Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

I'm not taking a no for an answer

“Are you staying?”, a beam lighten up my face.

“Yes… At least until the end of this year.” I jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately, he placed his arms under my butt while I snaked my legs around his waist. “I want us to have some time together so I can change your mind… I want to show you we can be in a long distance relationship! We just need to find some place for me to stay…”, he whispered dangerously close to my lips.

“You’re staying with me at my place! In my room and not an inch further…”, I kissed the tip of his nose.

“What about your mom?”

“What about her?”, we were in our own bubble; we completely forgot that the guys were about to leave.

Matt cleared his throat, trying to get our attention back. It worked; I was back in the ground in a few seconds, just holding Jimmy’s hand.

“Sorry, guys! I got a little carried away! I’ll miss you… we’ll talk, right?”, I begun hugging them once again to say my last goodbyes. I was crying again.

“Sure we will! Besides, Jimmy gotta work with us… we’ll be online all the time!”, Brian said hugging me back and kissing my cheek.

Brian hugged Jimmy, they whispered something in each other ear and Brian left with the rest of our ‘gang’ towards the gates; leaving us behind holding hands and watching them walk away.
I looked at Jimmy as they left; I realized that this was extremely hard for him to see his family leave without him.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you choose between me and them…”, I mumbled embarrassed.

“You didn’t, baby! I’ll miss them, but I would miss you too if I had left with them. We talked… They agreed with my decision, I have their approval! I’ll need to buy some drums, though! I can’t go 4 months without playing, and you heard Brian… I may be here, but I still have work to do!”, he reassured me.

“You better wait until we leave to Lisbon to buy the drums! I really don’t think my mom and my neighbors would like to listen to that much noise… We’re leaving in two weeks, and you probably have more material to choose there…”, I tipped on my toes, lean against him and waited for him to bend his head a little to place a soft kiss on his lips.

I held one of his fingers with mine and led us to the van.

“Care to drive?”, I asked while showing off the keys.

“Of course not! At least I won’t have to worry all the way home that we probably won’t get there in one piece!”, he poked is tongue out at me.

“That’s not funny at all!”, I faked a pout while stepping in the van and sitting further away from him as possible, just to tease him.

“I’m sorry, babe! I didn’t mean to upset you… I was just teasing you! Come here…”, he leaned over the seat, grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close.

He lifted my chin up so he could see my face, and that was when he saw me smiling widely.

“Were you just messing with me? That’s not funny, Cat… I thought I had hurt your feelings!”, he tipped my nose playfully.

“I never thought you would fall for it!”, I laughed and placed a soft kiss on his neck. He quivered.

“Cat?”, he asked a while after we hit the road.


“Do you really plan on taking me to your place?”

“Do you doubt it? I meant it… You’re staying in my room, laying right next to me and not an inch further!”, My word was final, there was no other way around!

“What about your mom, babe? Will she be okay with me crashing there?, he was worried.

“Stop worrying about my mom! Let me handle it…”, I reassured him.

I figured what was coming my way once I dropped that bomb on my mom, but I had it all planned out…
We got home half hour later, my mom wasn’t home yet. We hang in the living room, waiting for my mom to arrive. Meanwhile we waited; Jimmy showed me some songs of their band on youtube. I already loved ‘Shattered by Broken Dreams’, but as soon as I heard ‘Warmness on the Soul’ I knew that if I would ever walk down the aisle that would definitely be my song. Was just the perfect love letter… Jimmy told me Matt had written it to Val. I listen to all the songs of their album… I was completely amazed at the instrumentals!

My mom arrived a few hours later and was surprised to see Jimmy all cuddle up with me in the sofa.

“Uh… Hey, James! I thought you guys were living today…”, she said.

“Yeah, mom… They left… Only Jimmy stayed!”, I started.

“Did something happened?”, she interrupted worried all the sudden.

“No, mom! Everything it’s just fine! Jimmy just decided to stay so we can enjoy ourselves as a couple. If he had left today we wouldn’t have the time to figure out what was shared yesterday!”, I explained. Jimmy stood silent as I had told him earlier.

“Couple? Are you two dating? So…where are you staying, James?”, she was not surprised, maybe that was a good sign.

“Where do you think, mom? He’s staying here with me!”, I smiled at him.

“O QUÊ? ESTÁS DOIDA, CAT? ELE NÃO VAI FICAR CÁ!”, she yelled, and in Portuguese nonetheless! That was not good.

“I’m not answering you in Portuguese, mom! That’s just rude… You know that Jimmy doesn’t understand a word if we speak in Portuguese! And he is staying! There is no way I’m sending him to some hotel when he can stay with me!”, I defied her.

“Eu não vou permitir que ele fique cá, Cat! Que te passou pela cabeça?”, she stopped yelling, but she wasn’t coping with me just yet. And kept talking in Portuguese, which was just pissing me off!

“It’s not like I’m some innocent girl, mom! I’m not a virgin anymore and you know it! He will stay, and we will sleep right next to each other, whether you like it or not… And besides, he’s coming to Lisbon with me anyway… I’ll gladly leave sooner if you insist on this nonsense! And enough with the Portuguese around Jimmy…”, I warned her. I didn’t mean to disrespect my mom, but I wasn’t taking a no for an answer. Jimmy squeezed my hand, trying to caught my attention; he wasn’t pleased I was arguing with my mom over him.

“So how’s it gonna be?”, I asked defiantly, earning more pressure on my hand.

"Fine! But know I'm not thrilled about it! No fucking around while I'm in the house! I mean it, Cat! No strange moans in the middle of the night!", she resigned and was back on speaking in English.

"Don't worry, mom! We'll behave... We slept together in the same tent a whole month an nothing happened! No need to stress about it...", I grinned. I just love when things play the way I want them to!

Jimmy hadn't let go of my hand yet. I turned to him, winked and leaned a little to place a soft kiss on his lips... nothing too passionate, 'cause my mom was watching us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another one! ;)
Hope you enjoy it... *-*
A friend of mine got inspired and wrote a song inspired by this fanfic. She erased it from youtube otherwise I would show you