Status: Completed!

Rebel Love Song

The Beginning

Today I finally had that shoot with Sammi that I’d cancelled the day Jules passed. I showered but didn’t bother drying it since the hair person would probably want to do something with it.

“Jake?” I knocked on his door. No answer. “Jakey?” I went in cautiously, fully prepared to jump back if I saw any ass. Okay that was a lie. He was completely passed out on the bed, mouth open like a little kid. I poked him in the back a few times and when that didn’t work, I went straight to the next tactic. I pulled out my phone, turned up the volume and then turned on Avenged Sevenfold’s “Scream.” He jolted up right when it sounded right next to his ear.

“Jesus Christ, what was that for?” He grumbled sleepily.

“I have a shoot today with Sammi. I left food for Lily in the fridge and there’s enough for you if you want some. I’ll be back around 3.” I tucked my phone back in my pocket.

“Okay. See ya later.” He faceplanted back into his pillow. I laughed softly and closed the door on my way out.

Half an hour later, I was in the makeup chair talking to Sammi. “So you wanna bone Jakey, is that it?” Sammi said nonchalantly. The makeup lady almost stabbed me in the eye with the eyeliner when I turned to look at her.

“Would you like to announce that to the rest of the world?” I grumbled.

“I think its cute. I mean, you guys live together anyway.”

“Yeah, and we’re supposed to be raising a five year old.” I reminded her.

“Your point being? That kid loves Jake.” She had a point. In the month that Lily, Jake and I have been living together, Lily has gotten so attached to him. I’ve gotten pretty attached myself.

“Lily comes first. I owe that much to Jules.” My eyelashes were sticking together from the amount of mascara on them. “So what’s the plan Sam?”

The shoot was relatively simple and for that I was grateful. Just basic modeling shots and then we were done.

I opened the front door to the house and dropped my keys on the table. I wanted nothing more than a nap and a makeup wipe to get all of this spackle off my face.

“Here comes the tickle monster!” I heard Jake yell. Two seconds later, a small child went sprinting past, a large man close on her heels. I watched as Jake caught her and started tickling her mercilessly. Lily was laughing her head off and so was Jake.

It was cute. When Jake had kids of his own one day, he’d be a great dad.

“Hey, unhand my munchkin!” I finally announced my presence. “So I can tickle her!” I took her out of Jake’s arms and started tickling her. Finally I let her go and she scampered off to her room.

“How was the shoot?” Jake asked, sitting on the couch next to me.

“Good. It was pretty simple.” My hopeless crush on him was getting worse and worse. He looked like he was thinking about something,

“Sammi and Jeremy want to take Lily for the night.” He finally said.


“So, um….” He ran one hand through his hair. “So I can take you on a date.”

“Was this your idea or theirs?” I had to know that question before I answered him.

“Them taking Lily was their idea. The date part was my idea.” He looks so cute, like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“Then I’d love to go.” I couldn’t keep the big beaming smile off my face.


“Really dude.” I grinned. “Now come on, my stomach’s growling over here. Have you and the munchkin eaten?”

“Yeah, we ate a little while ago.”

“Okay then, ramen noodles it is.” Those things are so bad for you and so salty, but they’re easy to cook and easy to eat. He sat and watched TV with me while I ate. Then I went in my room and called Sammi.

“Sup?” She said when she answered her phone.

“You set this whole thing up didn’t you?”

“What thing?”

“You asked how I felt about him so you could give him the go ahead.”

“Okay, you got me. So when are you guys going out?”

“I don’t know. Whenever you guys can take Lily.”

“Well, we’re home tomorrow night.” I tucked my phone against my shirt to muffle the sound.

“Hey Jake?” I called.

“Yeah?” He yelled back.

“Is tomorrow night good for you?”

“Yeah.” I picked up the phone again.

“Okay, tomorrow night it is.” I could hear the smile in my voice.

“Good. I’ll come get Lily whenever you guys are gonna go.”

“All righty. See you later.” I hung up and lay flat on my bed, trying not to squeal in happiness.