Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

Happy Birthday

Jimmy’s P.O.V.

I turned around in my stool only to see her walking into the bar. She had a short black dress that showed her toned legs, fitted to her perfect body, with a V-neck that popped out her amazing breasts, combined with some red heels and a red clutch. She was absolutely stunning… She was smiling widely at me. I looked around to see most men in the room staring at her. I grabbed her coat that was resting in the back of my stool and walked towards her.

“Put on your coat, baby! I really don’t want to start smashing some faces on New Year’s eve!”, I said while I covered her shoulders with the coat. I was sending death glares at most men in the hotel bar.

Val slapped my arm and glared at me. “ You could at least tell her how good she looks…”, she snapped.

“She looks too good… I’ll have to stay reasonably sober or otherwise those fuckers will try to hit on her all night!”, I said through gritted teeth while I kept sending my death glares in every direction. But Val was right, I haven’t even said to her how good she looked because I was so overtaken by jealousy.

Cat had her arms folded across her chest and a pissed of look on her face when Michelle spat to me leaning against my best friend’s chest, “She’s the one you should pay attention to, you idiot! Who cares if they look at her? Who cares if they all want to fuck her? You’re the only one that has that privilege…”.

“Chelle is right, ‘bro! If Matt and I worried about that stuff, everywhere we went we would get ourselves in a fight! They’re with us, not them…”, Brian took Michelle’s side.

“I’m sorry, babe! You look stunning, gorgeous, hot! I just let myself get carried away by jealousy…”, I pulled her in by the waist and bent down a little to kiss her neck’s sweet spot. “That dress, that perfume… you’re driving me crazy! Can we lock ourselves in the bedroom? I can’t wait to get you off of that dress!”, I nibbled her earlobe and felt her body shivered against mine and I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

“Not now, babe! Later tonight… I’m all yours… always am!”, her delicate hand reached the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, which I gladly accepted. “I’ve missed you… I haven’t seen you since earlier this morning!”, she whispered against my lips and I captured hers in response. I would never get tired of kissing her… every kiss, every touch made my heart pump franticly in my chest, but was never enough for me. She was like my personal drug…

“I’ve missed you too… I love you, Cat!”, I ended the kiss and pressed my temple against hers when Rick cleared his throat.

“Enough already, lovebirds!”, Rick said.

“Yeah! I could eat something… Shall we go and grab some dinner or what?”, Andrew, Rick’s new boyfriend agreed.

I was helping Cat dress her coat when I heard her snap, “What?”.

“You’re hiding the awesomeness of the dress with that coat over it!”, Val replied.

“It’s cold outside! I won’t freeze just because you think I’m ruining the outfit!”, everyone laughed.

Half an hour later we were sitting at a fancy restaurant waiting for our food to be delivered by the waiter. Cat excused herself and walked to the bathroom, my eyes never left her slim figure, her perfect hips bouncing to each side as she walked, showing off her cute little butt. Some guy held her wrist forcing her to stop on her tracks and stood up from his chair. I was next to her in no time and I was able to hear some of his words.

“…I could use those lips… You could make good money with them… I could use all of you, really!”, she looked at him frighten.

“What the fuck, man? Don’t you touch my girlfriend! If you even try to lay hand on…”, I said as I pressed a hand on his chest to push him away from her and he cut me off.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t explain myself… I’m a professional photographer! My name is Jeffrey Dean Winchester… Here is my card! Give me a call… You are absolutely stunning, you could make pretty good money modeling.”, he handed her a card but I ripped it out of her hands. “I’m sorry, young man! I didn’t mean it the way you think I did…”, he tried to apologize.

“The hell you didn’t! Don’t you even look at her! You could use her lips? You could use all of her? What the fuck is wrong with you man? I should beat the crap out of you, you asshole!”, I spat angrily.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t express myself correctly… I’m not very good with words! I really am a professional photographer and you are just perfect! You’re not wearing any make up except for that eyeliner and mascara and yet you look better than most women… Those natural red full lips, those big, razor sharp golden eyes of yours, that perfect little nose, those natural pink cheeks… I could use you for some ads! You could go along with her to see for yourself that I don’t have any second intentions! Just think about it and give me a call whenever you feel ready…”, he handed her another card and she accepted it. I glared at him wrathfully.

“Lets go! I’ll walk you to the bathroom… Photographer! Photographer my ass!”, I groaned under my breath as I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bathroom.

