Status: Just something that came to me, I don't know what will happen to it. Ideas are welcomed :D

If This Was a Movie, It Wouldn't Be Like This

Tears, Love, and Sex.

"Myka. What happened? Where are we going?" Lee asked,

I could barely see through my tears, so I pulled over and threw myself into Lee's arms, "He said I couldn't see you, and I just went ballistic! I don't know why. I'm never like this about anyone, and certainly not a boy. But, you're just different! I love the way you treat me, and I just love being with you. I love how you understand me, and I wasn't going to let him take that away! I'm not going to let anyone take that away!"

"Oh, wow. Well, I guess I'd probably do the same thing then... But, babe. It's okay. Shh. Shh. Hey, he just doesn't understand. No one understands. Remember? Misunderstood Without You," He said lifting up my face so he could look in my eyes, "I am nothing without you."

I smiled, and kissed him. I felt so much for Lee. I never wanted to loose him. And I never waned to go back home.

"Let's run away together," I said, pulling away from our kiss.

"What? Myka, no. You're just upset."

"No Lee. I'm not. I'm just sick of people! I'm sick of pretending! We can get fake IDs, and buy a house, and get jobs! We could! We could be normal people! A normal couple! You could paint, and I could sing and play guitar! We can do this, yah know!" I said, excited about my new idea.

"Myka. We can't just leave," He said.

"Yes we can!"

"But, Myka..."

"I just want to be with you! Without my stupid father. Without my stupid friends."

"And babe, we can be together," he paused and kissed my forehead, "You know what. I got a new idea. Why don't we just camp out right here, in the car for the night, and sometime tomorrow we can go back to your house, and get some of your things, and you can stay with me for a while. Okay?" He suggested.

I sighed, slightly disappointed that my idea wasn't chosen, but, it was better than anything else. "Okay."

We crawled into the backseat and cuddled up next to each other.

"You mean a lot to me Myka," Lee said sweetly.

"Awh, thanks babe. You mean a lot to me too."

There was silence for a moment, then, "You know, I've known who you are since Freshman year? And I've liked you since then... But, you were always with Denise and them," he said.

I turned to look into his eyes, "Really?"

"Yes. I've been, never mind."

I laughed, "What? You've been what?"


"You are such a lair. Tell me! I promise I won't laugh or judge or anything."

He looked at be debating, "You promise?"

"I promise," I said kissing him passionately.

He took a deep breath, "Well, I've been in love with you since Freshman year," he confessed.

I gasped with shock and happiness.

"See, I didn't wanna tell you because I know you don't feel the same and..."

I kissed him before he could go any further with his banter.

"No. Well, I don't completely know yet, but, I'm almost 100 percent positive that I love you too," I laughed.

He smiled and laughed, kissing me.
I kissed him back.
His mouth, so sweet tasting. I just couldn't get enough.
His hands slid down my body, down the small of my back, across my ass, and gripping my thigh, pulling me closer to him.
I ran my fingers through his hair, and my hands down his front to the seam of his shirt, I quickly ripped it off him.
He then pulled off mine.
I kicked off my red chucks, and he started on my pants, while I searched for his lips.
He got my pants off, which left my in my red and black lingerie.
His pants came off next, and then he was on top of me.
He pinched the back of my bra, releasing the strap, and pulling it off.

He kissed from my lips, down my neck, and in between my plump breast.
I yearned for his kiss, I moaned.
He returned his lips to mine.
He whispered, "I really do love you."
"And I really do love you," I whispered back.

And with that, we made love, in the back of my Camaro.
We made love all night, until exhaustion caused us to fall asleep.
Dreaming of the love I happened to fall in to.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I just might be going to fast for the characters, what do you think?
Could really use some insight :D
So, comment :D
Thanks :D