Status: Just something that came to me, I don't know what will happen to it. Ideas are welcomed :D

If This Was a Movie, It Wouldn't Be Like This

Socks, Tears, and Blood.

I was 15 weeks along and things were going great. Everything seemed to be going our way. My grades were good. Lee and I were good. The baby was good.
The nursery was getting done, and Lee's aunt and uncle kept buying us baby things. They didn't like the fact that we were having a baby, but they were never around to stop us either. They supported us the only was they could, money.
I had been eating a lot and feeling sick and moody. Lee was a strong trooper and tolerated me. He was so amazing.

Everything seemed as perfect as it could be, until that one day. There is always "that one day", isn't there? Jees...

"Myka. I'm going to the store, do you need anything?" Lee called from the door.

"Uhmm, yeah! Some, triple chocolate fudge ice cream and... uhmm... oh! Some sushi!"

I heard Lee mumble in disgust and call back, "Okay babe!" and the door shut.

I folded the last bit of baby clothes we had just gotten, and started down the stairs.

"Gahh. Lee, if I see one more piece of your clothing on the stairs, I swear to..."

As I reached down to pick up one of Lee's socks, I slipped and tumbled down the stairs. My stomach smashing against the hard wood three or four times.

"Ouch. Oh my God!" I screamed.

I was sitting in a puddle of blood.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!" I said through my tears.

I reached for my cell phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, 911, what is your emergency?"

"Yeah, hi. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and I just fell down the stairs. I'm bleeding. My boyfriend is at the store. I'm all alone. Please. I need help!" I sobbed.

"Okay. Ma'am. What is your address?"

"Oh, uhm, uhh, 156 Main Street. Please! Hurry," I said, holding my tiny tummy.

"Okay. Ma'am. Are you in any pain?"


"Okay. We will be there right away."


I dropped to the floor, crying. I then thought of Lee. I dialed his cell, but no answer.

"Hey, it's Lee. Leave me a message." BEEP.

"Lee, honey. I fell. I'm bleeding. I called the ambulance. Please, come home asap."

I laid my head on the floor, and cried and cried, and cried. I knew what was happening. I just didn't want to accept it...

I was loosing my baby.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short Chapter. I know. But at least it's an update, right? Haha... Well, the next chapter is going to be Lee's POV.
Check it out(:
...Please don't hate me... it'll get better ^_^ haha.
Thank you to all the people who commented!(:
Love y'all. ♥
-Tika ♥