Status: Completed!

Rebel Love Song

Tripped By the Short Stop

Lily was at preschool, Jake and I were both home and we were bored as fuck. I was home for the first time in a few weeks thanks to a shit ton of shoots I’d been doing. I was just lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling when an idea suddenly bloomed in my head.

Since Jake had come up with our last date, this time it was my turn to think of something for us. I pulled on a clean t-shirt and jeans that weren’t completely tattered.

“Get dressed.” I said, sticking my head in Jake’s door. He was sitting on his bed with his laptop.

“Where are we going?” He asked.

“Don’t question me, just get dressed.” I winked at him and closed the door. I whistled for Trixy and hooked her up to her leash. Jake came out and I practically hauled him into the car.

“So where are we headed?” He was holding Trixy in his lap while I drove.

“The park.” I said, turning the corner.

“Cool.” He had a smile on his face. That’s probably one of my favorite things about Jake: he’s very low-key. I’ve dated guys who wouldn’t take me anywhere except an expensive restaurant. Now that’s nice and all, but it’s not spontaneous or fun.

In the park, there was a fenced off section specifically for dogs, so we let Trixy off her leash and settled in on one of the benches. I pulled my knees up to my chest and snuggled into Jake’s side. It was still pretty chilly even in the middle of February. He put his arm around my shoulders, the leather of his jacket creaking a little as he moved. We watched Trixy run around like a lunatic and play with the other dogs.

“We should have packed a picnic.” Jake said.

“There’s a KFC across the street.” I said, pointing to it.

“Works for me. You stay with Trixy, I’ll go get some.” He gave me a very brief kiss before heading off in the direction of fried chicken goodness. We’ve been getting a little more…hands on recently. Not as far in that direction as I’d like to go, but we’re getting there.

A few minutes later he came back with a bag and a cup of soda that we passed between us as we ate.

“Maybe this wasn’t the best idea for lunch.” I said, wiping my fingers on a napkin.


“Because now I have chicken breath and you’re not gonna wanna kiss me.” He handed me the cup of soda.

“Suck on an ice cube, that’s what I’m doing.” I swirled a little soda around my mouth and prayed my breath didn’t smell gross. “Now I believe you said something about me kissing you?”

“Mhm.” I grinned at him as he slipped one hand behind my head. I’d been sitting with my legs across his lap and now he lifted me into it so neither of us had to contort ourselves. I played with a piece of his hair while we kissed. We were in a public place so we had to keep things to a PG-13 level, although it was easy to tell neither of us wanted to.

“I think we need to go home.” Jake murmured, pulling away. The minute he said that, my Lily alarm went off on my phone. I had an alarm set for ten minutes before preschool ended so I could always be on time to get her.

“We have a child to go get.” I sighed. “Although…she usually knocks out right after we pick her up.”

“Off we go then! Trixy, come on!” He whistled for the dog and she came sprinting back to us. I got her leash back on and then we went to the preschool.

I walked into the room where all the parents came to get their kids. There were a bunch of moms standing around in here and most of them gave me a dirty look when they saw me come in. I’d taken off my hoodie so most of my tattoos were visible, not to mention the rings in my lip.

The only one who didn’t glare at me was a woman who was standing a little ways away from the rest of the herd of blonde clones in jewel tone track suits. This woman had mousy brown hair and was the kind of woman you’d pretty much overlook. But when she turned to look at me, I saw that she had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, except Andy’s. She gave me a small smile and I walked right past the clones to talk to her.

“Hi.” I said, a bright smile on my face.

“Hi. I’m Colleen.” She said.

“Sky. Which kid is yours?”

“Her name’s Avery.” She pointed at a redhaired girl with a mass of curls playing with Lily.

“That’s my niece Lily playing with her.”

“Filling in for her mom?”

“Permanently filling in for her mom. She passed away a few months ago.” God, do people have zero tact these days or is it just me?

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She actually sounded genuine. I was saved from answering that by a horde of children bearing down on us, looking for their parents. Lily leaped into my arms and I hightailed it out of there.

“Trixy!” Lily cheered, wrapping her arms around the dog’s neck.

“Don’t I get a hello?” Jake pouted.

“Hi Jakey.” Lily was too busy petting Trixy to really talk to him. Jake took her to tuck her in while I went into his room and flopped down on the bed. I felt so awkward, like I was trying to seduce him. So while I was waiting I went and brushed my teeth.

“The munchkin has been safely put down to nap.” He said when he came into his room. He lay down next to me. “Now, where were we?”

“Mm, somewhere about here?” I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. His tongue slid along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, glad that I’d brushed my teeth. He’d been chewing mint gum and I could taste it. I rolled to the side so he was lying flat on the bed and I was on top of him.

Things were getting hot and heavy fast and if there hadn’t been a five year old girl knocking at the door, I couldn’t tell you how far they would have gone.