Status: New.New.New.New. Enjoy :D

Such Fragile, Broken Things


When we all finally arrived in Chula Vista, California after a thirty minute, overly crammed cab ride, I was overjoyed to pull up to the venue and see our bus waiting for us. Our driver had come to the airport in San Diego to show us which one really was our bus since there was such an amazing fleet of them all parked behind the venue grounds. As soon as the cab stopped, I opened the yellow van’s door, and jumped out. I took a cigarette out of my bag, and lit it, while I waited for everyone to get their crap off of mine. I was almost half way through my cigarette when my suitcases were the only ones left. I put my bag on my shoulder, placed the cigarette between my lips, and grabbed the two bright colored suitcases from the back of the van. I took my cigarette, and looked over at our bus driver.

“So, David, where the hell is our bus?” I asked, giggling a little. It had taken seven hours to get from Nashville to San Diego, and I just wanted to eat something and relax. And by relax, I meant rub elbows with people that were on the tour.

“Right this way, dah-lin.” He said, turning away from us and starting to walk away. The sun was almost set, and I was eager to explore. David seemed like he was pretty cool. He was from some small town in New England. Poor guy, he said it snowed for most of the year, and when he started to get bored with not having anyone to talk to when he was driving truck he switched over to driving buses for people in bands. Said he had met a lot of people. I reminded myself to ask him specifics later on.

David showed us to a nice shiny grey and orange bus. There was a purple bus, and a red bus on either side of us, our door facing the red one. The red bus’s front end was at the same end as the back of our bus. I was looking all around as David was telling us the special number we had to punch in before we put our key into the key-hole to get inside. As soon as we were starting to get onto the bus I saw a few people walk by. Looked like Chiodos from where I was standing, but who could be sure?

Everyone piled onto the bus, and immediately started toward the bunks. I chose a middle bunk, Josh below me and Hayley above me. Taylor, Zach, and Jeremy were on the other side. The bands manager was going to be joining us tomorrow, and staying on the bus as well as a few of the roadies.

I unpacked my pillow, and blanket and put those on my bed with a couple books I had brought along with me. I was unsure of where I should put all my clothes though. “Hey Hayley, where am I supposed to put my clothes?” I asked.

Taylor looked over at me and smiled. “There’s a ton of mirror cabinets. We all choose one and put most of our clothes in it.” He explained.

“Oh. Thanks.” I smiled at Taylor, and dragged my suitcases to the back of the bus. I didn’t feel like unpacking at the moment, so I just left them there, and walked to the front of the bus. Hayley was sitting at the table with her laptop. “Hey sis.” I said standing in front of her.

“Hey.” She looked up at me, and gave a goofy smile.

“I’m going to go see what’s going on outside. I will text you if they are doing some kind of catering tonight.” I said patting my bag on my shoulder, and smiling.

“Okay. Be back by midnight, though. It’s almost nine now.” Hayley called after me, as I walked down the steps and opened the door. I noticed there was a girl my age walking out of the red bus at the same time.

“Yeah, yeah.” I said stepping off the bus. I heard the girl say the same thing as me, at the same time. We both looked at each other and laughed.

“Hi!” She said smiling and waving to me. I hadn’t a clue who she was, and she didn’t look familiar at all. She was definitely taller than myself. Her hair was jet black, and her skin was about the same, pale color as mine.

“Hi.” I smiled back, and waved.

“I’m Olivia Radke.” She said walking toward me. I started walking toward her as well.

“I’m Audrey Williams.” I said, holding my hand out for her to shake.

“Where are you headed off to?” Olivia asked.

“I’m not sure, yet. I was just going to walk around and see who’s here so far. You?” I asked.

“I was going to do the same. And I’m going to see if I can set the merch tents yet.” Olivia started walking toward the venue entrance with me.

“Nice. So, I’m assuming you’re related to Ronnie Radke?” I looked over at Olivia.

“Sort of. He’s my husband.” Olivia said smiling wildly.

“Oh.” I felt my face drop a little. Married men are off limits to flirting of any kind, for me.

“I’m kidding! Ronnie’s my brother. I’m dating Max though.” Olivia’s eyes glimmered when she said Max Green’s name.

“Aww cute!” I exclaimed.

“Now, Williams… You must be related to that girl from Paramore. Hayley, right?” Olivia bit her lip, and looked over at me.

“Yup. Hayley is my older sister by about a year.” I said. “She’s cool. A little too straight laced though. I think she needs to loosen up and smoke a joint every once in a while.” I shrugged, taking my cigarettes out of my bag. “You smoke?” I asked, offering her a cigarette.

“Yeah, but I have my own pack. Thank you.” Olivia took a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, and lit one of her own. I lit mine, and blew the smoke out of my lungs. “So how old are you?” Olivia asked.

“I’m seventeen. I’ll be eighteen on July 9th though. I can’t wait for my birthday. It’s going to be amazing.” I smiled.

“Nice! My birthday is October 18th, and I’m guessing my is going to be amazing as well. Especially where I will be back in Vegas for my birthday.” Olivia said as we walked up to the gates. There was a short line to where passes were being administered.

“I’m not really worried about not being home for my birthday.” I shrugged. “I mean, I only have a few close friends, and I don’t really want a bunch of shitty people that I don’t like hanging around a party for my birthday. This is the best birthday present anyway. No better way to spend the summer before college starts in September.” I explained.

“Oh, what college are you going to?” Olivia asked.

“University of Nevada in Las Vegas.” I replied, smiling.

“You’re going to have to come visit then! I’ll be going into my senior year in September.” Olivia stepped up to get her pass, and I stepped up to get mine as well.

