Oh Lord, Don't Tell Me This Is Happening

"Babe, It's okay."

Matt looked at Mike. "We said LEAVE Mike." Beau was standing in front of me with his hand in mine.

I walked right up to Mike. "Fuck off Mike! Eric told you to stay away from me!"

Eric grabbed my arm and pulled me back behind Beau. "D, don't get all angry. You're pregnant girl."

Mike's eyes widened. "Damn, Beau you already knocked up this whore."

I became furious. "That's It!" I walked up to Mike again. Before I knew it I punched him in the face and he was knocked out cold. All the guys jaws dropped. "Come on guys, lets get out of here."

Out in the parking lot I was in shock. As I threw up Beau was rubbing my back with Leah beside me.

I cleaned my mouth off. "I can not believe he showed up here." Leah pulled me in to a hug. "I know girl. I don't know how he found you."

Just then everyone else walked out. Eric just looked down at me. "Sis, I told you not punch him." I

started crying. "I'm sorry Eric. I had to shut him up." Beau hugged me tightly, "Babe, It's okay. You have to control your temper. Think of the baby."

He placed one hand on my stomach and kissed me softly. Jared grinned "Yeah girl. Think of that little Bokan growing in there."

I giggled. Matt chimed in, "Yeah, we're all gonna be there for that little one." Beau just smiled. "Come on sweetheart. Let's go." He helped me up and we all headed back to the bus.