Status: Not finished. It will consist of 10 chapters each part.

Part II : Watch Our Skies Collide.

Kill. Die. Live. Breathe. Kiss. Moan. Drown. ***.


My eyes appraised the thick, ivory pages of The Vampyre (1819) John Polidori. The scent that exuded from it smelt like ashes. Which made me less eager to read it. The heavily English wording didn't escape my vocabulary. I did understand it quite well. After begin the age of eight and instead of playing road hockey I was in a room of the sexual deprived vampires talking about world conflicts and O positive blood.

My low breathing didn't send hallow echo's through the room. It was Julian's library and office. It was a very long wide room. Light yellow, daisy like wallpapering. Not of flowers. Only of a solid colour. Which reminded me of a breakfast nook. It had lots of light, since the wall facing the outside of the manor was made of glass. Panels of glass, many of them I see. The wall at the back of the room was covered in dark maple wood bookshelves. Filled to stock any person wandering mind. My father never really liked my thoughts. He always wanted to dumb me down so to say.

I'd rather not.

Ezra would put all his time and patience into orchestrate a flawed plan to get a wholesome woman in the house. He really wanted the "one". I doubted that would happen with his track record only showing up things that he never wanted.

Only to show up never at home and when his sister, Thea showed up out of the blue and her brows pulled together with anxiety could let out her only emotions.

"So how's school going lately? Any girls caught your sight?" Her voice trailed off as she stirred the hot chocolate in an old Christmas cup my mother used to own.

Her blond hair pulled back in a low, un-managed bun. Wispy ends pulled near her taut freckled face. Lips small and bowed out at the bottom and green eyes swallowed up with deceased hope.

She managed to pull up a slight smile. But I knew she had to face her own demons. Not banish my own.

"Fine," I pulled my knee's to my chest on our black leather couch.

She nodded and didn't speak a word about Tegan or Rose. Because she knew what they were doing. All the pills Tegan got high on; running through downtown and jumping in fountains. Running on the sidewalks and platforms on subways. Never stopping. He wanted to forget everything. Even with his high friends. Tas. Alexander. Emmery that's all I remember.

He wanted to drowned only to forget.

About Emily dying.

Emily killing herself.

Slowly. She brought this all toward him. He is sick now. His dying. He can't live without his fixes. But whatever he does he won't be the same.

Emily told him everything about everything taught him how to dose his ecstasy in vodka. How to breath in every substance he could.

She killed my brother.

Now he breaths in death.

Tegan's number shows up on the phone ID. The house phone. Rills. I pick it up and place my ear to the receiver. Only to get loud roams of chuckles and moans.

Crystal Castles music was playing.

Loud. Loud. Loud.

I couldn't hold it in.

"Fuck you Tegan! You're fucked! Emily died! Good, I never liked her! She made you into a monster!"

I couldn't breath between my quick gasps. Everything faded away. I was drowning.

"Fuck you...Fuck you too bloody hell..."

The phone went dead.


"Demitri, Why?! That was...the most intense wet dream I had to endure." I felt Damen's cold breath brush upon my neck. He had a thick smug tone roll in his words. He smelted of burned, something.

He was doing weed. It was pure and rich. It roamed around the air nearest to me.

I sighed and just tried to forget about him. I was trying to forget about a few people. That's why I am here. At Ryan's place. Somewhere people only know little about me. Not a whole about me. Or life story.

Somewhere I could escape and not have to say, "I want to be seven feet underground."

I want to split my veins open and pour cyanide in them and shoot up my whole body and just die.

I keep my fingers on the thin pages of a novel I was consuming, I felt a sudden chill up my spine.

His finger gripped the straps of my tank top. I shuffled my knee's uncomfortably. My mauve jeans were a stress for my knees.

I bite my lip and tried to blank my mind. I couldn't focus. I couldn't.

Damen's hands ran up my back fingers dug deep. Very deep.

Moans escaped my lips because the pain felt so euphoric.

The velvet couch I was perched on didn't make me happy. It made me more worried about what Damen was going to do to me.

He merged his face into the nook of my neck. And spoke slowly.

"Mmmm," He nibbled gently on my neck.

My back was straight up and I don't think I moved an inch.

I only stared at the wood floor in shock.

Hands moved onto my torso.

Lips moving around my neck.

Sucking hard and breathing out words I don't think I could hear.




"We could do so many things."

"So many."

"I want to touch you Demitri."

"Have you ever been touched? Have you ever wanted to have rough. Hard."


And this point his hands were moving to rip off my shirt. My American Apparel cyan tank.

He took it off. Blinding me for a second.

Then I heard his feet on the maple wooden floors. He didn't try to hide the noise his footsteps have made.

He walked forward and just stayed there.

His body wasn't immobile. He shifted positions.

He had a haze look in his face. Like he took too many hits.

He released the tank top and it dropped to the floor.

