Status: After like 2 chapters I'm going to be doing a sequel, I have some ideas but comment if you want to help. :)

You Make Me Feel Like...

The Graveyard

"The rise of the Dark Lord?" Liz asked as she backed away towards Harry.

"Yes, the rise of the Dark Lord," the cold voice rang out again. Only now did Liz realize that Pettigrew was holding a small, squishy, alien like thing covered in robes. He dumped the baby a cauldron that had appeared out of nowhere. He dropped in a wand and headed towards Harry with a knife.

"What are you doing?" Liz asked as he cut Harry's arm.

"Blood of the enemy," he smiled and cut her forearm. Liz hissed and fell against a headstone, clutching her arm. He dropped the knife in the cauldron and steam hissed. Suddenly something rose from the cauldron and Lord Voldemort stepped forward.

"Ah," he smirked. Liz gasped and looked towards Harry who looked just as surprised.

"Ah, Harry, Liz," he sneered.

"Tom Riddle," Liz smirked slightly. Voldemort glared at her and walked towards her as Death Eaters started appearing.

"What did you call me?" He asked taking her by the throat.

"Don't touch her!" Harry yelled The statue had released him and he grabbed his wand.

"Why do you want me? I gte Harry, but why me?" Liz asked.Voldemort dropped her and smirked.

"You will prove very powerful when you are older, and I can't have that," he sneered.

"Now, let us deul," he said to Liz and Harry. The two teenagers looked at each othe in surprise.

"Bow," he said and forced them to bow.

"Avada Kedavra!"


This came from Harry.

"Get Cedric's body and get close tot he cup," he whispered. Liz nodded and ran at Cedric's body. Tears fell down her face as she lugged Cedric's body close to the cup.

"Go!" Liz shouted and Harry launched himself at the cup. They both touched the cup and felt that slight tugging again. They heard cheering and Harry looked up. Everyone was smiling and cheering at them. But one noise drowned out everything. Everyone became quiet as they heard Liz scream.

"No!" She screamed as she cried over Cedric's body.

"He's back! Voldemort's back!" Harry yelled. Suddenly Cedric's father ran down the steps and took Cedric away from Liz. Liz crumpled on the ground, her face in her hands. Harry felt tears travel down his face as Liz cried.

"No!" Liz screamed again.

"He's dead!" She screamed and everyone gasped and started talking at once. Liz never saw Moody drag Harry away, she never saw Dumbledore trying to calm the children, she never saw Amos Diggory storm away from his son, she never saw Fred and George hurry towards her, she never saw the bright red sparks of mourning. All she saw was Cedric's surprised face as Peter Pettigrew killed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy. This one made me cry even harder. Comment, rate, and subscribe. No silent readers!