Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

Happy New Year

“The hell you didn’t! Don’t you even look at her! You could use her lips? You could use all of her? What the fuck is wrong with you man? I should beat the crap out of you, you asshole!”, Jimmy spat angrily.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t express myself correctly… I’m not very good with words! I really am a professional photographer and you are just perfect! You’re not wearing any make up except for that eyeliner and mascara and yet you look better than most women… Those natural red full lips, those big, razor sharp golden eyes of yours, that perfect little nose, those natural pink cheeks… I could use you for some ads! You could go along with her to see for yourself that I don’t have any second intentions! Just think about it and give me a call whenever you feel ready…”, the man handed me another card, Jimmy glared at him as I took the card.

“Lets go! I’ll walk you to the bathroom… Photographer! Photographer my ass!”, he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the bathroom.

“Why can’t he be a photographer? Why can’t he be telling the truth? You think I’m not good enough for modeling, is that it? You think that no photographer could ever look at me like as possible model?”, I asked as we reached the bathroom.

“Where does all this insecurity come from? Is not that you’re not good enough, is that you’re too good to be just that!”

“What? I never thought you would be one of those people who judges lightly! Why am I too good for modeling? That’s just absurd, James! I’ll be right back…”, I didn’t even give him time to answer, I just walked inside the common bathroom leaving him standing outside.

“Babe, are you mad at me?”, he sounded like he was standing just outside my cubicle. I put my panties back up and pulled the door open.

“What are you doing here? This is a ladies bathroom, Jim! You’re gonna get yourself in trouble if some hysteric lady walks in and sees you here!”, I said.

“No, it’s not baby! It’s a common bathroom! You should pay more attention! Well… Are you mad at me?”, he asked looking down at his feet.

“I’m not mad… I just didn’t expect that kind of prejudice from you! We don’t have common bathrooms back in Portugal! How was I supposed to know this was a common bathroom?” I replied.

“I thought the sign at the door was a good indicator that this is in fact a common bathroom!”, he chuckled.

“Smartass!”, I punched him lightly in the chest.

He laughed and pulled me in for a fiery kiss. Jimmy broke the kiss shortly after, his bulge growing by the second. He walk to the door and locked us in.

“Now it’s only you and me… I can’t wait to get home!”, he said walking towards me.

I smiled as he quickly filled the space between us and hauled me up, I laced my legs around his waist as he pushed me against the wall.

“See what you do to me? That dress has been driving me crazy all night…”, his hands draw a path from my neck down, stopping in my breasts as he silkily squeezed them. “No bra?”, he asked raising his head to look me in the eyes.

“Kinda impossible in this dress!”, I smirked.

“What else are you not wearing? You really want me to kidnap you for the rest of the night, don’t you?”, he buried his face on the crook of my neck, kissing, nibbling, sending pleasuring shivers through all my body. I let out soft moans as he teased me, sending me to the higher places. “I thought you skipped this too!”, he said disappointingly as one of his hands caressed my inner thighs.

“You thought wrong! The dress is too short… I didn’t wanna risk get my private parts public!”, I smirked.

“I wouldn’t like that either! Not that this covers much… But I won’t leave your side tonight! Not after that approach back there…”, he captured my lips and wiped all my thoughts, he was all I was aware of, he and all the pleasure he was proportioning me.


*Fifteen minutes later*

“What took you two so long? Long line in the bathroom?”, Zacky taunted.

“Mind your own business, Zee!”, Michelle intervened.

“What happened with that guy? Jimmy seemed furious…”, Val whispered me as I took my seat next to her. Our food was already on the table.

“He gave me his card… he said he is a professional photographer! Jimmy didn’t believe him…”

“Can I see the card?”, I pulled it out of my coat’s pocket and hand it to her. “Jeffrey Dean Winchester? You’re fucking kidding me, right?”, she said a little louder than she intended to.

“Why would I be kidding you? Do you know him?”, I asked back in a whisper so Jimmy couldn’t listen.

“Don’t you? He’s one of the best photographers I know! Not that I know him, but I do follow his work… He does advertising campaigns for Armani, Chanel, Dior, Shiseido, Lancôme in magazines such as Marie Claire, Elle, Vogue! He is awesome! What did he say?”, she asked impatiently.

“He kinda scared me out at first! He first said he could use my lips, that he could use all of me! I was like ‘What the fuck?’ and then Jimmy showed up and he apologized and explained that I could do pretty good money modeling and to call him whenever I feel ready to give it a shot.”

“Are you gonna call him?”, she asked again.

“I’m flying back to Portugal in three days, Val! What’s the point calling him now? I’m leaving…”, I looked down at my food to avoid her gaze.

“You could reconsider… You could try to make a living here, Cat! College is not that far from Huntington! A hour and a half tops and you’re there, I showed you!”, she claimed.

“I don’t think Jimmy would approve if I paid for my education through modeling… He thinks I’m too good for modeling!”, I frowned as I remembered his words.

“He’s just jealous! If it means you moving here I bet he changes his mind…”, she said reassuringly.

“I don’t know, Val! We’ll see… Lets eat!”, I ended the conversation because I didn’t feel like talking about that anymore!

