Avenged Adventures

Chapter 1.

I was sitting in the woods when I heard somebody running towards me. I listened and then I heard more foot steps coming after the runner. "Fuck. Really guys?" I said. I jumped down
from the tree I was in and waited. She came running up. She looked terrified. "Go. Get out of here." I said,pointing the way out. She looked thankful and ran the way I pointed. I then waited for which ever guy was chasing her to show up. It was Matt. "Why do you have to be such an asshole Matt?" I said as he walked up. "I was just having a little fun,dear. And besides,why did you get so bitter? You used to be fun." I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Well,its a little easier to be fun when your not fucking dead inside." I snapped. He gave me a little smirk. "Whatever." I said,walking past him. "Were are you going?" "Away from you." I kept walking. He didn't follow. He knew better. I walked back to the party. I pushed past the party goers. I was trying to walk into the house. But some asshole would get in my way. I finally made my way into the house and walked to my room. I flopped down onto my bed. I fucking hated this. Being a vampire was supposed to be fun. I got up and looked out the window. I saw Brian,Zacky,Johnny,and Matt over in the corner, flirting with girls. Those poor girls. I shook my head. They were such assholes. Well,they were except for Jimmy. He was my maker but he was no longer with us. I teared up when I thought about him. That's the reason why I was so bitter. It wasn't because I hated being a vampire,it was because Jimmy wasn't there. When he was around,I was fun. After he was killed,well,I turned into a bitch. I stayed with the guys cause they were my family. I need them,whether I liked it or not. I shook my head and looked back out the window. I scanned the party goers. That's when I saw him. Tall,dark hair,and he was fucking gorgeous. I felt my fangs come out. "Fuck!" I said. This couldn't be happening. I wouldn't let it. I closed my window and shut the curtains. I threw myself on the bed and hoped that the guys didn't see that,or they would know. I heard
my door open. "Hey there!",Brian said as he walked in,"Why did you close your window?" I didn't answer. "Did you...Find a human?" I still didn't answer. "Look at me." I stayed were I was. He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me up. He looked my in the eyes. He was seeing what I saw and was feeling what I felt. He pulled back and said,"You know, you can do this. I know that it hurts because you still love Jimmy,and you always will. But turning this guy will make you feel better." "I don't care. I don't want to turn him. I cant." "You think you don't,but your body says you do. And Jimmy would want you to. I was my makers second
choice." I looked at him. "But I shouldn't have to have a second choice! Jimmy should still be here!" I yelled. "Yeah. He should,but hes not. So you need to get over it because hes not coming back. You need to move on, Alex." He snapped. "Fuck you. Get out." I said in a low,almost growling voice. He walked out. Knowing what would happen if he didn't leave.
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This is the first one of these that I have posted online like this so I hope you like it!