Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

The beginning

Welcome to my life! It was summer break and there I was, working my ass of on the beach bar so I could pay for college! The sun was on its peak, which could only mean that I still had at least four more hours of work...

A new table had arrived; I approached them so I could take their order...Five guys and two twin chicks... They sure look like Americans, which was a little odd, at least on my part of Algarve! Americans usually go to Albufeira and so, around here we usually see Britain, Dutch, French, and Spanish...

"Good morning! Have you decided yet or do you need some more time before you order?” I said with a little smile on my face.

"Hey! We can order...We'll have seven large beers!", one of the girls answered, smiling right back at me, meanwhile the guys we're messing with each other paying no attention to me.

I smiled back again and went to the counter get their drinks. I filled the seven mugs, put them on a tray and headed to the Americans table.

The guys were still messing with each other, throwing jokes, little punches and laughing out loud! The girl who ordered me was trying to get their attention to make them stop so that I could leave their drinks without spilling them all over, but she wasn't having any luck.

"HEY! Would you please stop jerking around and let me put the drinks on the table? If you guys make me spill anything you'll have to order some more or lick the table...” I yelled to make them listen.

"Sorry, gorgeous! Do your thing...", the cute one replied blinking at me.

"Thanks! If you need anything else just wave at me.", I said landing their drinks on the table.

I got back to work...Four more hours runnning around from table to table. The Americans left after their third round, but before that I got to know their names. The girls were Valary and Michelle. Valary was who ordered me on their first round and she was Matt's (the cute one) girlfriend. The guys were Matt, who had the most adorable dimples and a beautiful hazel eyes; Johnny was the short one and seemingly the group punch bag; Jimmy was the tallest one with the most beautiful blue eyes, "crazy" attitude, unbelievable laughter and he definitely was the funnier guy in the group; Brian was the one with longer hair, brown eyes, cocky attitude, amazing smirk and apparently he was having a thing with Michelle; and last but not least was Zacky, he had the most incredible green eyes, I could drown looking into those eyes.

Finally it was time to get off work, I grabbed my towel and went for my daily swim. There I was landing my stuff on the sand, undressing myself when someone approached me.

“Hi there! Remember me?”, Jimmy asked.

“How could I not remember you? Where did you leave the rest of the gang?”, I asked with a smirk on my face.

“You passed just by us… We’re over there!”, he said pointing at the other guys that waved at me in response. “Would you like to join us? We all kind of loved your attitude at the bar… By the way, I didn’t get your name.”

“ Sure, I can join you guys! I’m Cat, by the way…”, I said throwing my hand in his direction.

“May I have a kiss instead of a handshake?”, and just like that he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him so that he could place two kisses on my cheeks.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I picked up my stuff from the sand and followed him.

"Nice tattoo you have there!", he said looking discretely (not so much) at my upper leg. "Does it mean anything in particular?"

"For me it does! It's a Maori Seahorse which represents tenacity and protection, the guy who made this tattoo for me added a few more elements, giving it a few more meanings, such as freedom, luck, family, etc...", I explained proudly as we reached the 'gang'.

"Heelloo barmaid! Can you get us some beers?, Brian and his dreadful jokes.

"Heelloo to you too! And no I can't, I'm not working anymore, you asshole!", I replied and poked my tongue at him.

"We're all sensitive today, aren't we?", he said giggling.

"Give it up, Brian! So, we still don't know your name...", Michelle intervened.

"She's Cat! And she is quite desperate to get in the water! Who's coming?", Jimmy answered for me.

"I sure am, baby!", Zacky said chuckling.

"Lets go then...", I said stripping my shirt off.
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Hey there! This is my first chapter... I hope you enjoy it...
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