“Why can’t he be a photographer? Why can’t he be telling the truth? You think I’m not good enough for modeling, is that it? You think that no photographer could ever look at me like as possible model?”, she asked shyly as we reached the bathroom. She was so adorable… She had no idea the effect she had on men, and that only made her even more appealing.

“Where does all this insecurity come from? Is not that you’re not good enough, is that you’re too good to be just that!”

“What? I never thought you would be one of those people who judges lightly! Why am I too good for modeling? That’s just absurd, James! I’ll be right back…”, she blurred inside the common bathroom, leaving me standing at the door.

I let myself inside the bathroom and peeked under every empty cubicle until I found her feet. “Babe, are you mad at me?”, I asked.

“What are you doing here? This is a ladies bathroom, Jim! You’re gonna get yourself in trouble if some hysteric lady walks in and sees you here!”, she said as she looked around with a worried expression on her beautiful face.

“No, it’s not baby! It’s a common bathroom! You should pay more attention! Well… Are you mad at me?”, I looked down a my feet. I didn’t want her to be mad at me…

“I’m not mad… I just didn’t expect that kind of prejudice from you! We don’t have common bathrooms back in Portugal! How was I supposed to know this was a common bathroom?”, she replied a little embarrassed.

“I thought the sign at the door was a good indicator that this is in fact a common bathroom!”, I chuckled.

“Smartass!”, she punched my chest lightly.

I laughed and pull her in for a fiery kiss. Little Jimmy was up for some action and couldn’t wait to take that dress off her, I broke the kiss so I could go lock the bathroom door.

“Now it’s only you and me… I can’t wait to get home!”, I said as I walked towards her.

She smiled at me as I quickly filled the space between us and hauled her up, she laced her legs around my waist as I pushed her gently against the wall.

“See what you do to me? That dress has been driving me crazy all night…”, my hands draw a path from her neck down, I stopped when I reached her breasts so I could pleasure her a little. “No bra?”, I asked raising my head to meet her gaze.

“Kinda impossible in this dress!”, she had that smirk I loved so much plastered across her face.

“What else are you not wearing? You really want me to kidnap you for the rest of the night, don’t you?”, I buried my face on the crook of her neck, kissing, nibbling, sending pleasuring shivers through all her body. She let out soft moans as I teased her, sending her close to the edge. “I thought you skipped this too!”, I said disappointingly as one of my hands caressed her inner thighs and my fingers brushed softly against the little piece of fabric.

“You thought wrong! The dress is too short… I didn’t wanna risk get my private parts public!”, she smirked again.

“I wouldn’t like that either! Not that this covers much… But I won’t leave your side tonight! Not after that approach back there…”, I captured her lips, involving us in a passionate kiss that would lead us to more intimate interaction and certainly to our climax after that.

*Fifteen minutes later*

“What took you two so long? Long line in the bathroom?”, Zacky taunted.

“Mind your own business, Zee!”, Michelle intervened.

“What happened with that guy? I thought you were about to kick his ass here in the restaurant…”, Brian whispered me as I took my seat next to him. Our food was already on the table.

“You have no idea how badly I wanted to break his face! You wanna know what he said to her?? He said he could use her lips, all of her actually! Those were his words, ‘bro! Then he came with some bullshit about being a professional photographer, and how much he would love to have her modeling to him! He even gave her a card!”, I explained through gritted teeth.

“You sure it was just bullshit, ‘bro? I mean… Cat is hot, Jim! It wouldn’t be so out of the ordinary for some professional to approach her with something like that… She could really do some modeling, man! She has the body and the face that would sell anything, you gotta admit it!”

“You’re fucking kidding me, right? Haven’t you heard a single word I just said? I know how gorgeous my girlfriend is, dude… But he was drooling all over her! A photographer my ass! And besides, Cat has other priorities… All she thinks about is to finish college at the top of her class, modeling is not for her! She’s following her dream…”, I couldn’t believe what I had just heard Brian say, he was actually defending the guy.

“Yeah, I heard you! I just think you’re being jealous more than anything else…”, he replied.

“Whatever, dude! Lets just eat…”, I cut off the conversation, I wasn’t in the mood to pick a fight with Brian! He knew me better than anyone else, he had a point in his words… I was jealous!

