Status: Just something that came to me, I don't know what will happen to it. Ideas are welcomed :D

If This Was a Movie, It Wouldn't Be Like This

Choices, Mistakes, and Consequences.

In the morning we went to my house and got my things without saying a word to each other. I think we were both in awe and in shock with what we had just done.
When we drove up to his house, we stayed sitting in the car, and finally, Lee spoke up,

"Are you okay? Are we okay?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Of course we're okay! I love you! And yeah, I think we did that a little to soon, but, oh well. We can't change what we've done. Let's just worry about what's ahead. Not the past, okay? I love you with all of me, so, I really don't mind that we did that."

He leaned over and kissed me, "Alright. I love you too. Let's go?"


We got out of the car and carried my things inside. Lee's aunt and uncle weren't home, they barely ever are.

Weeks went by and continued to live with Lee. It worked out well. I every time his aunt or uncle were home, I was "just visiting".
I helped Lee with his math, and he helped me with my history. It worked, what we were doing.
Mom and Dad called a lot at first, but, now it's like they're better off.
Eventually a month went by and it was almost Christmas, but, I didn't even mind that I wasn't going to be with my family. Lee was my family now.
Denise and Wendi and Carla and Luc would call me or text me all the time, trying to guilt me into hanging out with them again. But, I didn't need them, or want them. I was better off.

By Christmas, it was official. Mom and Dad didn't want me back, and I wasn't going to let them have me back. I was part of Lee's family now. Which consisted of me, and Lee. Or so we thought.

Christmas night, I realize something. So, without telling Lee, I went to the nearest convenience store and bought what I needed.

-Lee's Point-of-View-

Myka had gone out to pick something up at the store. I was home alone, watching Christmas stuff on tv. She came home with one tiny bag, and went upstairs.

"Myka? What are you doing?"

"Nothing! I'll be down in a few minutes!" she called.

Her voice was filled with worry and suspense. But, I let her have her space. She'd tell me what was on her mind eventually.
A few minutes later, Myka comes down the stairs, crying.

"Myka? Myka what's wrong?"

She held up a white piece of long plastic in my face. I knew exactly what that was. I looked at the icon on it. A plus sign.

So, I stupidly asked the dumbest question in the world, "What does that mean?"

She burst into tears, "I'm pregnant! Oh my God! How could this happen?! We only did it once, or, well, maybe more than that! But, still! Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my fucking God! What are we going to do?!"

"Myka, Myka. It's okay. We're going to calm down. And schedule you a doctors appointment, to take a real test, and see if this didn't just mess up. And if you really are, then, well, I've always wanted to be a Dad?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

She looked at me with that face saying, 'I am going to bite off your nose'.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry," I apologized, kissing her forehead.

"I'm scared Lee. I am really scared," she cried.

"Baby, it's okay. We'll go through this together. I love you so much darling," I said comforting her.

"Thanks hun."

And we spent the rest of our Christmas, talking about our near future with a baby.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, short chapter, and I don't really know if I'm all that happy with it, INSIGHT PLEASE!! (: <3