Status: After like 2 chapters I'm going to be doing a sequel, I have some ideas but comment if you want to help. :)

You Make Me Feel Like...


Liz was walking towards the Great Hall when someone bumped into her. She looked up and rolled her eyes as Viktor walked beside her.

"You were beautiful last night," he whispered.

"I know," she smirked. Viktor laughed as they entered the Great Hall and Cedric, Harry, and Fleur glanced at them.

"Finally, now we can explain the task," Dumbledore smiled.

"The second task will happen two weeks from now. You will need to find something to help you breathe underwater, and you may only use your wands. You will hae to recover something that we have stolen, although you won't know what until you find it."


The next day Liz walked into the Great Hall for breakfast and Viktor whistled at her retreating backside.

"I'm am sick of you Viktor Krum! Why don't you just drop dead!" Liz screamed and everyone went silent. Liz was standing in between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables. Viktor stood up from the Slytherin table and stood at the end of the long aisle where Liz was standing.

"Whta did you say?" He asked.

"Drop... dead," she said slowly. He growled and rached for his wand. Dumbledore started to stand, but Igor Karkoff, headmaster of Durmstrang, stoppped him.

"Let them work it out."



Viktor's spells ricocheted and blasted through a window.

"Stupefy!" Liz screamed and Viktor went sailing into a wall.

"Confringo!" Viktor smirked as a jet of fire flew at Liz.

"Aguamenti!" The fire was put out and Liz was soaking wet. Her shoulders rising and falling as she panted.

"Getting tired?" Viktor teased and the Slytherin's and boys from Durmstrang laughed.

"Nope," Liz smirked.

"Crucio!" He yelled. Liz froze, her eyes blank. She heard people gasp, and suddenly she was on the floor. Unbearable pain shooting throughut her body. People screamed as she et out a shriek. Through all the pain she saw Vikto advance on her. With a deep breathe she summoned all the strength she had left and remembered something Proffesor Lupin taught her.

"Diffindo!" A large rip was sounded and Viktor lost concentration. Liz took a deep breathe as Viktor staggered back, a large cut, bleeding in his chest. Liz tried to get up and fell, her legs feeling like jelly. Viktor raised his wand as Liz finally stood. Not knowing what to do Liz jumped forward and pressed her lips to his. People were silent as they watched her. She could literally hear Cedric grinding his teeth. Liz pulled away and Viktor looked at her stupidly.

"Like that?" She asked.

"Yes," he grinned. Liz leaned forward as if to kiss him again, but kneed him between the legs. He gasped and held his crotch before falling to the floor. She glared at the Slytherin table and they all looked away. Liz glance down at Viktor before kneeling so her lips were at his ear.

"Scum like you deserves what's coming to him." Although she was whispering, her voice bounced around the empty room. Everyone had heard what she had said. She carefully stood up and limped towards the door. She stopped for a second to catch her breathe and she heard people cheering. She turned around and everyone was on their feet clapping, except the Slytherins. Cedric ran up to her and picked her up bridal style.

"Awesome job, although not to fond of the kissing thing," he smiled. Liz smiled at everyone then allowed Cedric to take her to the Hospital Wing.
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So here it is. The next chapter will be a lot better I promise. Rate, subscribe and comment. No silent readers please!