Status: Active

Nothing lasts foREVer

Let it all out


We spent most of the night yelling jokes to each other; the rain did not kept us from having a great night, some of us might wake up with a sore throat in the morning. The storm persisted through the night; intense rain, a lightning bulb every now and then supplemented by thunder.
I woke up in the middle of a nightmare with the sound of a thunder. I was freezing…

“Jimmy? Are you awake?”, I whispered. Everyone else was already sleeping, it was almost dawn.

“I am now…”, he grunted.

“It’s still raining… Are you sure that these tents can take this storm?”, I was panicking.

“They’re still up, aren’t they? Why are you so worried? You should get back to sleep, in a few hours you have to go to work.”, he grumbled.

“The tent is going to soak…”, I stated.

“Silly… We’re safe here, don’t worry! We prepared for something like this. If the tent was soaking you’d already feel wet… Do you feel wet? Is the floor of the tent wet?”, he tried to reassure me.

“No, but…”, I was still scared.

“Are you cold? You’re shivering!”, he noticed that I was shivering with cold.

“Kind of…”, I admitted.” I didn’t prepare for this kind of weather.”

“Come here… Get inside my sleeping bag; I’ll warm you up a little.”

I did as he said, my backs were facing him. He put an arm around my waist, pulled me closer and whispered on my left ear.

“Why were you so scared?”

“I had a nightmare… I wasn’t distinguishing it from reality! I’m sorry I panicked.”, I explained.

“It’s okay, babe! Now, get some sleep… I’ll be right here.”, he calmed me.

It seemed I had just fallen asleep when my phone rang. Jimmy reached it and gave it to me. It was my boss. It was still 7a.m. What could he possibly want that soon in the morning?

“Hey! Good morning…”, I greeted as I answered the phone.

“Good morning, Cat… I´m sorry for calling you this soon in the morning! I just wanted to let you know that you don’t have to go to work today, I’m not opening the bar with this shitty weather.”, he informed me.

“Oh… Okay, boss! See you tomorrow then!”, I hanged up.

“What? What was it?”, Jimmy asked worried.

“Oh, nothing! I’m not working today, that’s all…”

“That’s good news… Now, get some more sleep!”, he tightened his embrace.

We woke up around 11a.m., everyone else was already up. The rain had stopped, but the storm wasn’t far though, we could still hear a thunder every now and then. I stepped out the tent and stretched myself. They were all outside their tents. Matt and Val were all sweet to each other, Matt had her close by the waist; Brian had Michelle curled up in his lap; even Johnny and Zacky were all quiet.

“FUCK!! Who died?”, Jimmy asked as soon as he saw their faces.

“The sun, dude! The sun died on us today!”, Johnny said with that face of his! He was so…adorable when he was trying to be serious.

“Hey, Cat! Aren’t you late for work? What have you two been doing inside that tent that you lost track of time?”, Val teased.

“I’m not working today, my boss called at 7a.m.!”, I just said.

“Are you guys ready?”, Jimmy asked.

“Ready for what?”, we all said in unison.

“You promised your mom you’d take the guys over your place so she could meet them, remember?”, he reminded.

“Yeah, I do! But we have to do it today?”, I grunted.

“It’s the perfect time! You’re not working and today is your mom’s day off, or so she said to me!”, he said glaring at me.

“What?”, I asked raising my eyebrows, I wasn’t getting his glare. “I’ll call my mom.”, I surrendered.

“That’s better…”, he muted.

I grabbed my phone from inside the tent and called my mom… She was home and she offered to cook us lunch. We gladly accepted; it had been awhile since we ate a real home cooked meal. We arrived at my house an hour later.

“Mom? We’re here…”, I called her as soon as I set foot in the house.

“I’m in the kitchen, baby! Come on in…”, she yelled from the kitchen.

We all headed to the kitchen, Jimmy was the first in. My mom was near the stove.

“Hey there, Patrícia!”, he greeted and skirted the table to place a kiss on my mother’s cheek.

“Hi, James!”, she was smiling at him! “Who do we have here?”, she asked turning around to face us.

Jimmy did the introductions. I was perplexed watching the scene… Jimmy and my mom seemed like they knew each other for years, and they’ve only met the day before. What the fuck did he said to her? She was very nice to all of them, always smiling, asking questions every now and then, and trying to get to know more about them all. I was so stunned! I never thought she would be this cool about them; I couldn’t help but wonder what had Jimmy said to her the day before. It was useless to even think about that, ‘cause he would never tell me, so I tried to forget what was behind that entire perfect scene and just enjoyed it. We stayed at my house all afternoon, and we dinned there with my mom. We went back to our camp after dinner. The rain had decreased a little bit and the storm wasn’t as strong as in that morning, but we got into our tents as soon as we got to camp, we didn’t even start a fire.
We spent a few hours talking about my mom, and how much fun we had with her, and of course there were some dirty jokes between the boys. I had just fell asleep when Jimmy wake me up.

“Do you wanna sleep inside my sleeping bag so you won’t get cold in the middle of the night?”

“Oh! Thanks Jimmy! You’re always watching over me…”, I said sleepy while moving towards him. I got in the sleeping bag with my back turned to him and he held me just like the night before… Cuddling felt good.


Three weeks flew by without even noticing, I guess time really flies when you’re having fun. They were flying back to the States the next day. They had gone to my mom’s house to say their goodbyes while I was at work… They had really befriends with my mom, thankfully! ‘Cause now they were a great part of my life and she’s okay with it, she accepts and loves every single one of them.
Jimmy was waiting for me outside of the bar when I got out of work. I loved them all, but somehow, Jimmy was special to me. I had put a lot of thought about it, but I couldn’t tell if I loved him as a friend or even a brother or if there was something more. Nothing had ever happened between us, although we shared his tent three whole weeks; we did cuddle a few times, especially in the cold nights, but we never took it further than that.

“Where are they? Did you come alone?”, I asked as soon as I reached him.

“I asked them not to come, ‘cause I needed to talk to you… Can we take a walk through the beach?”, he was looking at me with those perfect deep blue eyes.

“Sure! Did something happen?”, I was getting worried.

“No, nothing happened! Not yet, anyway!”, he mumbled.

“You’re starting to freak me out! Let it all out, already! You know me… You know how I get with this kind of suspense!”, I strained.

“We’re leaving tomorrow! I’ll miss you like hell! I wish you’d come with us…”, he whispered.

“I’ll miss you too, Jimmy! You have no idea! But you know I can’t… I got into college this year, I was already accepted!”, I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of being without them, without my Jimmy for so long.

“I know, but I still want you to come with us!”

“We’ll keep in touch right? You promised…”, I warned him.

“We will talk every day, but it will not be enough! I will never leave you, I promise I’ll always be here for you.”, he reassured me.

“So… There was something you wanted to tell me, right? What was it?”, I tried to lighten up the conversation a little bit.

“I really need to do this! I need to let it out of my head… Please don’t be mad at me, okay?”, he pleaded gazing intensely at me.

“What is it?”, I asked one more time.

Jimmy took a step in my direction, held me by the waist and kissed me passionately. At first I was so puzzled that I didn’t respond properly, but when he loosen up his embrace I pulled him closer and kissed him until I was breathless. After that kiss we stayed there, clasped, with our heads leaned together, none of us was ready to break the embrace.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is my new chapter...
This was a pretty emotional chapter to me, I wrote it while I heard Fiction, Tonight The World Dies, Save Me, So Far Away and Victim, so I cried pretty hard during the creation of this chapter.
I really hope you like it...
What will happen next?
Will Cat change her mind?Will she fly to the States with the guys?
Let me know if you liked it