Status: After like 2 chapters I'm going to be doing a sequel, I have some ideas but comment if you want to help. :)

You Make Me Feel Like...

The Yule Ball

Liz was pacing in her room. She had been doing the same things for three hours now. Hermione was going to the ball with Viktor Krum, Katie with George, Angelina with Fred, Ginny with Neville, and the Patil twins were going with Harry and Ron. Harry hadn't gotten the balls to ask Cho or Liz to the ball and now he was paying for it.

"Liz, the ball is in half an hour, get dressed!" Katie yelled from the bathroom. With a flick of her wand, Liz's curly blonde hair was pulled into a nice up do and she slipped on a white garter, so she could have a place for her wand. She slipped on her dress which was truly beautiful. It was silver, and sparkly, almost like she was wearing a waterfall. There was a slit up the side and stopped mid thigh. She put on her silver shoes and started on her makeup. She put on brown eyeliner, silver eyeshadow, black mascara, a little blush, and bright red lipstick. She looked in her jewelry drawer and put on a silver, chain link bracelet, a silver heart pendant George had gotten her for her birthday, and delicate silver chandelier earrings that Hermione picked up for her in Hogsmead. When the girls entered the room they all gasped.

"Liz, you look amazing," they all said.

"Thank you," she blushed.

"Cedric is going to love you in this," Hermione said flicking one of her earrings.

"Well, best not to leave pour guys waiting," Liz smiled and slipped her wand in the garter. They walked down the stairs and stopped when they saw the boys. Fred and George looked equally handsome in their matching dress robes. Harry looked messy although he always did. Ron looked like mold was growing on his dress robes. Neville looked so cute Liz wanted to squeeze his cheeks. Cedric looked down right hot! She wanted to jump him right then and there. Nobody looked at their dates, they were all transfixed and Liz descended the steps. Cedric stepped forward and stared at her with an open mouth.

"You look beautiful," he smiled. As they walked by George he leaned forward.

"Save me a dance," he whispered and winked. Liz blushed and walked into the Great Hall with Cedric. Everyone stared at Liz when she entered and Liz smirked. When they walked passed Viktor Cedric's arm tightened around Liz's waist. Viktor's eyes traveled over Liz's body, until Liz flashed him her wand. He looked away and faced Hermione.

"May I have the champions and their dates on the dance floor for the first dance please?" Dumbledore asked. Liz, Cedric, Viktor, Hermione, Harry, one of the Patil twins, Fleur, and some Ravenclaw boy walked to the center of the floor. Music started and the four couples started dancing. By the end of the song everyone was transfixed by Cedric and Liz. They moved like liquid, never moving a beat. Another slow song started and Cedric looked at Liz expectantly.

"I believe someone owes me a dance," George said snaking an arm around Liz's shoulders.

"Go ahead, I promised Cho a dance," Cedric snapped and walked off. George pulled her on the dance floor and pulled her against his Beater tone chest.

"You look really beautiful tonight," he whispered in her ear. Because she was wearing heels he didn't need to bend down.

"You don't look half bad either," she smiled up at him.

"Sweetie, I look this good everyday," he said spinning her around and then bringing her back into his arms.

"I beg to differ. I remember a certain day you came to breakfast, face black with soot, and eyebrows gone. I did a pretty good job growing them back," she smiled tracing his eyebrows with her thumb. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away from his face.

"Inventing day, didn't end well," he smirked.

"You are so beautiful," he sighed.

"I think we both established that we look good," she giggled.

"I want to kiss you," he said leaning towards her. Liz put a hand on his chest and he grabbed it, his fingers intertwining with hers.

"My turn," a voice laughed and George was replaced with Fred.

"Hello," he smiled.

"Hi," she smiled back.

"Do you regret that day in the library?" He asked.

"I'm not sure," she sighed looking at the floor.

"It's a simple yes or no answer. Do you regret letting me kiss you?" He whispered because Cedric was only ten feet away.

"No," she said firmly.

"Now, I'm going to kiss you. Don't say anything," he said as she opened her mouth. "And I know if you let me then you have feelings for me. And I'm willing to wait for you. No matter how long that takes." He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him back and a moment later they were apart.

"I love you," he said putting his forehead on hers.

"My turn again," Cedric smiled and grabbed Liz's hand.

"So I think tonight was successful," he smiled.

"Yeah, it was." Cedric pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Perfect end to a perfect night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like this one. I've been waiting forever to write it! I love how Fred just comes out and says I want to kiss you! Lol, I thought it was funny when Liz talked about George's eyebrows. Please comment and subscribe! No silent readers! :P