Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer


“What did you just say?”, Brian’s voice sounded surprised.

“I said that I would like you to take me to some Pinkly Smooth’s concert… Is there a problem? Don’t you guys like them? I mean, if I trust in someone’s taste in music, that someone will definitely be my father! If he said that they’re good that’s because they really are… He said their lead singer and their guitarist were pretty talented, he said that I would love them… But if you guys take me to their concert we gotta find a way to make that lead singer play the drums for me, my dad said he masters it! That’s a pretty huge compliment coming from my father! He was a pretty talented musician, you know…”, I was rumbling nonstop until Jimmy interrupted me.

“Cat… Cat! Shut up for a minute! You’re not letting us speak… What was your father’s name?”. he asked calmly holding my hand.

“William Ackles! Why? Will you guys take me to their concert or what?”, I asked impatiently. Why did he ask me about my father’s name? What did that had to do with the Pinkly Smooth concert?

“William Ackles? I thought he was Portuguese!”, Jimmy asked surprised.

“He moved back to Portugal when he was 15, ‘cause my grandfather died. Why is my father nationality relevant to this subject? What???”, they were getting on my nerves not answering any of my questions.

“I think we met your father, Cat!”, Brian said shyly.

“What? What did you just said?”, that caught me out off guard.

“I think… no… We did get to know your father… He spent that week with us… We just didn’t know he was your father until now! That’s why he never e-mailed back, because he killed himself!”, Brian stated. His voice had a hint of pain in it…

“What? Who the hell told you that?”, tears were streaming down my face as anger formed a lump on my throat.

“What the fuck, Gates?”, Jimmy burst out; sighed loudly and rubbed the back of his neck. That was enough for me to know that he was the one who told them about my father’s suicide. But the question persisted on my mind: ‘How did they know my father? What were the odds for something like that to happen? Huntington Beach couldn’t be that small that they ran into each other and became friends just like that!’

“I’m not even going to mention that, Jimmy… We’ll talk about that later… How did you get to know my father?”, I shot Jimmy a hateful glare and angrily wiped my tears.

“Pinkly Smooth is a side project Jimmy and I have with a couple other guys…”, Brian explained patiently.

“Now you’re Pinkly Smooth too? No way! The lead singer dresses funny, eccentric and has some crazy blond hair!”, I denied Brian’s explanation! They were not Pinkly Smooth! They were nothing like my father had described… Were they?

“That would be me…”, Jimmy stated pointing to himself.

I was still mad at him for telling the guys about my father’s death; he had no right to do that!

“You’re not blond! And you don’t dress funny either! A lot of black yes, but I don’t see any purple kimono amongst your clothes!”, I shot him a glare.

“That’s because that was a phase… I’m through with that! We’re telling the truth… You can either believe us now or we can show you once we’re there bringing you along to one of our concerts.”, Jimmy said patiently.

“Whatever… I’m gonna head back to my room to finish what I was doing… Talk to you guys tomorrow… I love you all!”, Jimmy tried to reach my hand when I passed by him but I avoid his touch.

“It’s late… I should go with you… We can practice tomorrow! Is that…”, Jimmy tried but I interrupted him.

“No… You should practice for a little longer…”

“Okay! I’ll be right up…as soon as I’m finished here!”, Disappointment was obvious in his voice, but he respected my will and let me go to our room.

I fell asleep with one of my father’s letters on my hand. I woke up when Jimmy tried to take the letter from my hand to put it back in the shoe box; he pulled it gently away from me.

“You can continue tomorrow, baby! Go back to sleep.”, he caressed my hair.

“Why did you tell them? That was personal…”, a tear found its way down my cheek.

“Don’t you trust them? They’re family, baby… They were worried about you. I’m not used to keep secrets from them.”, he catch the rebel tear with his finger.

“It’s not like I don’t trust them… It’s just that that was something I’d rather tell them myself, when I was ready…”

“I’m sorry if I ruin that for you… I really didn’t mean it!”, he said sincerely.

“I know… I know that you’re not used to keep things from them, but when it comes to my stuff I’d like you to at least try! I’ll tell them when I feel ready… I’ll always tell you first ‘cause you’re my person, but I’ll end up telling them too sooner or later. I just wish you could do that for me…”, I tried to explain. I was a reserved person, I needed some time to open up and Jimmy going and tell them behind my back was just driving me insane!

“I'll do anything for you, babe! I’m sorry… I really am! I’ll be more careful for now on so I won’t let anything slip my mouth without thinking. I promise I won’t tell them nothing else, I’ll leave it to you instead.”, Jimmy reassured me.

“Can you hold me now?”, I whispered.

“Do you want me to?”, I nodded making the sweetest face I could manage along with some puppy eyes. He laughed hard, throwing his head back and slamming it on the bed’s headboard. I got up with a jump and my hands were all over his face.

“Oh my God, baby! Are you okay, baby? Let me see…”, I took his hand of the sore spot so I could see if there was any bleeding. No bleeding, thank God!

“FUCK! That hurt…”, Jimmy yelled rubbing his head again. I let out a giggle.

“Are you laughing at me? It’s not funny! It hurts…”, he whined.

“I’m sorry, baby! I know it hurts; I’m just relieved it’s not worse! Let me see again…”, I put on a serious face, and he looked at me suspiciously but after a few seconds removed his hand from the spot. I rubbed it gently and placed soft kisses on it, just like we usually do to little children when they’re hurt.