We ate surprisingly quite, we talked and laughed at each other jokes, but there was no food flying towards Johnny as usually would have been. Until the Berrys arrived everyone was behaving. They brought what seemed to be a hot dog, but instead the sausage there was something else… It seemed like a turd, literally! And guess where they put it… At the center of our table! We all burst into laughter ‘cause we knew for sure that that was no turd. Cat burst into laughter as her life depended on it, when she acknowledged the server’s face once he saw our centerpiece. Priceless! He had that repulsed face, he collected most of the plates leaving our centerpiece still on the table, when he got back to gather the remaining dishes he hesitated at least two minutes before Cat intervened. No one else seemed to be willing to explain the poor guy that that was only a joke and that it was not what it seemed. We left the table walking towards the exit, but Cat stayed behind so she could apologize to the waiter in our behalf.
When I turned around to see why she was taking so long I saw her talking to that so called photographer, I could feel my blood boiling as jealousy and anger took control of my body. I walk to them, anger marking each step I took.

“I will!”, I heard her say.

“Is everything okay? Do I have to warn you again?”, I placed my hand on her lower back as I asked through gritted teeth. I did my best not to crush his jaw there and then!

“It’s okay, babe! He was just asking my name in case I decide to call him…”, she assured me.

“Give it up… She’s not gonna call you!”, I spat bitterly. “Right, babe?”, I asked as I led the way to the exit.

“I will call him if I think I could use the money…”, she snapped once we were far enough so that guy didn’t hear us.

“What?”, she had caught out of guard. I wasn’t expecting that answer…

“Just what you heard! Deal with it… If modeling can get me where I want to be without losing my dreams on the road, that’s what I will do! I’m sorry if you don’t think it’s a decent way to make money, I just think you’re judging it wrong!”, she said firmly.

“I won’t argue with you about this now! If the time really comes, we’ll talk then! It’s worthless to fight about something that might not even happen!”, I snapped back.

“Can’t wait!”, she defied, raising her little chin up to make her point. Even when we were arguing all I could think about was how much I wanted to crush my lips against hers.

We arrived at Times Square a little before midnight. I saw Leana with some girls a little after our arrival, Cat saw her too ‘cause she looked up to me to see my reaction. Rick stole Cat from me, claiming he needed to talk to her about something. He was about to tell her that Andrew would be flying with them back to Portugal and ask her if they could stay at her place until the end of school year when he would be moving back to the States with Andrew to try to make a living here. He talked to me about this before, he asked me what I thought about it, if it really was a good idea. I gave him my approval, we only live once and life’s too short for us to not take a risk once in a while. If things didn’t work out with Andrew, Rick could always stay with me… What are friends for?
Someone touched my arm and when I turned around to see who it was, Leana somehow managed to capture my lips. My only reaction was to put my hands around her waist and hauled her up in the air away from my body, but she kept trying to touch me. I saw Cat walking towards us furiously and it was all it took me to realize she had saw the whole thing. I, sure as hell, didn’t want to be in Leana’s shoes.

“Hey, baby!”, I greeted her cheerfully as she reached us.

“Hey, babe! I see you have your hands full… Need any help?”, she asked smiling. She was putting up an act to hide her anger.

“Nope! Leana was already leaving, right?”, I asked looking back to Leana.

“I’m not finished yet! Besides you’re still holding me in the air…”, Leana spat.

“If you know what’s best for you, you’ll leave now!”, Cat snapped as I put Leana back on the ground.

“He loves me… You’re just fooling yourself! He just kissed me… What does that say to you?”, Leana spat maliciously.

“It says to me that you have no self-love! I saw the whole thing… As soon as he recovered from the shock of you jumping to him like that, he pushed you away from him! If you saw it like I did… He seemed like he was holding a baby that had just poop herself! That’s hardly love from where I’m standing!”, Cat snapped back.

The countdown had begun… The giant ball had begun its descent to reach the top of the building exactly at midnight. I was looking up when I saw from the corner of my eye Leana try to take advantage of Cat’s distraction and try to hit her in the face. Her hand missed Cat’s face for a few inches, but Cat’s fist landed perfectly on Leana’s jaw.

“Happy New Year, Leana! Now get out of my face before I lose my temper!”, Cat hissed.

Leana had tears forming in the back of her eyes…but she resigned and left.

“I feel sorry for her…”, Cat muttered.

“Don’t be… She’ll be over it in no time!”, I snaked my arms round her waist, kissed her neck and whispered softly to her ear. “Happy New Year, baby! You haven’t kissed me for a year now… Care to fix that, please?”, she turned around in my arms and kissed me eagerly.

*Three days later*

Cat’s leaving today… Only God knows when I’ll see her again! I’ll have to wait until Easter break at the very least! Four months without her… Four whole months without her lips against mine, without a caress, without her by my side at night… I miss her already!”

We were at the airport, only a couple of hours before their departure. I was holding her for dear life, I didn’t want her to leave. Rick, Andrew and Patricia were elsewhere, granting us our privacy for goodbye.

