Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

Friends?No...Only a few acquaintances!

You gotta love Algarve's beaches... The water was so warm we stayed there almost until sunset, fooling around and getting to know each other a little bit.

"Where are you guys staying at?", I asked as we stepped out of the water.

"Actually we're camping nearby...somewhere hidden on the dunes...But shhh, we know we can't camp on the beach but it's cheaper than a hotel or even than a camping park!", Johnny said in secret.

"Your secret is safe with me." I winked at him.

"Hey Cat, don't you have an old tent or some old sleeping bag at home? Maybe you could join us...", Jimmy suggested.

"As a matter of fact I do have both...Show me where you're hidden and I'll meet you there in an hour, I just need to go get some provisions.", I replied.

They showed me their camp and so I went home. I packed a huge suitcase, grabbed my tent and sleeping bag and took them to my car's trunk. I went back inside to warn my mom I wasn't sleeping home for the next few days.

"Are you going somewhere?", She asked.

"Yeah, mom! I was about to tell you that I'm not sleeping home for the next few days... I'm camping with some friends! Is that okay?", I was just asking, but I was going anyway whether she allowed me or not.

"Sure, honey...But take care, okay? Call me if you need anything...", She was pretty cool about it, I swear to God I didn't see that coming.

I kissed her on the forehead and left.

It was getting dark by the time I got to the beach, I was secretly praying that I'd find their camp soon enough, 'cause I never had any sense of direction. It was actually quite easy to find them, they had started a fire.

I reached them five minutes later or so, and as soon as I got there I threw all my stuff in the sand near one of the tents and landed on my ass.

"Heavy, right?", Brian chuckled.

"That's a way to put it...", I frowned.

"You could have yelled from the parking lot, some of the guys would've helped you.", Valary said smiling at me through Matt's embrace.

“And she’s back!”, Johnny and Zacky said in unison.

“Oh! Did you guys miss me?”, I asked with a smirk on my face.

“Sure they did! They were arguing about who was going to sleep with you!”, Matt answered with a giggle.

“How about…None of you guys?”, I just said.

“Why do you have to be so mean?”, Jimmy asked chuckling as he stepped the camp carrying six boxes of pizza.

“I was wondering when you would step your nose into the conversation! Hey, you got us some pizza! Did you count me in?”, I asked.

“What a stupid question! Of course I counted you in… Brian, get the drinks so we can eat!”, he replied with a smirk.

“Hey, Cat, what do you want to drink?”, Brian asked me as he headed to what I first thought it was a trash container buried in the sand next to one of the tents.

“ Do you have anything else but beer?”, I asked.

“Of course! We’re not some drunks, you know?”, as soon as he said it the other guys burst into laughter.

“Yeah! We also have vodka, whisky, tequila and a few bottles of water! By the way, do you work tomorrow?”, Zacky said still giggling.

“Luckily, tomorrow is my day off! So, I guess I’ll have a beer. Have you guys planned anything for tonight?”

“No… We’re just staying here, looking at the fire, sharing some secrets, getting ourselves wasted! No biggy, just chillin’ tonight!", Michelle broke her silence to answer me.

“I’m cool with that!”, I sail smiling.

We ate quietly (as quiet as they can be around each other, which means that for a couple of times I almost spilled the food of my mouth because they were making me laugh so hard).

“You didn’t think about desert, did you? Oh, I could eat some chocolate ice cream!”, I said already drooling.

“Stop drooling, I’m already drowning…”, Valary giggled.

“Ups, sorry! I just can’t help it…”, I said with a smirk.

“Changing the subject… Are your friends like you, Cat?”, Johnny asked seriously.

“Like me? What does that even mean?”, I said with a chuckle.

“Are they as funny, as pretty, as smart, as amazing as you are?”, Johnny rephrased.

“Am I all that? You just pointed the good things about me, wait until you see the bad stuff!”, I laughed, “I can’t answer you that.”

“Bring it on, girl! Why not?”, he was laughing too.

“Because I have no friends, only acquaintances…”, I said with a sad face.

They did not push me into talk about that subject, they just changed the subject into something more light, no one was willing to ruin the night with bad memories. We kept talking, laughing, drinking all night through.

“It’s late, we better get some sleep…In a couple of hours the sun will rise again… Hey, Cat, you are either sleeping with me, Johnny or Zacky, Matt and Brian are already taken and we’re not building that shit this late at night!”, Jimmy mumbled.

“I’ll sleep with you, then! You better watch those hands, Jimmy!”, I said with a giggle.

Jimmy was the obvious choice to me, ‘cause somehow I already trusted him completely. He would not take advantage, despite the fact that he was completely drunk! I do not mean with this that I didn’t trust Johnny or Zacky to respect me, it was just different.

I was the first in the tent, I sneaked right after I grabbed my pillow from my suitcase.

“Oh God!!! She brought a pillow with her!”, he said as he entered the tent, I could see him rolling his eyes!

“Oh, shut up! I dare you to try it! If you do you’ll never go camping again without your pillow!”, I replied.

“That’s fine with me! That pillow seems big enough for us both!”

“No way in hell! I’m not lending you my pillow!”, I said possessively.

“Don’t be so selfish! We all have to share and you dared me!”, he replied.

“You better not mess with my personal space!”, I said trying hard to hide the smile on my face.

“I won’t!”, he said as we laid down, sharing my dearest pillow. “Can I ask you something personal?”

“That depends on how personal it is! But give it a try, I may or may not answer you.”, I said with a smirk on my face.

“Did you really meant what you said? You don’t have any friends?”, he asked.

“As I said…Friends, no. But I have some acquaintances.”, I said wishing he didn’t ask anything else, but somehow I knew he would ask until he was satisfied.
♠ ♠ ♠
And here it is the 2nd chapter...
Will Jimmy insist as Cat suspects? What is she trying ti hide?Or why?
Hope you enjoy it... <3