Status: updates will probably going to be slow due to the fact that im lazy comment and subscribe :D



Chapter 1
I’ve always known something was wrong with me ever since I was a kid strange things were always happening to me or around me. Like when I got angry my eyes would change to red and I would clench my fist and the kid I was angry at would start to choke and would end up in hospital or they would go flying into the air and usually knock themselves out I hated when this happened I never wanted to be a freak and certainly never asked for it but shit happens right.
I’ve had never had a friend in my life until I met Demi after I was expelled from one of my many schools she also had unusual experiences her parents had taken her to counseling and even a mental hospital but they haven’t found a cure. My name is Emily Skylar and this is my story.
Until I met Demi I was a horrible person I was alone and depressed I was always looking for a fight which always happened to find me I’m not one to hide, I’m more of the person to throw the first punch some how fighting is the only thing that seemed real in my life at the time and when I do fight they always deserve it especially if they are some idiotic girls I’m better at being nice to guys they are all less wound up in all that drama they just kick balls along a field or they get into a fight just like me but I wouldn’t go as far as to call them friends.
my mum died when I was seven and my dad is the one guy who I feel like killing when I was ten he dropped me on a doorstep of an orphanage and left me there all because he couldent handle I was a trouble maker also the fact that I had special talents. About two months after I was left at the orphanage I was adopted by demi’s parents who were looking for at least one normal child but when they found out about me they were about to send me back to the orphanage when they saw how much ive bonded with demi so they kept me at their house and even though I still wanted to create a fight I didn’t because I knew it would be the final straw and I would be homeless and friendless once again.
Im now in year ten with demi we still practice our talents but not as often as we used to but I know that I am very aggressive and anger is what triggers it so that’s why I need to keep my temper and just stand there thinking that they will get everything that’s coming to them because I believe in karma and it will bite you up the ass if you are not careful.
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short i know and spelling and grammar needs work but as it says in the description i will fix it when i get the chance
comment please and ill give you 1 million symbolic hugs for it :D