Avenged Adventures

Chapter 2.

I laid back on my bed. I looked over at the picture frame on the wall. I saw all the pictures I had of me and Jimmy and started crying. I felt a hand on my leg. I jerked up,seeing Zacky. "If you fucking pull your mind control shit on me,I will fucking break you in half." I said. "I wont. I...just wanted to see if you were OK. Brian said some stuff he knew he shouldn't have. Don't get pissed but,Alex,it might help if you just...just tried to move on. Not only would it help you,but it might help us. I know that we can be assholes sometimes,but,damn it Alex,we love you. You're like a sister to us. You were Jimmy's world. It hurts us to see you like this. We want you to do whats best for you,and you and I both know that spending the rest of eternity bitter as hell isn't whats best for you." I started to cry harder. None of them has ever said anything like that to me. Zacky hugged me. "Please,Alex. Please try. Just go down and talk to the guy. I promise I will make the guys stay away." "I don't know if I can. I mean,I'll be thinking about Jimmy and..." "Just try. Please. If it doesn't work then that will show us that your not ready." I looked up at him. "Ok. Fine." He got up and said,"Wipe your tears and fix your make-up." He left. I looked in the mirror. I wiped away the crimson streaks that were left on my face and fixed my make-up. I went down stairs to try to find him. I looked were I first saw him. He wasn't there. I looked around more but couldn't find him. I was just about to give up when he came walking up to me. I saw Zacky behind him,he smiled and winked at me. "Hey. I'm Zak." "Alex." "So that guy over there said you were looking for me?" "Oh,Um...yeah. I just wanted to talk ya know?" "Yeah. So what do you want to talk about?" "I dint know. What do people usually talk about when they meet at parties?" "Um...What do you do for a living?" Zak said. "I'm the bands manager. You?" "I'm a paranormal investigator. I have a show on the Travel Channel." "Oh. That's cool." I said,giving him the best smile I could manage. "So I'm gonna assume that your single." He
said. I looked away. "I'm sorry. Bad break up?" "I guess you could say that...He was in a car accident and well..." "Oh shit! I'm sorry. I had no idea." "Its OK." I said,trying to fight back tears. "I can see that your not ready to move on but you know what? I'm gonna give you my number,and you call me when your ready to go on a date,OK?" "Ok." I said. He grabbed a napkin and wrote down his number and handed it to me. "Thanks." I said. "No prob. I think its about time I go. Bye Alex." "Bye Zak." Zak left and I went up into my room. It was almost dawn anyway. I put his number on my nightstand and laid down. I hope I'm doing the right
thing. I looked over to the picture frame again. I closed my eyes. I fell asleep.