“I don’t want you to leave… What am I going to do without you? How am I going to sleep without you?”, I whispered to her, she was sitting in my lap, leaning against my chest.

“I don’t want to leave either! I’ll be helpless without you… I’ll miss you, your kiss, your touch, our intimate moments like hell! But I really need to go, Jim… I’ll be back before you know it! It’s only a few months… You’ll wait for me, right?”, she asked, her delicate hand caressing my neck.

“No need to ask me that… I’ll wait for you for as long as you want me to!”, I pecked her lips softly.

“Are we still up for that virtual sex?”, she whispered against my lips.

I laughed… “I’m up for it, as long as you want!”, I answered still chuckling.

“Why are you laughing? A girl has needs, you know? I’ll be online every day after 6 p.m., which means that you have to be on at 10a.m., right?”, she asked uncertain.

“Yeah… Your calculus is right, babe! I’ll be there every single day waiting for you…”, I responded.

She clasped to me, burying her face on the crook of my neck and I felt her body trembling against mine. She was crying… I pulled her even close to me while I rocked her body back and forth, and rubbed my hand up and down on her back.

“Why are you crying, baby?”, I asked softly as I lifted her chin up to face me.

“I don’t want to leave you! What if I decide to read other of my father’s letters? You won’t be there to glue all my pieces back together, you won’t be there to hold me and comfort me as you always did… I need you more than I should! I’ll be a mess without you… I’ll be roaming around as an empty shell!”, she buried her face in my chest and began sobbing again.

“Your father’s letters are with me, babe… I’m keeping them until you get back to me, that way I’ll be there to glue every single piece of you back together!”, I tucked my finger under her chin and pulled it back up so I could crush my lips against hers.

We remained clasped to each other until we heard over the speakers that the passengers on the flight to Portugal should head to the gates. It was time to say goodbye… I walked her for as far as I was allowed and kissed her eagerly, almost desperately! Her hands had a grip on the back of my neck, she didn’t want to let go more than I did…

“Cat! We have to go, baby! Come on…”, Patricia said soothingly.

“Just a few more minutes, mom!”, Cat clang onto me as tears washed her face.

“You’re gonna miss your flight, babe! You need to go… We’ll talk as soon as you land! I’ll wait for you online! I love you, Cat! Please, hurry back to me! I’m missing you already…”, I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her lips for the last time in a few months.

“I love you, James Owen Sullivan!”, she whispered with her lips still brushing mine.

And she left…

*8 February, 2003*

Tomorrow is my birthday… I wish Cat was here! I’ve talked to her online every day since she left to Portugal! I’ve been missing my heart ever since, she took it with her when she boarded that plane to Portugal…
The guys have been bitching me, ‘cause I’m no fun anymore! I used to love messing with little Johnny, but I don’t see the fun in it anymore… Brian is the one being punished over these last two months… I’m always at his place, mine feels so empty… I’ve been screwing up his sex life with Chelle… Despite my opinion, he’s been restless with me as always! He always has that wise word to whisper in my ear when I’m about to crumble. We’ve been getting drunk pretty much every night after I say my goodbyes to Cat! Chelle has been awesome too… She’s been putting up with a lot of my shit lately and didn’t complain not even once! That guy is my best friend, my brother in the whole fucking world!
Cat has been keeping secrets from me… Every now and then she ditches me to talk to Val privately! And that has been making me worked up…I can’t help but feel insecure! What if Cat meets someone back in Portugal and forgets all about me?
Leana has been driving me insane as well! I thought she would let it go after a week or two, but she keeps showing up, trying to seduce me… I haven’t told Cat yet!
Brian tried to convince me to stay at his place tonight, he didn’t want me to be alone at midnight when it would be officially my birthday! I slept at his place every single night since Cat left, but I need some time alone tonight! I just hope Leana doesn’t show up at my doorstep tonight…

The doorbell rang… I looked over the clock placed on my nightstand. Almost four a.m.! Who the fuck is ringing on my door at four in the fucking morning? , I thought bitterly as I stepped out of my bed to see who was at my door. I opened the door roughly…

“What the fuck are you doing here at four in the morning?”, I asked surprised.

“Happy birthday!”, she said grinning widely.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, guys ;)
So... Who do you think is at Jimmy's doorstep? O.o

I hope you like it :$

Thanks to all my sisters in the A7X Portuguese Family <3
Thanks to all my readers and subscribers <3

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Check out my other story Lips of Deceit