We ate surprisingly quite, we talked and laughed at each other jokes, but there was no food flying towards Johnny as usually would have been. Until the Berrys arrived everyone was behaving. They brought what seemed to be a hot dog, but instead the sausage there was something else… It seemed like a turd, literally! And guess where they put it… At the center of our table! Good thing I had finished eating already ‘cause after that sight I could not eat anything else…hell, I had trouble keeping what I had eaten inside of me, I nearly puked! They all burst into laughter ‘cause they knew for sure that that was no turd. What made me laugh, and I mean laugh as my life depended on it, was the server’s face once he saw our centerpiece. Priceless! He had that repulsed face, he collected most of the plates leaving our centerpiece still on the table, when he got back to gather the remaining dishes he hesitated at least two minutes before I intervened. No one else seemed to be willing to explain the poor guy that that was only a joke and that it was not what it seemed. They left the table walking towards the exit, but I stayed behind so I could apologize to the waiter.

“It’s not what it seems! That is not shit, despite what it might look like… It was just a prank! I’m so sorry!”, I turned my back and run to catch the guys before they reached the exit. Someone grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop on my tracks.

“I didn’t ask you before… What’s your name?”, Jeffrey was the one who stopped me.

“Catarina… But I’d rather if everyone just called me Cat.”

“Cat it is... Will you call me?”, he asked again.

“I have a few things to take care first… Will your offer stand till I’m done?”, I asked back.

“Yes, it will… Just give me a call when you’re ready, okay?”

“I will…”, I reassured him.

“Is everything okay? Do I have to warn you again?”, Jimmy was behind me, his hand protectively on my lower back.

“It’s okay, babe! He was just asking my name in case I decide to call him…”, I assured him.

“Give it up… She’s not gonna call you! Right, babe?”, Jimmy said while leading me back to the exit.

“I will call him if I think I could use the money…”, I snapped when we were distant enough so Jeffrey couldn’t hear us.

“What?”, Jimmy asked surprised.

“Just what you heard! Deal with it… If modeling can get me where I want to be without losing my dreams on the road, that’s what I will do! I’m sorry if you don’t think it’s a decent way to make money, I just think you’re judging it wrong!”

“I won’t argue with you about this now! If the time really comes, we’ll talk then! It’s worthless to fight about something that might not even happen!”, he spat back.

“Can’t wait!”, I defied.

We arrived at Times Square a little before midnight. I spotted Leana not far away from us with some girls partying. Jimmy saw her too, I saw him rolled his eyes when he first saw her!
Rick claimed my attention dragging me away from Jimmy, apparently we wanted to tell me something.

“Andrew is coming with us to Portugal! I was thinking… Can we stay at your place? Can I move in with you? It will be only until July… I’ll be moving to the States once the school year is over!”, he announced.

“What?! You’re moving to the States? What about your parents? What about college? You’re leaving everything behind… Why? Don’t you think you’re rushing things? You just met him… You know him for what? A week and a half?”, I tried to reason with him.

“Life’s too short to worry about the details… My parents will be more than thrilled to know that I decided to graduate at an American university, they will gladly pay for it! I think I love him, Cat! I told you I had a feeling I would find my soul mate here… Andrew is special to me! If this relationship doesn’t work out, at least I can say that I tried, that I gave all I had in me to make it work… Wouldn’t you do the same thing for Jimmy?”, Rick replied.

“It’s different! Jimmy lived with me for three months… I know him!”

“He stayed in Portugal for you, didn’t he? And you had met in what? Three weeks? You need to focus on the present and stop worrying about the future, Cat! Can we stay at your place?”, I wasn’t listening anymore, my attention was elsewhere… LEANA! She was walking towards Jimmy. He had his back to her, he never saw her coming… She took advantage of the element of surprise and managed to steal a kiss from him, despite the difference of heights she reached his mouth eagerly.

“Excuse me!”, I pushed Rick out of my face and ran to Jimmy.

Leana was suspended in the air in Jimmy’s hands, he was keeping her away from his body. She kept struggling, trying to caress his face but her arms were too short to reach it.

“Hey, baby!”, Jimmy greeted me cheerfully as I reached him.

“Hey, babe! I see you have your hands full… Need any help?”, I asked him smiling.

“Nope! Leana was already leaving, right?”, he looked back at her.

“I’m not finished yet! Besides you’re still holding me in the air…”, Leana spat.

“If you know what’s best for you, you’ll leave now!”, I snapped as Jimmy put her back on the ground.

“He loves me… You’re just fooling yourself! He just kissed me… What does that say to you?”, she spat maliciously.

“It says to me that you have no self-love! I saw the whole thing… As soon as he recovered from the shock of you jumping to him like that, he pushed you away from him! If you saw it like I did… He seemed like he was holding a baby that had just poop herself! That’s hardly love from where I’m standing!”, I snapped back.

“He’s just punishing me… He loves me, not you!”

The countdown had begun… The giant ball had begun its descent to reach the top of the building exactly at midnight. Leana caught my distraction towards the giant ball and tried to hit me in the face, her fingertips brushed my cheek and nose. As a reflex I hurled my clenched fist straight to her face, my knuckles crushed against her jawbone.

“Happy New Year, Leana! Now get out of my face before I lose my temper!”, I hissed.

She had tears forming in her eyes… I felt bad for her, but she had started it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey ;)
I know it's short, but it's all I have for now...
Hope you guys like it *-*
Thanks to all my sisters in the A7X Portuguese Family <3
Thanks to all my new readers (I hope you're enjoying it) <3
Thanks to all my silent readers (I can only hope you like it, since you guys don't leave me any comment) <3

A friend of mine as been writing a fic... Check it out Warmness on my soul
