Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

Welcome to the family

“OUCH!”, I grunted.

“Did I hurt you?”, Zacky asked worried.

“No! You just crushed me!”, I said ironically.

“Don’t be such a baby! He was quiet gentle compared to what we use to do to each other! I bet he didn’t even hurt you, you’re just trying to get some attention!”, Jimmy teased.

“ You got me!!! I’m just trying to get some cuddle…”, I said playfully.

“You really don’t need to take it that far…Just need to ask!”, Johnny said holding me closer.

“Johnny, may be an ass, but he’s right this time! You just need to ask, we’ll be more than happy to please you!”, Zacky said and placed a kiss on my neck.

“GOD!!!SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!I’m being tortured!!!”, I yelled chuckling.

“What’s going on in here?”, Michelle poked her head on our tent.

“Please, help me! They’re crushing me, torturing me with cuddles!”, I managed to say between their strong embrace and all the kisses the three of them were placing all over my cheeks, forehead and neck.

“Hey, guys, come over here!!! You gotta see this…”, Michelle called while she laughed.

“What?”, I heard the three of them asking at the same time while they were leaving their tents.

“HEY! YOU HORNY BASTARDS! I want in too! Why didn’t you called me?”, Brian teased after poking his head in the tent.

“Come and join us, ‘bro! We have room for everyone of you!”, Jimmy said chuckling.

That was definitely an invitation! I already knew what was coming next, and I was right about it. The four of them joined us too. Luckily all that cuddling torture ended five minutes after they joined us.

“This is just our way to welcoming you to our family! From now on you’re part of our family and there’s no escape from it! We’ll be here whenever you need us. And to prove it we’re all sleeping together, all tight inside this tent!”, Val said to me with a smile.

“But you guys just met me!”, I said fighting a tear.

“It was unanimous, though! We all liked you as soon as you talked to us!”, Zacky explained.

“Thank you, guys!”, a tear just rolled down my face.

“No need, you silly!”, Johnny just kissed me in the forehead.

“And she cries!”, Jimmy said playfully.

“Oh, shut up!”, I replied blushing.

He managed to turn me in order to face him, and gave me the warmest of hugs! I melted, I could see myself melting.

“You’re safe with us… You should feel at ease showing us what you really feel.”, Jimmy whispered to me.
“Don’t push it any further tonight. “, I pleaded. “Give me some more time.”

He placed a kiss on my forehead, and again I melted. I could feel his support, his comprehension, his affection in this simple kiss. He was right all along, I’d end up trusting him.

“Get a room!!!”, Johnny mumbled.

“Don’t be so jealous, Johnny boy! I still love you.”, Jimmy teased with a grin on his face.

We fell asleep almost an hour later, the sun was already rising. The first to wake up was me, I was suffocating inside that tent, I was all sweaty… I looked at my cell, it was already 2 p.m. . I crawled my way out of the tent, trying my best not to wake up any of them. As soon as I got out I stretched myself, that tent was too small for that many people!

“I see you fading away from us. I'll miss you very much.
Room with empty bottles, broken dreams,
and pride still running high, always on your side.
But I wanted more for you.
You can't go on this way.
And now I see it all fall through.
We pray for better days.”, I was singing to myself when someone grabbed me for my waist and pulled me close.

“Are you singing, Cat? What were you singing?”, I recognized Jimmy’s voice.

“Damn you! You scared the shit out of me, Jeeezz!”, I grumbled.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to startle you!”, he said loosening his embrace.

“I know you didn’t mean it. But don’t do shit like that! I thought I was the only one awake, I just wasn’t expecting someone holding me like that! By the way, you’re way taller than me!”, for the first time since I met him I was noticing how big he really was.

“You’re not the most observant person, are you?”, he laughed. “You still haven’t told me what you were singing…”

“I guess I’m not.”, I said between chuckles. “It was just a song I heard a couple of days on the radio… I can’t take it off of my head, not that I want too, ‘cause I’m kind of in love with it. It’s called ‘Shattered by broken dreams’ by Avenged Sevenfold, I think.”, I said casually.

“ Do you know the band?”, he asked amused.

“No… Was the first time I ever heard of them. Why?”

“Can I tell you a little secret?”, he asked giggling.

“Sure you can!”

“I know those guys! Actually, I’m the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold!”, he announced calmly smiling.

“Stop messing with me!”, I said in disbelief.

“I’m serious! I’m with the drums, Johnny with the bass, Brian and Zacky with the guitars and Matt is the vocals. Ask Matt to sing for you, you’ll see I’m not lying! I wouldn’t lie to you…”, he just said.

“Yeah, right!”, I still didn’t believe him. “Should we wake them up?”, I asked.

“I’m on it!”, he had a bottle of water in his hands.

And then he spilled it all over the guys.

“Time to wake up, you lazy fuckers! We need to refill our container and get ice!”, he yelled. He was like a little kid doing devilry.

“WHAT THE FUCK, JIMMY!!!”, Michelle was pissed.

“Oh, come on! You know I’m right! It’s already 3 p.m., we need provisions.”, he was still laughing.

Everybody got up and prepared to go shopping.

“Hey, Cat! You’re driving!”, Johnny said, throwing some keys at me.

“Me? Why me? I got my license only two months ago!”, I asked surprised.

“You’re the newest member of the family! I’m officially out of my duty as a driver!”, Johnny said laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is one more chapter! Hope you like it :$
What will happen next? Will Cat believe Jimmy's story?
Stay tuned to see what's next *-* <3