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Bee and Temp

Chapter 2 - Out

Beatrice saw the castle for the last time through heavy, gluey, eyelids. The grey stone with it’s musty smell bounced away beneath her as she was carried by the young man through the winding hallways in the outskirts of the castle. He was obviously strong, thought Beatrice, noting the steady, even pace of his jog. Also, he must have been planning her heist for a while as he used each shortcut and passageway Beatrice knew. The man took care to place his leather-soled shoes just so they would not create a bit of noise as he carried the crown princess away into the lower, servant quarter of the castle.

Whenever footsteps or voices resounded in the halls in front of them, the man ducked through an open door or into an alcove, occasionally bumping Beatrice’s head against the wall. Beatrice saw the senior mistress and tried her best to scream as the young man pulled her behind a large statue of a lion but only managed a tiny squeek. He didn’t notice. Beatrice felt panic bubbling up inside her but squashed it down; panic killed strategy. She needed strategy, especially because none of her limbs worked and she couldn’t make a sound.
The senior mistress moved on and the young man hoisted Beatrice over his shoulder again; continuing to stick to unused hallways. Beatrice tried to place where they were in the castle, but since she had never been in the servant quarters she was lost immediately. The man must’ve known that, Beatrice thought despairingly.
While Beatrice was running through all the strategy she knew, the young man was slowing down. Beatrice had just discovered that she could twitch her pinky finger of her left hand when the young man roughly placed her just inside the doorway of a tiny corridor. He adjusted Beatrice so that she was in a sitting position and tied her hands and feet. Beatrice felt herself give over to red-hot fury as he tightened the bonds at her wrists. She tried her best to arrange her face into a terrifiying scowl. When he was satisfied that she was not able to move an inch, he collapsed opposite her against the wall. The corridor was narrow, so Beatrice’s kidnapper’s legs brushed against her own. He was breathing heavily. Beatrice inspected him for any clues as he took out a stout canteen and drank.
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Not completed! This is what was I had! :)