“Band name?” The guy at the table asked.

“Escape the Fate.” Olivia said.

The guy looked at me. “Paramore.”

“Names?” He asked.

“Olivia Radke.” Olivia blew her smoke out to the side as she spoke so that it wouldn’t go into the guys face.

“Audrey Williams.” I said, taking another drag of mine before dropping it on the ground and stepping on it. Olivia followed suit with hers, and held her hand out for her pass.

“Are we allowed to put out our merch tents, yet?” Olivia asked.

“Yeah, but you’re advised to wait until tomorrow to put merch up.” The guy said handing Olivia her pass, then handing me mine.

“Okay, thanks.” Olivia walked away, and I followed after her. “You wanna meet my brother, and the band?” Olivia asked. “I’m working merch for the summer, so I’m going to grab the tent and set that shit up tonight. I’ll be able to sleep later tomorrow.” She giggled.

“Um, sure. I’ll grab my merch tent as well. I’m working merch for Paramore all summer as well.” I followed Olivia back toward the buses. She lead me to her bus, and turned to look at me before she opened the door.

“You said you smoke weed, right?” She asked.

“Not directly, but yes I do. Why?” I asked.

“Because we’re going to smoke a joint before we go anywhere.” Olivia explained, giggling and punching in a code and opening the door.

“Sounds good. I have some weed in my bag I can throw in.” I said, following her into the bus. I could hear a Poison album playing in the background, and there was a slight, smokey haze in the air already. Robert Ortiz was sitting in front of his laptop at the kitchenette table. He looked up and smiled at Olivia.

“Hey Livi.” He said. “Who’s that?” He asked, motioning to me.

“This is Hayley Williams’s sister, Audrey.” Olivia said walking to the curtain that separated the bunks from the front. “Get your fuckin’ asses out here!” Olivia yelled. “And please, be fully clothed!” She quickly added, before looking over at me. “It’s amazing how many times they’ve actually come out in boxers for something. Like interviews or something. They come out half awake, in their boxers and don’t even care.” Olivia shook her head, reached into the cabinet, and got out a wooden box. She sat at the table, and I sat across from her. Together we trapped Robert in the middle. “You smoking, Robert?” She asked him.

“Hell yeah I am.” Robert closed the laptop, and sat back against the back of the bench.

Four guys filed into the front of the bus, and I smiled when I saw them. “Hey babe.” Max said walking over to Olivia, and kissing her cheek as she was breaking up the weed. I reached into my bag, and took out a small bud from the plastic bag, and placed it on the table. “Hi.” Max said smiling and waving.

“Hi.” I said smiling back.

“Guys, this is Audrey Williams. She’s Hayley from Paramore’s sister.” Olivia said, not looking up from what she was currently occupied with.

“I’m Max.” Max said smiling.

“Bryan.” Bryan stepped forward with his obnoxiously bleached hair, and shook my hand.

“I’m Omar.” Omar shook my hand as well.

Ronnie sat down next to me, and stuck his hand out. “Ronnie.” He said smiling.

“Nice to meet you all.” I said shaking Ronnie’s hand and laughing.

“So does your sister smoke pot too?” Bryan asked.

“Ha! No. She would prefer that I choose to live a little more like her. She doesn’t drink either. She’s really boring, actually. Unless you’re sober, and have no choice but to be sober as well. Then it kinda clicks as to why sober people act the way they do.” I shrugged.

“So you’ll be hanging out here a lot over tour then?” Ronnie asked.

“Maybe. If I’m not merch-bitch twenty-four seven all summer.” I laughed.

“Well we can help with that.” Ronnie said smiling at me.

I smiled back, and I could feel my face starting to flush a little.

“Alright. Somebody spark that.” Olivia said tossing a nicely sized joint onto the table, and pushing my bud back to me, completely untouched. I looked at the bud, then back at her, and chose to ignore that it was still there.

“Ladies first.” Ronnie said, picking the joint up off the table and handing it to me. I took my lighter out of my pocket, and put the joint in my mouth.

“Shouldn’t you be going first then Ronnie?” Robert laughed.

“Fuck you, man.” Ronnie said, flipping Robert off. I lit the joint and took a large hit, before holding it out to whoever wanted it next. Olivia pointed to Ronnie, and I blew the smoke out as he took the joint, and took a hit.

“So, where’s the merch tent?” Olivia asked. “I want to set it up tonight so that I don’t have to get up too early tomorrow morning.” She said, sitting back, and crossing her arms.

“Below the bus already.” Omar said, holding in the hit he just took.

“I’ll get it when Audrey and I leave then.” Olivia said, leaning her head on Max’s shoulder. He took the joint from Bryan, and took a hit.

“You want a rum and coke?” Ronnie asked, turning his head to look at me.

“You got any Jack, actually?” I asked.

Ronnie put his hand over his heart, and leaned back. “A girl after my own heart.” He said getting up. “Of course I have Jack Daniels.” Ronnie didn’t ask anyone else if they wanted anything to drink. Most of them already had a beer bottle or a red plastic cup already.

Two jack and cokes, and another joint later Olivia and I were on our way off the bus. I had to run over to my bus, grab the merch tent, and go set up. Hayley didn’t care about my state as much as I thought she would. I located the tent, underneath the bus, and lead the way to the venue to go set up. When we got there, most of the bands had already set up their tents as well, and lots of people in bands or on road crews were sitting around radio’s and coolers drinking and smoking. Hello, punk rock summer party camp.
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Thank you for the one subscriber! :D It seriously makes me all happy. I'm really into the idea of this story. Hopefully you guys are too. Feedback is always great. Updating soon.