Status: After like 2 chapters I'm going to be doing a sequel, I have some ideas but comment if you want to help. :)

You Make Me Feel Like...

First loves

George Weasley walked down the stairs and entered the common room as his twin brother Fred and his best friend Liz set off a couple of fire crackers. They flew straight for his head and he ducked just in time. George glanced quickly at the two sitting in front of the fire, each trying to conceal their giggles.

"Just what I needed, an early morning near death experience," George chuckled and sat between the two.

"Better than coffee," Liz giggled. George loved her laugh, it was magical and care free.

"Speaking of which, let's go to the Great Hall, I'm starving." Fred stood and rubbed his flat stomach.

"When are you not?" Liz stood and stretched her arms above her head. Her shirt lifted slightly and Fred saw a strip of skin before she dropped her arms. Fred loved Liz. She was beautiful, fun, and she cared for both George and him.

"Hello? Come on!" Liz was waving a hand in both of their faces. They seemed to have been temporarily Confuded. Liz loved them both; they were both such goofballs and not half bad looking. Liz grabbed each of their arms and led them into the Great Hall.

"Liz!" All three of them turned at the sound of Liz's name.

"Oh hey Cedric," Liz smiled at her long time crush.

"Diggory," the twins growled in unison.

"Liz, can I talk to you? In private?" Cedric asked nervously looking at the twins. Fred and George stayed planted firmly beside Liz.

"Guys?" Liz asked batting her thickly eye lashed lids at the boys. Fred and George sighed deeply and walked towards their usually seats by the other Weasley children, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.

"What does Cedric want with Liz?" Ron asked with his mouth full of food. Hermione rolled her big brown eyes at him as Liz came skipping towards them, a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Well?" Hermione asked. Liz leaned over and whispered quietly in Hermione's ear. As Liz pulled away both girls giggled and squealed, causing other Gryffindors to stare at them.

"What is wrong with you?" Ron groaned and covered his ears to block out the high pitch frequency.

"Cedric asked me out!" Liz and Hermione squealed again. Fred and George stared at Liz in silence. Cedric walked over and took Liz's hand, whispering softly in her ear. She nodded her head slightly and followed Cedric out of the Great Hall.

"Liz?" George called after her. Liz turned slightly and shrugged her shoulders before disappearing.

"Why would she want to go out with HIM?" Fred yelled.

"He's cute, a great Quidditch player, funny, sm...," Hermione started.

"Don't say smart, that guy has a head full of Doxie venom." George crossed his arms and glared at his half eaten toast. Suddenly Liz plopped down in between the twins, she was rubbing her knuckles which were bright red and speckled in blood.

"What happened?" Fred asked grabbing her hand.

"Malfoy caught me and Cedric trying to get into Herbology early and saw me holding his hand. He called Cedric a mudblood and called me a blood traitor, so I punched him. Pretty sure I broke his nose, and my hand." All the while Fred gently rubbed her hand, his long fingers gently gliding over her delicate skin.

"You sure you don't need to go to the Hospital Wing?" George asked concerned.

"I think I'll live," she winked and took a bite of his toast.

"It looks pretty bad." Fred squeezed her hand lightly and Liz yelped, tears welling in her eyes.

"That's it." Fred flung Liz over his shoulder and carried her out, George following close behind.

"Put me down or I'll hex you!" She yelled, gaining unwanted attention from a couple of second year Ravenclaws. She waved and flashed an awkward smile.

Finally Fred set her down on a bed and Liz looked up to see Madame Pomfrey walking towards her. Two beds over Draco Malfoy was lying down, a washcloth pressed against his nose. Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe, and Goyle circled around him.

"Here," Madame Pomfrey said as she waved her wand. Liz's hand stopped swelling and returned to its normal color. Draco glanced over and sat up straight.

"What are you blood traitors doing here?" He snarled. Liz got up so quickly no one knew what happened. Her hands knotted in his robes and she leaned in so close her nose almost touched his.

"Never call me or the Weasley's that name ever again." She threw him against the pillows and stormed out of the Hospital Wing.

"Liz!" The twins yelled as they ran after her. She walked straight into Professor Moody's classroom and took a seat in the back of the room.

"He just makes me so mad sometimes," Liz gripped her cherry oak wood wand tighter in her hand. She felt the phoenix feather within it vibrate, sensing her anger.

"Calm down Turner or you'll let off an accidental hex," Professor Moody snapped as he hobbled into the classroom.

"Wouldn't mind accidentally hexing Malfoy's face," Liz smirked. Fred and George both snickered as others began to file into the room.

"Mrs. Turner, since you wish to joke around you can be the first volunteer." Professor Moody pointed at her and then to the front of his desk. Liz got up cautiously and with a look at Harry, who just shrugged, she went and stood in front of Professor Moody.

"First we will start with the Crutiatis Curse."

Liz stiffened and the twins and Harry stood up.

"No!" The three of them yelled.

"Crucio!" Moody yelled and Liz fell to the floor in pain. She let out a string of curse words and then a blood curdling scream passed her lips. Everyone watched as if they were frozen. Blood dripped from her nose and from the corner of her mouth.

"Liz!" Fred finally screamed as George yelled, "Protego!" The spell rebounded and made Moody fall to the floor. Harry jumped over to Liz and held her in his arms. She was shaking and had broken out in a sweat.

"Breathe, just breathe," Harry assured her.

"Move Mr. Potter. And Mr. Weasley, thirty points from Gryffindor." He growled and watched as Harry slowly put Liz on the floor and backed away.

"Crucio," Moody said in a bored voice. This time Liz only whimpered and twitched.

