Ill see you When You Get Home

Hunter's 17. He is on the short side, but has so many muscles, everyone's afraid to mess with him. He has had a rough life. His dad abused him and his mom, and then walked out on them. John's mom says that she regrets having him, but wont let him leave. Since he was 14 he has struggled with anger management problems, handeling them with drugs and alcohol. He had many one night stands, with dfferent girls. He was handeling it all, until he fell in love with Emilee. She played him so hard, and he got hurt. He lost everything in his eyes, and has the scars to prove it.

Ray is 17 as well. He's quite tall, and very skinny. He has a great family, and very active in his church. His girlfriend, Danielle (Dani or Dd) are going strong, until a triangle forms, and he loses her for a while. Since losing her for the first time, he has had this pain in his heart, that wont go away. He's not used to not having a good life, so he reacts wrong, and it affects everything around him.

Danielle is a short, very pretty girl who has been hurt worse than any other 15 year old should be. Her mom and dad never got married. Her dad ran out after she was born, then her mom remarried. Once they got divorced, Dani's step dad married her aunt, and her mom gave her up to them. She's been raped, and is holding all the pain in, everyone knows she's going to burst any second now. She loves Ray, but has many trust issues, she's not sure how to handle it all.

Devon is along for the ride. He's laid back, and tries to keep everyone calm. He cares about Dani and Sammi, but not in more than a friend. Him and Sammi are good friends, but he doesn't understand when the bad things happen to her. He wants to though. So bad.

Tim feels that something is missing in his life, and he's determined to find it. He loves Sammi, but has given up on trying. He wants the best for her, and wants to take away her pain. But she doesn't let him past her walls. He cares for Danielle too, but no more than a friend. He wants to find that missing piece of his life, no matter what he ahs to do.

Sammi is different. She's 5"2, and only about 110 pounds. She had auburn colored hair just past her shoulders, and is gorgious. She's in love with Hunter, and wants him to be hers. She's running away from her life, and not looking back. She has things to live for, and she's keeping her promise, but she's not keeping it in Georgia.. She's conducting this trip, and isn't scared to do it.