Status: Just Starting :) Comments Encourage <3

So Stunning, Start Running, Tonights Like A Knife Would You Cut Me With Your Kiss?


It was our first day of school.

I'm not going to bore you of the past week - it was mostly buying clothes that we saw people wearing at the mall, changing our hair, buying our new apartment and car and other necessities.

And signing up for school.

I had never been to school before, so I was nervous, to say the least.

I gulped again as I walked to my first class, art. I got directions from some security guards and finally found it. I walked in and took a random seat.

After sitting awkwardly in the chair, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I swiveled around to see a short, tan Asian boy standing there.

"Uh, you're sitting in my seat," he said.

"Oh - I apologize," I stood up abruptly, brushing some hair behind my ear. It was cut shorter and half dyed pink, the other half dyed black. The bangs were swept across my forehead and it was all in choppy layers.

I heard a laugh when I scrambled out of my seat, and turned to see a girl with curly black hair and very prominent cheek bones, which were so pink.

"Don't worry, there's an unassigned seat next to me," she said. "Come over here."

I did as I was told and sat next to her.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

She smiled, "No problem. My names Camille. You new?" I nodded. She quirked a very arched eyebrow. "Cool. You can sit with my friends and I during lunch, if you want."

"Okay," I replied. "Can my sister sit with us? She's new here, too. She's my twin sister," I added hopefully helpfully.

"Alright," she replied. "Cool."


At lunch, I found Ithica.

"We're going to sit by my friend, Camille," I told her. She raised her eyebrows.

"Are you sure it's safe?" she asked worriedly. I laughed.

"Of course it's safe. She won't murder us." She blushed. "Look - I know our whole lives we never had friends. But this is new. And friends seem incredible right now."

"You're right," she smiled. I looked over her face. I still couldn't get over her new shorter black hair, which was in choppy layers and swept across her forehead as well. We also went in and got her bottom lip pierced on either side.

We went to the cafeteria. I spotted Camille almost immediately, sitting at a round table surrounded by people.

"She's over there," I told Ithica, grabbing her arm. She raised her eyebrows at the iffy-looking group.

"Brooklyn!" Camille said once she's spotted me. "Pull up two chairs." We grabbed two chairs while her and another boy scooted farther apart to make room. "Guys, this is Brooklyn, the girl I was telling you about. And this is her twin sister - Lexine, right?"

Ithica cleared her throat, "Correct."

Camille raised an eyebrow at the proper word, but laughed it off. "Okay. Anyway, that's Rian," she then pointed at a boy with sparkly white teeth and long hair. "That's Alex." She then pointed to a boy with long, black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. I noticed that he was staring at me. "And that's Jack." She pointed at the lanky boy sitting next to Ithica. He had brown and blonde hair. "We have two other in the group. My boyfriend, Zack - but he goes to another school - and Rian's girlfriend Kara - but she's a few grades down."

"Hello," I smiled politely. "Nice to meet you."

The lanky one - Jack - let out a throaty laugh.

"What?" I asked him.

"You're so crisp and proper," he replied. I blushed.

"I was raised that way," I replied honestly.

"Yeah, well if you stick around with us, it'll go away," the one called Alex said. I looked at him and he gave me a smirk.

A kind of sexy smirk?

"I don't doubt it," I replied, smiling.

Lunch was amazing. Though we had "proper" accents, we got along well with everybody there.

"You guys seriously live alone?" Camille asked. I nodded. "You are so lucky!" I giggled a little.

"Why are you so shy?" I nudged Ithica, who blushed.

"Lunch is over," Rian said, scooting from his seat. We all got up and left the cafeteria.

"Hey." I looked over at the boy next to me. It was Alex.

"Uh, hey," I smiled, trying to get used of that word. I'd have to say it more than 'hello'.

"How you likin' Dulaney?" he asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I blushed.

"It's wonderful here," I answered truthfully.

"Really? I hate school," he answered.

"I wouldn't know," I shook my head. "I've been home schooled my whole life."

"You are so lucky," he chuckled. His voice was low and husky. I couldn't help but be attracted to this boy.

"I suppose," I nodded, walking towards my locker.

"Hey - I gotta go the other direction, but can I get your number?" We stopped. I nodded and he grinned, pulling out his phone and pressing a few buttons. I looked down at it.

I was still not used of technology, for we didn't use it in the castle except for the TV. I struggled to remember my new phone number, and typed it in slowly, hanging it back to him.

"Thanks. Catch you later?"

"Okay," I smiled back, before he walked off.
♠ ♠ ♠

So sorry this took so long to update! Ugh! I'm horrible!

Anywhore, I changed the character list a little. Now it's more fitting for the story. I created it when this was just an idea for me and I had a few different characters.

So...catch ya later!