“Come on… we need to put some ice on it!”, I said dragging him out the bed. “We should go to the hospital instead… You may have a concussion!”

“No hospital! I’m okay… Just a little sore. Some ice is more than enough.”, he insisted.

“Fine! You better not die on me! If you do I’ll drag you back from hell!”, I was a little worried but I tried not to let it show.

He laughed at my hyperbolic comment. We were already in the kitchen.

“Sit!”, I commanded pointing to a chair, Jimmy did as I said. I roamed the fridge looking for some ice, when I finally found it I put some cubes on a clean kitchen cloth and walked to him. I placed the kitchen cloth on the top of his head, and rubbed his back softly with my other hand and he suddenly pulled me onto his lap.

“Would you stop?”, he asked seriously which frighten me ‘cause I wasn’t doing anything that could originate that tone.

“What?”, I asked innocently.

“Those caresses! You’re driving me insane…”, he lifted me up and placed my butt strategically on his lap so I could see what he meant!

“DEAR GOD! Here I am worrying sick about you and you’re all worked up! Come on! I wasn’t even trying to do anything! Calm down, little Jimmy!”, I was now talking to his member, “Big Jimmy is hurt! Hold your horses!”, I shook my head incredulously .

“Did you just talk to my penis?”, Jimmy laughed.

“Yeah… He is misbehaving, gotta talk some sense into that motherfucker!”, I said.

“It’s your fault!”, he accused me.

I put some pressure on his head as punishment for that accusation. “How the fuck is that my fault?”, I asked.

“Ouch…That would be because you’re so damn sexy! Even with a head injury you can get me hard…”, he chuckled.

“Oh my God! That could be a symptom of the concussion!”, I said alarmed.

“You’re so cute when you freak out! THIS…”, he pressed little Jimmy harder on my butt. “Has nothing to do with my sore head! THIS is your fault and your fault only!”, I turned on his lap, straddling on his hips.

“Stop it! It’s not happening! Not while I’m so worried about your health…”, I got my sentence cut off.

“But I’m okay, babe!”, he reassured me.

“I’m not fighting with you about this, James! You just hit your head and hard, by the way! So, no! Deal with it…”, I lectured him.

I took care of him, after we did some minutes of ice in his head we walked back to the bedroom. No fun stuff that night! We switched places; he slept with his head on my chest, his arm pulling me closer by the waist.
I woke up the next morning to find Jimmy gone… I panicked.

“Jimmy?”, I called out.

“I’m downstairs… I’m in the kitchen, babe!”, he yelled back. I let out a relieved sigh.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I slapped his ass with all the strength I had.

“What was that for?”, he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

“That’s for scaring the hell out of me! I freaked out when I didn’t saw you in bed with me…”, I put my bottom lip out.

“I got hungry, so I decided to make us some breakfast… I was thinking about waking you up when I had it all prepared!”, he leaned in and kissed my pouting lips.

“Don’t do it again, please…”, I pleaded.

“I won’t… now sit down and eat.”

“What did you make me?”

“Cup of black coffee, plane just the way you like it and some toasts.”


One week later

“Fuck!!! Do I have to go? It’s so soon yet…”, I whined.

“You don’t wanna miss all the fun, do you?”, Jimmy teased me.

“Behave while I’m not home, okay? You know where the keys are if you decide to go out.”, I tipped on my toes to kiss him goodbye.

“Don’t you want me to drop you off?”, he asked, his lips brushing mine.

“No… I’ll just catch the mini-bus. See you later, babe!”, I kissed him one more time and walked out the door.

First day of college… Pretty rough day!
I didn’t exactly attend to any classes… First week would be all about initiation and pranks seniors did to freshmen. I was a freshman, so that alone would make me the victim in the equation.
Jimmy called me at 7 p.m. all worried.

“Hi, babe… I’m so glad you called! I’m gonna need you to come pick me up…”, I asked laughing at something one of my new acquaintances just said.

“Why didn’t you call? I was worried!”, he complained.

“I got lucky my cell didn’t die! I’m soaked, babe! Can you please come and pick me up?”, I begged.

“Where are you?”, he asked.

I gave him the directions and he was parking in front of me 15 minutes later. I opened the passenger door and he burst in laughter.

“What happened to you? What’s that on your hair? Is that nail polish on your face? You’ve been vandalized, babe!”, he kept on laughing.

“Stop laughing at me! You’re gonna have to help me clean up! I have flour on my hair, for fuck sake! Tomorrow is going to be just like this or worse…”, I sighed.

“I’ll gladly help you clean up! You seemed to be having fun on the phone…”

“But I did enjoy myself! I spent the whole day laughing… But now that I stopped I think I’m giving in to exhaustion.”, I leaned against the passenger seat and yawned.

“Someone’s tired!”, Jimmy taunted.

“I’m sorry, babe… I think I won’t be able to spend much time with you today… Did you practiced today?”, I asked.

“It’s okay, babe! We can always cuddle!”, he smiled.”Yeah, I did practice today! The guys connected earlier, I had told them yesterday that you would start classes today. They’re still online waiting for you to arrive home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey *-*
This one is kind of a filler... I'm so anxious to write the ending of this story that I find it hard to write this...
I'll try to give you something worth reading next time... :$
I'm really sorry if I disappointed any of my readers... just bear with me just a while longer, will you?
A few comments would be awesome :$
To my dear sisters in the A7X Portuguese Family : Thank you! I love you girls <3