Status: working on it

neverpiss off a vampire

Chapter 1

Raven's long blonde hair blew in the night air as she listened to the music that nature brought with the winf wether it was the sound of dogs howling or owls hooting.~the night is so peaceful i wonder why the humans fear it so much~ she sat there and waited for something anything to happen.
Eclipse smelled anther vampire she tilted her head and smirks"Hmmm fresh meat?."She giggled and followed the scent she appeared behind the other vampire and smirks "You know its dageruse to be out here alone human can pop out and try to atteck yout." She looked at the young vampire her eyes scanned over her body.
raven snapped out of her daz and looked at the wolf before her." a human would think twice before attacking me" A smirk came to her face as she watched the wolf what you see"
Eclipse giggled looking at her"I don't know human are getting stupider by the min. Beside I guess you really don't have to worry about human more or less of anther vampire."She sniffs the air"Hmmmm an AVL vampire?" Grins thinking this is going to make it all the more better
raven smirked to herself not all human are dim witted some know to stay away when they see a vampire she let out a low giggleI can tell we are on diffrent sides whenit comes to vampire rights, Do you wish we never came out the coffin and stayed in the shadows? she let a small sigh and waited for the game to begin
Elipse grin"Hardly coming out of the closet is the laset of my issue. I beleave in servivial of the fittest vampires should take back the world and not care what harms think."She stood there looking at the youngling " The avl try to use vampire as lap dogs they hid behind this so call powers when there just anther bitch to humans." She smirks
" then why don't you if your so powerful why not fight back"
A Breeze of wind flows across Raven as she gazes into the sky the moon shines along her long blonde hair." I'm the kind of person that doesn't play by the rules i just joined the AVL because my maker would have loved for me be a part of it"
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this is just the frist part wait till the next