Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

Drunk philosopher

“I won’t insist for now, if you don’t wanna talk about it.”, he simply said.

“You won’t insist for now? Somehow the ‘now’ in that sentence it’s the most relevant word. I better get over with it while I’m still under alcohol influence… What do you want the know?”, I sighed as I got up and sat Buda style.

“Why would you say that?”, he asked.

“I don’t know, but it’s just the way it is. Somehow all those people I counted as my friends ended up letting me down. One of them was fucking with my boyfriend behind my back, others I caught them talking shit about me, others violated all the trust I laid in them and revealed what I had as private. Can you really consider them as your friends? ‘Cause I can’t, I would never do that to my friends! I’m sorry if I have some trust issues, I just haven’t found trustworthy people in my life just yet!”, I said with tears starting to burn my eyes as I remembered what I had been through.

“I really can’t relate with what you just described… I’ve known those crazy bastards since junior high, and they’ve been my best friends, my family, my support, my safe haven since then. I’d give my life for each one of them, and I’m 100 percent sure they’d give theirs for me too.”, he stated pointing towards outside of the tent.

“So you’re lucky! Maybe I’ll get lucky someday too. Life isn’t always at its best, right? In order to be fully happy you must go through hell and back, right? So maybe this was my hell and now I’m better prepared for paradise. We always have to look at the brighter side…”, I said while forcing myself to smile a little.

“We all had our darkest moments…Some way or another we’ve all experienced hell. It’s how you grow out of it that makes it special, that turns you in what you are today.”, he was looking right at me, with his head still on my pillow.

“I really thought you were even funnier while under the deep influence of alcohol, I guess I judged you wrong!”, I said with a giggle, trying to snap out of that serious conversation.

“Tonight, I’m a drunk philosopher! You better get some advices while the whole philosophical wisdom lasts!”, he played along.

“I guess I’m good for tonight! I don’t really want to overflow with that much knowledge…”, I said with a grin on my face.

“Your loss! I’ll get you next time I’m in this state!”, he poked his tongue at me.

“What do you mean?”, I sounded more frightened than I intended too.

“Are you scared? I’m just saying… I know that I’ve only scratched the surface. There is so much more to you than you are ready to reveal… You’ll end up trusting me, you’ll see!”, he said with so much confidence that I could never doubt his words, even if I wanted too.

“We’ll see about that… Now, give some space, let me lay down.”, I mumbled.

“Do you wanna cuddle?”, he teased.

“Yeah, right! Dream on, Jimmy, dream on…”, I chuckled.

“HEY! WHAT THE FUCK, MAN? JOHNNY!!!WAKE UP, DUDE! YOU’RE ALL OVER ME!”, we heard Zacky yelled from the tent next to us.

“Sorry, dude! It’s just that I was having this dream that…”, Johnny tried to explain.

Jimmy and I looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“I don’t care, man! Just don’t mess with my personal space! You scared the shit out of me! I was so peacefully asleep when I felt you all over me! That’s not a good way to wake up, dude!” – Zacky interrupted Johnny’s explanation.

“Hey, Cat!”, Johnny called.

“Yeah?”, I answered.

“Why don’t you trade places with Zacky? I really don’t want him mad at me…”, he tried.
“I really don’t feel like cuddling, Johnny! Sorry, dude…”, I managed to say between chuckles.

“Trade places with Johnny, then! Let Jimmy and Johnny cuddle…”, Zacky said giggling.

“No fuckin’ way, dude! We’re having a dare going on…”, Jimmy yelled.

"A dare?", Zacky poked is head inside our tent.

"She brought a fuckin' pillow! Can you believe it?, Jimmy asked in disbelief.

"She's the smart one, then! At least she'll be comfy! Can we share you pillow, Cat?, Zacky teased.

"Get the fuck out, dude! You're pissing me off! Let us get back to where we were just before you screamed like a little girl, you pussy!", Jimmy had a serious face, but his tone of voice pointed out something different...

"UUUHHH... They were making out, Zacky!", Johnny teased poking his head inside our tent too.

"Are you jealous, Johnny? Would you like to join us?", I was just teasing, but he took it as an invitation.

BAMM! He jumped into the tent and landed right next to me. He was on my left and Jimmy on my right.

"Are you up for a sandwich, Johnny?", Jimmy asked giving me a meaningful look.

"OH, NO!!!YOU Wouldn't...", I just realized what was about to happen.

They look at each other and BAM, I got crushed in their embrace.

"OH! That's not fair! I want in too!", Zacky pleaded.

"There's room for one more!", Jimmy teased.

And BAAAMMM! Zacky jumped into the tent and landed right on top of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Third Chapter... Hope you like it *-*
Three guys and Cat all alone in the tent?Humm...
What will happen next?