A pile of fabric laying there.

His dark brown hair was messy and tousled. Like he just had rough sex.

Want he wanted.

"I want to touch you."

He mouthed out words rocking through my body. Intoxicating glares and smiles came my way after.

Pacific blue eyes, light blue. Beyond light. They were mind fucking with me.

He purse his lips and growled.

Lips looked so innocent. Plush.

"I want to make you scream. Moan."

I didn't feel my face change. Only my body going out of whack. Like someone poured neon glow into my veins and let them run their course.

I had a case of sexual frustration.

Suddenly, without my prior knowledge of Damen begin psychotic. My panting grew louder. As his legs ran without my eyes blurring one bit. And took the chair in the corner the wicker one. A tad behind me.

And threw it across the room .

His body flexed so much I swear through his white low cut shirt. I saw ripples.

He began panting. Stood away from me.

I'm afraid you caught me by surprise.

He was hunched over looking outside. Body faced away from me. Scared me.

I stared at his jean shorts. And wondered what he was doing.

We both were bare foot. But I doubt he was as heated as me.

Or maybe it was just because of the lust I couldn't control.

He exhaled hard and rough.

Then sprinted and looked at me. Those opal light, pure angel like eyes. With a matching face gave me daggers through my skin. Sent prickles throughout me. Made me numb to my core.

The classical section of Julian's books shot across the study corridor.

The crash and were sent rocking to a massive bright and vivid painting, of paint splatters and frail faces.

He made everything knock down off the walls. Throwing painting against opposite walls. Never stopping causing chaos.

My eyes darted around the room, I suddenly dropped the book and glared at Damen.

Damen face look.


Shattered, all his visible skin was looking like it was shattered into a million pieces, then mended together. Though the cracks still visible. Looked painful. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he closed his eyes. And a voice escaped his mouth. Skin shatters lined in red.


I only mouthed out that.

He shook his head.

"You don't fucking get it. You don't get anything."

Eyes opened now but...

He started to sound more and more like my father.

In that case it sounded odd he wanted rough sex from me.

He turned around slowly.

Eyes looking up at me.

Eerie moment I can only say. He looked like someone just killed him inside.

His bright vivid eyes dilated.

Scared me. He let out a soft growl, he was perched behind me.

His shallow breaths made me want more.

More danger.

His eyes weren't soft, they were edgy. Wicked and wild like. Untamed.

I smelt the venom pool in his mouth, his bones were visible as they stuck out like bat wings. They were on either side of his eyes.

It wasn't creature or monster like, it just looked more... sharp.

I couldn't describe it with Damen breathing down my neck.

"You can't do this. Dream of those things. When I want to touch you like the way I do," Damen spat the words at me. He rose and so did his mocking and cynical tone.

I heard despair and raspy streaks in his words.

I heard his breaths come out not in rushes. Even breathing.


He placed his arms over my shoulder and his palms pressed on my stomach.

Living me into a cold sensation.

Tingling through my stomach giving me butterflies.

I think I moaned slightly.

I felt all the heat rush out of my face. He released his palms and sniffled.

He sighed heavily. Chagrin made him full bloom, soft pink lips tighten.

“I didn’t know…” My voice was sullen. Then lone and solemn disappointment remained in his strong, turquoise eyes.

He almost laughed hysterically.

“You didn’t know?!”

I could only nod and look into his shrewd eyes.

“You turned into vampiric state during your slumber, then yes… since I felt you. Basically touched you when I slept. Ryan must of felt you too...”

This time he already circled the couch and now he was facing me. Kneeling down on the wooden floors. His feet here underneath his knee's not visible now.

Mine were still tucked underneath my body on the couch. I was too scared to move.

"He must of felt it."

He looked down. And his voice shook and sounded like a low hum.

"Your hard on."

Then he looked up at me.

I never seen anything so beautiful.

I've always loved those eyes.

Blue eyes. They were electric light blue.

He grimaced at my face and looked away. Picking himself up off the ground and spewing out curse words.

He gritted his sparkling teeth, breathed.

Then coughed up a bit.

"Fuck you man."

He pointed his finger at me. Shaking his head.

He panted. Voice breaking down now.

He panted louder.

Then his voice arose and his screams ripped through our air.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Bastard! Fuck you!!"

I didn't know how to look. React. Speak. Move. Breathe.

It was like learning out you weren't really alive.

That you were in a dream.

It felt like a dream.

Damen's eyes grew tried. Tears streamed.

"Fuck you..." He whispered under his breath avoiding eye contact.

He gritted his teeth.

He was propped against the window now.

Looking down in deep thought,

The room was dead silent. I cringed.

He looked up now. Child like. Moving his lips but not speaking a word.

"I want to touch you."

I felt a electric fiery hand run up my spine, fingers gripping into my fragile skin. Without a care, I felt their irresistible breath on my neck.