"Liz!" A surprised voice yelled. Professor Moody hid his wand and walked towards the person.

"Just giving a lesson Albus." Harry ran at Liz and put his arm under Liz's knees and behind her back and lifted her up.

"Hospital Wing," Dumbledore instructed.

"Mr. and Mr. Weasley follow me," Dumbledore said looking right at Fred and George. Fred and George collected their bags and followed Dumbledore to the Hospital Wing. They started drifting towards the bed which was surrounded by Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Madame Pomfrey, but Dumbledore pulled them into Madame Pomfrey's office.

"What happened in class today?" Dumbledore demanded.

"Liz walked in early after coming from here and she was joking about hexing Malfoy. Moody came in and told her she was going to be a volunteer." George nervously looked over his shoulder, trying to see Liz.

"Why was she in here earlier?" Dumbledore asked folding his hands on the table.

"She punched Malfoy and broke his nose, which unfortunately caused her to break her hand," Fred explained.

"Albus, she's awake, and she's asking for them," Madame Pomfrey said pointing at Fred and George. They looked at their Headmaster, who nodded and ran for Liz's bed. Once they got there, Ron, Hermione, and Harry had been joined by Ginny, Luna, Neville, and Cedric.

"What are you doing here?" Fred and George asked in unison.

"Hermione told me she was here." Cedric was holding Liz's hand tightly, although she seemed to be trying to pull away.

"Fred? George?" Everyone turned to see Liz gently open her eyes and look around. She squeezed Cedric's hand and the twins and Harry tensed.

"What happened?" She asked rubbing her head with her free hand.

"You don't remember?" Harry asked who was closest to her at the moment.

"All I remember is saying I was going to hex Malfoy, and then there was this flash of green light. Next thing I know I woke up here," Liz looked around at everyone.

"You're lying," a dreamy voice exclaimed. Everyone turned to see Luna standing there. Her copy of the Quibbler rolled up in her hand.

"Why would I lie?" Liz asked a little nervously.

"As Harry brought you down here I had my special Quibbler issued glasses on." Luna held up a strange pair of glasses that looked like they were made out of feathers, with red lenses attached.

"I saw someone's essence leave your body. It was obviously Moody's because it was black." Liz looked at Luna in surprise rather than disbelief.

"Do you know what happens when someone uses that curse on someone?" Liz asked squinting her eyes in interest.

"They make people see things," Luna blinked slowly. Liz nodded, her eyes shifting towards Harry, but he looked as dumbfounded as everyone else.

"This isn't the first time this has happened, is it?" Professor Dumbledore asked as if coming out of nowhere.

"No." Liz shook her head sharply and ripped her hand away from Cedric. Fred smirked as George chuckled a little.

“Who?” Hermione asked with tears in her eyes.

“Voldemort,” she whispered. Everyone tensed and looked around as if expecting the dark wizard to materialize right in the room with them.

“When have you been around him?” George asked trying to get closer to her bed. Cedric shot him and look and shifted closer to Liz.

“First year. You don’t think Quirrell got a job without someone’s help, did you?” Liz frowned at her hands folded in her lap.

“He put me under the Imperius Curse and made me persuade Dumbledore to give him the job.”

“You did seem weird that summer,” Ginny commented. Liz now refused to look at anyone, her eyes glued to her lap. Cedric nudged her a few times, but the only people she allowed herself to look at after a couple minutes of contemplation were the twins. Fred walked up to one side of her and held her hand, letting their fingers intertwine. George followed his lead and held Liz’s other hand. Cedric and Harry both looked on in jealousy, as both of them had previously tried to hold her hands.

“Do you feel ready to leave?” George whispered.

“Yes, can you ask if I can?” Liz asked hopefully.

“Of course,” the twins smiled and kissed her on the cheek at the same time. Everyone was silent once they left. Cedric kept trying to whisper in her ear, but she would just shoo him away. George came back, his long legs carrying him quickly across the floor.

“You can leave, but Fred needs to stay because a Dungbomb accidentally went off in his pocket and burned his thigh pretty bad.” Everyone erupted into giggles as Fred lowered himself onto Liz’s now empty bed.

“Not funny,” he glared at them.

“It’s okay Freddie; I’ll be here all through your recovery.” She moved his shock of fiery red hair away from his forehead in a very motherly motion. Fred smiled kindly at her as George squeezed his brother’s shoulder.

“I’m gonna get some dinner, want anything?” She asked Fred.

“Can you get me chicken? Lots of chicken!” Fred clapped his hands excitedly.

“I’ll help,” George offered and they walked out together, Neville, Luna, Harry, Ginny, Cedric, Hermione, and finally Ron walking behind them slowly.

“Liz?” Cedric asked walking next to Liz.

“Yeah?” Liz asked as George casually draped his arm around her shoulders.

“Never mind, I’ll tell you later.” Then with that Cedric went and sat next to his friends at the Hufflepuff table. George and Liz loaded up a plate with chicken, rolls, and lots of deserts. They went back into the Hospital Wing and pulled up chairs besides Fred’s bed.

“Lots of chicken, just as you ordered.” Liz laughed. The rest of that night they ate and laughed and made fun of Fred for recklessly carrying his pranks in his pockets. At some point Liz fell asleep and George carried her back to the common room. He set her on a couch near the dying fire and when he was about to leave for his dorm. Liz reached out and grabbed his shirt. Pulling him into her. He sat next to her and held her in his arms as he lay down beside her. She molded into his body perfectly. He loved how warm she felt in his arms. Almost like she had been place in a microwave. He fell asleep next to her and before they knew it, it was morning.
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