.

I looked up at him, "Yeah. I know. Thanks. I'm just not very good with letting people see the real me."

"Well, I'm not going to push you to tell me anything. You can tell me whatever, whenever," He said smiling.

I loved it when he smiled. He had the worlds greatest smile. It made me smile.
He turned and grabbed his hot cocoa, and took a sip.
He then leaned over to hit the cue ball, when I said, "I never see them."

"What do you mean?" He said, standing up straight and putting down the pool stick.

I looked down at the floor, seeing our red chucks again, "They're never home."

He looked at me with passion in his eyes, and moved slowly closer to me, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, it's okay. I guess. I mean, the only time my Mom is home, she's passed out on the couch with a bottle of alcohol. And my Dad, who knows. Whenever he's home, I'm asleep, or just waking up and I have to leave. And even when we do talk, they don't even care! I could tell them I slit the shit out of my wrists and they wouldn't even do anything! They'd just give me more money. I'm sick of money. I'm sick of beauty. I know I am so overly blessed to have all this. But, sometimes I just wish I could give it to someone who actually deserves it!" I vented.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay," He said holding me close, as I burst into tears, "Parents are stupid. Especially parents like ours, who have more money than they know what to deal with and they don't pay any attention to their kids."

I let him wrap his arms around me, and console me. I had never been consoled before, and I liked it. I wrapped my arms around him and never wanted to let go.

"Thanks Lee. You're a really good friend."

He sighed and let go. Walking over to the other side of the room, sitting on the couch. His head in his hands, "Myka. Myka. Myka."

I sat down next to him, "What?"

He turned to me, and looked me in the eyes, I could have melted.

"I don't want to be just your 'really good friend'."

And with that said, he kissed me.
At first I was shocked, but then, I kissed him back.
I let his soft lips hug mine.
I let his warm tongue explore my mouth.
I let his hands discover my curves.
I let my hands run through his hair.

He tasted of hot cocoa and cigarettes. A taste so sweet, yet bitter. But, I liked it.
His lip ring was odd to kiss, but eventually it became normal.
I loved every bit of what was happening, but I quickly pulled away.

"What?" He asked. His mouth red from our kiss.

I laughed, "I don't know. I'm just, kinda, well, not really. Surprised?" I laughed some more. And then that thought crossed my mind. I stood up and paced, "You aren't just doing this because I'm pretty? Because you want to get in my pants?"

He stood up and laughed. He placed his hands on my shoulders and ran them up and down my arm, "Of course not. Well, of course your looks help. But, I like you, because, well, you're you. You're funny. And smart. And... Different. You're just as fucked up as I am," He laughed and pushed my hair out of my eyes, "And I like you, a lot."

"I like you a lot too," I said smiling.

"And that smile of yours is killer," He said.

"No, yours is!" I laughed.

We smiled, and kissed.
and kissed.
and kissed.
and kissed.
The taste of hot cocoa on our lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I guess I kinda like this chapter?
Lemme know what you think.!